seriously what does any of this shit even mean??? :stalin-stressed: InfraHaz, more like InfraHaz Never Gone Outside In His Entire Life
He kinda had this thing about people who knew how to write, from what I remember
Kinda telling that the biography on there has a single sentence that is supportive of him that amounts to “some people liked him” and then 3 paragraphs detailing a bunch of absolutely heinous stuff he did/oversaw.
Bad -the Khmer Rouge was propped up by China's really bad (anti-USSR) foreign policy in that era that was the result of the Sino-Soviet split, and then later were endorsed by the US and China as the representative government for Cambodia at the UN until 1991.
At the most charitable interpretation, fucking useless as the rest of his central leadership. A neo-feudalist monarch who decentralized his power so much his nouveau aristocracy didn't give a fuck about him and enacted their own insane ethnic cast systems and engaged in rampant ethno-genocide following their eugenic pseudoscience based off of national chauvinism.
Dude genocided his own people like it was an olypmic sport. Pol Pot can get fucked.
So, um, hypothetically speaking, how might one find this group of giant buff poly leftist ogre women? Asking for a friend.
I could tell that Haz was going to become like this given enough time. It's pretty funny seeing how right the guys on /leftypol/ were about how "socially conservative" communists are under no circumstances trustworthy individuals.
Real 4chan brained, lol
I didn't even know who he was until that "fastest mario" tweet got posted here. I refuse to read anything else about him :what-the-hell:
I didn't think anyone took him seriously, but there was a huge split on /leftypol/ over this and mentioning him earned you a permanent ban for a few months.
I thought he was just a lolcow but apparently there are people who tune into his 8+ hour streams (Haz aren't you in law school, wtf?) and take him seriously and think he is a real communist?
I mean, people dislike Maupin but Maupin actually has been politically active for a loooong time but what do people even see in Haz!?
the fastest mario guy is a more conventional unhinged chud
Ah yes, I do so love the communal ogre harem :shrek-troll:
hella nah
real hello fellow kids shit, this guy is clearly irredeemable
Bit idea: A chud that's mysoginist and transphobic, but they always use the correct pronouns
fires off hard t's but somehow gets neopronouns down the first time every time
you're just describing the only people I've gamed with consistently for the last decade
If ogres are 5/10 this guy must be like :awooga: when he sees a goblin.
Hes the guy who plays a shortstack goblin in d&d and calls them "gobbos"
I remember when he made an account here. It was pathetic as you would expect.
He kept shilling his shitty videos lol.
I watched one, him and some white radlib were having a disagreement/debate on POC self determination and racism, both of them talked absolute nonsense, then somehow Stalin came into the conversation, and yeah.
Biggest :jesse-wtf: moment ever
I think it was @infrared, but I can't seem to find it now. Might have been permanently deleted.
Help! 5/10 leftist e-girls are forcing me to recite Qu'est-ce que la propriété ? while using their communally owned ogre pussy!