I really like this article!

Secondly, unitary theory redefined the terms of gender oppression in a way that places the ultimate blame on the bourgeoisie (a group that I, in my entry-level research job, definitely do not belong to, with none of the grey area associated with my maleness). I now understand the ways in which working-class men benefit from oppressing women as analogous to the ways in which scabs benefit from strikebreaking. The gains are undoubtedly real on an individual level but are not representative of workers’ ultimate class interest in either scenario. This allows for meaningful solidarity across gender lines.

  • Raebxeh
    1 year ago

    I really enjoyed reading this. Getting rid of black and white thinking about my own gender is something I need more work on. And I think the part about leaning on a binary view of victimhood requiring an identification with the victimized identity to be very poignant.