Like... All of them. Most games have terrible fandoms.
The Pokemon fandom is pretty ugly. Really don't like how they sexualise the underage characters :kombucha-disgust:
As for general chud-ness I'd say Ark Survival Evolved has a really toxic community. The Chinese servers are better at playing the game than the English speaking ones, so when they migrate to an English server they dominate it. The result is some REALLY bad racism towards Chinese players and China in general. The game is a lot better if you can find a publicly owned sever with good mods and 0 tolerance for bullshit.
:libertarian-approaching: "AKSHUALLY the age of consent is lower in Japan offputting heavy breathing"
It's a great game if you can find nice people to play with. I have a lot of fond memories about playing it when it was still in alpha/beta. I still remember the other people in the server very patiently helping me when I had no idea what I was doing.
I like the dragon age community a lot. I think games with unavoidable LGBT content tend to be decent.
Maaan I remember people complaining about Dragon Age having PoLiTiCs
Then they doubled down each game. Everyone was bi in DA2 and in DAI one of the best quests was about a gay mans relationship with his father. And while they went back to having straight people in DAI there were also homos which was pretty :elephant-pog:
People who play Overwatch suck. They all seem to think they should win most of their games even though that's not how multiplayer games work. If they don't roll the other team immediately they start getting mad and start blowing up the chat. The best experience is to disable both text and voice chats. It really hurts the game because you kinda need to discuss strategy and stuff but the community is too toxic. Pretty much every game has leavers because they ragequit when they don't win immediately. I used to play TF2 a lot and people got mad but it didn't seem as common as it does in Overwatch. If you get a small group of people to regularly play with and don't get mad, then it's an okay game..
I love toxic Starcraft fans. They are the linchpin of my take every expansion on the map into lose my main because I spent nothing on army into my opponent stops playing to accuse me of hiding pylons into drowning them in 10 bases worth of production strategy.
Nah Blizzard fans are toxic. I played enough WoW to know.
I second overwatch. I remember one time I was playing a healer and got one shot by a hail-mary cross-map scatter arrow and my whole team started FLIPPING OUT at me. I had to go afk cause I was laughing too hard at the absurdity of the situation. Not only getting killed by such random bullshit, but my team acting like there was anything I could do about it.
They all seem to think they should win most of their games even though that’s not how multiplayer games work.
I see this in so many multiplayers, it's mindboggling. Like, statistically you're gonna loose at least half of all games -- how is that not the default expectation?
Victoria 2: Unironic monarchists
Hearts of Iron 4: Unironic Nazis
Stellaris: Edgelords whose favorite game feature is the genocide button
Stellaris has communism under fanatical equalitarian and only allow it with democratic goverments...
The weirdest think about the CK community is that it seems like a lot of them have a better understanding of just what absolute pieces of shit aristocrats and royals are than liberals do. Probably because the game shows you what inbred failchildren they all are, and how it's always some aristocrat fucking up your plans of building a cathar empire that stretches from the Baltic to Mali to Tibet.
That and the game is basically the longest "The Aristocrats!" joke in history.
I unironically think that PDX games helped radicalized me. Part of liberal politics is divorcing politics from power. Thinking about things in terms of people, values, faith, anything besides material analysis is part of its foundation.
PDX games were my first exposure to "thinking like a politician." I realized that IRL politicians were looking at politics the way I looked at grand strategy, because the incentives were the same. Money, status, power, glory.
Part of being good at those games is literally applying material analysis to political situations. I think that helped me once I was finally ready to accept socialist ideas.
I've tapered off over the last year (surprisingly, with lockdowns) but I used to play a lot of Rising Storm 2. While it was fun to play, you always had people doing either shitty racist Vietnamese accents on the North or you'd have outright "Platoon" and "Full Metal Jacket" performances on the mic. Before then I played Rising Storm/Red Orchestra and of course any game where you can play the Nazis is a game that will have problematic fans.
Before then? I played Counter Strike/Source. Hoo boy. If you know, you know. If you don't know - well, it was an awful vulgar shitty place. Sometimes you'd stumble upon a chill space and everyone had fun. But there was always dickheads waiting in the wings.
And in the way way old times? Battlefield 1942 mod called "Forgotten Hope." I used to go and troll the nazi servers. They would cheat in extra tanks because of course they did, sore ass loser motherfuckers. If anyone remembers "CCCP Proletariat" with stars between the USSR acronym circa 2004 that was me.
Lmao as soon as I saw this post I immediately thought of rising storm 2
when i play rising storm two, i love to rile the chuds up when vietnam wins and say shit like "just like in real life"
Upvoting for Forgotten Hope, that was my shit for forever. It was also around the time I started going left, and would always play soviet when it was available
I'd like to think we crossed paths a few times back in those days. Cheers comrade.
Was trying to remember my handle and if I could recall yours, but it’s been too long. I think there’s a great chance we did, so good to see you again, comrade :stalin-heart:
Dark Souls fandom reminds me of this. While FFXI took the wrong lessons from Everquest and touted it's grind and punishing gameplay as a selling point, Souls difficulty was apart of the world building. Something that went totally over the heads of the fandom. They saw the difficulty in these games as the main hook and selling point of the franchise, and good luck if you think the games are too hard, because like XI's community, the Souls community will dog you for not "getting good".
Metal Gear, the games usually have a decent message about war being bad and the military being untrustworthy but the fanbase is filled with US military worshipping chuds.
Yeah that's why I said some, there are some cool CK fans too
That's probably why I enjoy CK2 way more than any other Paradox games, which imo are mostly mediocre. (Victoria 2 is fun but I eventually got bored of it)
Team Fortress 2 has shown up here a few times.
-more than a decade ago, item farmers were punished when idling exploits were fixed by having their ill-gotten items confiscated. Valve, being the :galaxy-brain:s they are, rewarded non-exploiters with angel halo hats- which resulted in anyone wearing it to get immediately banned from certain servers, if not verbally harassed.
-pyro is an lgbt punching bag
-Competitive player shouted the Gamer word at a convention and harassed anyone that called him out.
-Valve discouraging people from modding their game by disabling mod usage across the board and people STILL defending the company. the game's entire "mannconomy" would collapse if everyone just switched to downloading anything they want, but Valve has succesfully conditioned an entire generation of crypto nerds.
I'm sure there's more that could be mentioned, but those seem to stick out.
i love rimworld to death but yeah there is a disturbing undercurrent of people that use it as a fascist deathcamp simulator. now with ideologies it can be even more fascist. plus side is now i can do communist and anarchist runs.
Is ZUN explicitly leftist? I'll be honest, I've played a fair amount of Touhou but have never really interacted with the story or fandom.
saying lol and dota are both equally toxic is the horseshoe theory of video game discourse
i dislike league's playerbase more, they tend to give up on games the moment something doesn't go their way and tend to just be passive aggressive nerds when trying to be toxic. dota players will just send a death threat to my mum, which is mostly more amusing than anything because I have no relation with any of my pub teammates, though I can get why some people would find it more stressful.
World of Tanks and to a lesser extent, World of Warships. World of Tanks has an insanely toxic community, lots of people attacking other people just because they made a mistake in battle, a battle and a mistake that nobody will ever remember after. The South American community in particular is filled with pieces of shit, edgelords and general shitty people. We even had an undercover pedo in our old group back in the day, that was also an insane transphobic piece of shit... another dude from Mexico that was part of our group was caught smelling unused underwear from his female coworkers (how? I'll never know) and actually called for the "execution of narco-students" such as the one that occurred in 2014. I met a few bunch of good fellows, some of which ended up being Communists and even Anarchists, so it's not ALL too bad but yeah. World of Warships has a better community, still filled with white cringe-ass gringo boomers, some of which even refuse to play with russian ships because "BACK WHEN I SERVED IN THE NAVY WE KNEW THE SOVIETS HAD WORSE SHIPS THAN US SO [INCOHERENT RAMBLING]", many MAGA chuds (they have a full clan of them) and so on. I've been looking a new clan for me, visited a number of discords and holy shit they're filled with chuds and hogs. There is also toxicity among the community for players choosing to play, for example, aircraft carriers but you can just tell them "cringe" and move on.
Hearts of Iron II, III and IV. We all know this by this point, IV has a huge chud problem. II and III not so much, they're older games and hogs don't play them too much, still, back in the day, you would find a shitton of fascists writing "HOW GERMANY COULD WIN WW2 VERSION 9000000" AARs in the forums, pure clean wehrmacht shit. "Let's take the fight against Communism but magically we don't commit genocide".
STALKER. This game has a number of typical g*mers. Since ANOMALY came out the game has filled itself with pretty shitty people, but I did find a couple of good folks. The average modern stalker gamer seems to target a specific character in the ANOMALY lore that is called "Hip", it's a female stalker. She is hated by some people, for no apparent reason other than "women bad and women forbidden in zone", fucking incels. It's not too bad other than that, you still have the occassional chud here and there.
I was expecting an insanely shitty community in Project Reality for Battlefield 2, but I found out that these are pretty mature people and are generally chill or willing to help out those that are newbies. There was a guy that kept saying (not writing, saying with his own voice) the N word with hard Rs as the match ended and he got yelled at by literally everyone who called for his immediate permaban, and he was permabanned. That felt nice.
Dark Souls has a pretty shitty community as well, the "git gud lmao" meme is old and they use it to attack people who just want to enjoy the series but in an easier difficulty, because why not?
"Freelancer " was the best "spacegame" I ever played , and now it has mutated into some Star citizen MLM Sheme or whatever... but they could have just made freelancer 2 , hell 3-5 , if their toxic fans would not be such morons keeping this grift going..
Also , if you follow closely ,.. the Storyline is just pure amazing - Rhineland (Germany ), Kusari (Japan) , Liberty (USA) and Bretonia (perfidious Albion) has lost the War and got send of into exile into the Sirius Sector - ...
Earth is Fine ! Communism Won !
guess i gona have to watch Titan AE
Titan A.E. ist ein US-amerikanischer Science-Fiction-Zeichentrickfilm von Regisseur Don Bluth und Gary Goldman. Im englischsprachigen Original werden die Hauptfiguren von bekannten Schauspielern wie Matt Damon und Drew Barrymore gesprochen.
everspace 2 is shaping up to be the successor to freelancer, check it out
starsector is amazing too, but different sort of combat, but defo the best space sim i ever played
War Thunder - The player base is really toxic, lots of talking down to arcade players, lots of racism, but there have been absolutely incredible moments where people in various militaries will leak classified documents just to get a change implemented for their favorite tank or whatever.
Stellaris and HoI4 - Both have a fascism problem. Probably a problem across all Paradox GSG's but those are the only I've played.
Wargame/Steel Division - Fascism.
Remember when we learned that the Super Smash Bros scene was full of sex predators? Genuinely made me think that Sakurai had it right all along when he wanted to discourage competitive play. Smash in general seems like it almost exclusively attracts the worst members of the FGC - I can't think of that game without thinking about the time two players on Bayonetta fucked around and wasted everyone's time during a grand final, or all the undeserved hate Hungrybox gets for playing Jigglypuff, or the time Evo was won by a fourteen year old kid because MrWizard made the rules include items (though that one's kinda funny).
skullgirls got me into fgs, but there's a world of difference between SG players and skullfans