People who've never seen a pond in their rear view mirror don't understand the struggle
mixed up her wets and her dries, rookie mistake
you'd think a shipping mogul would know better
Yeah, you can't be having your wets getting dry, or dries getting wet like what happened here.
I learned recently that Drew Toothpaste stole that account from a trans woman and fucked over all the people that made stuff like that very image. The posts aren't as good lately and half of them are hawking shirts and mugs, that's why.
Always felt bad for the kid that was afraid of going in the sub and his fuckin dad pressured the shit out of him into doing it
He's about the only sympathetic character in that whole ordeal.
Oh for sure, just I sympathize with having a shithead father forcing you do stuff your gut says is wrong.
pressured the shit out of him
Less literally than the ocean though
I don't even hate the fact that it used a controller (if what I heard is correct, imperialists also take design influence for fighter jets from game controllers), but the only controls for the submarine used FUCKING BLUETOOTH? Not a single emergency hard wired controller?
Hexbear reactions to such events are honestly so refreshing. Keeping me sane.
Main reason I'm here. Back when this was a subreddit and COVID was starting, it was real nice having a place I could go where people were reacting like normal people.
Curious. I backed my car up earlier and it was super easy. Didn't drown, didn't need to break a window to save myself. Maybe I'm just infinitely smarter.
during a gold rush, don't be a gold miner, be a not-drowning-in-ponds-advice seller
Making a three point turn in a newer model x requires tapping on a touchscreen to shift between drive and reverse.
There's also an optional "smart" feature that's supposed to automatically switch into either drive or reverse but because it uses cameras and not ultrasonic sensors shadows often confuse it.
newer model x requires tapping on a touchscreen to shift between drive and reverse
you have got to be kidding me. how the fuck do people tolerate this garbage
If you got the time to watch a video on it, it's from a stan but despite his praise (well mostly) it's a pretty good demonstration of how absolutely ridiculous it is now.
Either swiping on the side of the screen, relying on a beta feature that doesn't work well, or touching essentially hidden capacitive "buttons" that by default aren't lit.Edit: this is for the 2021 model S but the 2021+ model X works the same way.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
tapping on a touchscreen to shift between drive and reverse
ho-ly-shit lmao
Yeah I'm not gonna mourn her passing and from context clues she was probably a little drunk. But Tesla still "innovated" out the physical shifter making this sort of thing an inevitability.
billionaire shipping industry CEO, tragically drowned in a pond
Well I'm sure she didn't leave her wealth in a place that it could be reclaimed by the people. So it's a tragedy of estate laws.
one fire department crew arrived on the scene 24 minutes after getting a call.
So she was already long dead
Efforts to resuscitate Chao began immediately with paramedics attempting to revive her for 43 minutes.
Only billionaires get this treatment
The Virgin Angela Chow: "Help, I, a billionaire, am drowning in my Redditmobile, gurgle gurgle" wastes hours of firefighter and paramedic time and resources. Waterlogged corpse gets dunked on.
The Chad Aaron Bushnell: "I will no longer be complicit in genocide, free Palestine" wastes hours of Israeli embassy security and US police time and resources. Immortalised in flames, gets vigils from China to Lebanon.
So she was already long dead
Isn't the cybertruck nominally kind of waterproof or something? I mean even your average car takes a while to sink and fill up with water, I could imagine the cybertruck holding out shittily but survivably for a good, I dunno, 20 minutes or so?
capitalists will sell
you the rope you'll hang them withthemselves the tesla they'll drown themselves inI know someone died but it's a capitalist in a bazingamobile, I can't help but laugh
This makes 6 billionaires in the past year who were killed by water. Has Poseidon joined the cause of the proletariat?
Don't forget the US SEAL that was knocked off the ladder a couple months ago and the second SEAL that decided to do a 1000IQ play and jump into the ocean at night after the first one.
its like a bell curve you're safe when your unvaxxed or overvaxxed
just do the opposite of what Fauci tells you and you're good
I’m laughing about this like
laughed when Ruth Bader Ginsburg died
His joker laughing reminds me of my own maniacal breakdown. Back in 2020 when it was looking increasingly clear that Bernie was going to get ratfucked, I was getting drunk in a discord call with some friends. I randomly saw that fucking picture of Brandon's exploding eye. And I just fucking lost it. Laughing hysterically, unable to breathe or move or think. All I could choke out was "we're all gonna fucking die". I guess we're all allotted one of those moments in our lifetime.
Jesus fucking Christ. I don't know how I never saw that before. Hahaha