
  • You look really good like a photoshoot model in the sun

  • Infinite hair style options

  • Can wear it up or down depending on your mood

  • Keeps your head and neck and ears warm when it's cold

  • Can be masc or fem or both or neither at your whim

  • Smells nice when you wave it around

  • People like touching it if you want them to and it feels nice



It's a tough choice tbh

  • ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]
    6 months ago


    • why the fuck is it still wet

    • need like twice as much shampoo/conditioner/etc as everybody else, don't even bother trying to dye it

    • gets caught on things like door handles, etc

    • wife sometimes lays or sits on it by accident, I sometimes lay or sit on it by accident

    • brushing my hair now takes half an hour because I have to empty the brush of stray hairs after every brushstroke

    • I shed like a motherfucker and now my house is strewn with long bronzeish hairs somehow

    • always finding its way into my face or my mouth, somehow

    • actually kind of heavy, sorta weighs on my skull

    • sweaty

    • people always want to touch it which requires some boundary setting

    • too much for a bun probably, and a ponytail still getd in the way


    • pwetty
    • KittyBobo [he/him, comrade/them]
      6 months ago

      -just leave the towel on my hair while I game.
      -i get all my shampoo for free because I steal things.
      -i once got it caught on a conveyor belt but i quit that job the same day so whatever.
      -i live alone.
      -just let it be wild and matted like nature intended, people will think you've been having sex and won't try to proposition you.
      -the fact that i shed is everybody else's problem.
      -skill issue.
      -skill issue.
      -i don't sweat, that's gross.
      -i occasionally get compliments from old ladies but people instinctually know not to touch me.
      -that's a you problem for trying to tame a wild mane.

      • ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]
        6 months ago

        I'm kind of being unfair :)

        Other Pros:

        • if you stopped cutting it when you started transition then it's a 1:1 representation of how long you've been Gender®

        • literally gorgeous, shines like silk in any light

        • free happiness whenever you see it

        • can cover boobs crush

        • infinite free compliments

        • can bother your significant other by whipping it around

    • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
      6 months ago

      I had great success dying mine with Garnier olia despite the gargantuan amounts of shampoo and conditioner it absorbs

  • CommunistBear [he/him]
    6 months ago

    If you're anything like me:

    Cons -It's always up at work and after a while you question why you even bother with all the maintenance

    • Infamousblt [any]
      6 months ago

      This is exactly me yeah. I love how it looks when it's down but it's so much work that I always have it up.

  • Red_Eclipse [she/her]
    6 months ago

    It is a tough choice tbh!

    After covid started I stopped bothering to get a haircut and let my hair grow all the way down to my butt. People compliment me on it and stuff but it's actually kinda bothering me in a sensory way. It's always getting in the way, getting tangled, so then I tie it up in a bun, but then that bothers my scalp sometimes, and then it's a pain to wash and dry it and brush it, and it keeps getting more and more split ends as time goes on. Maaannn.... I might just cut it. But it's so cool to have like, Rapunzel hair, or fuckin like, braided long-ass Valkryie hair you know? Takes years to grow that shit out. Idk... I've been going back and forth on it for months.

    • erik [he/him]
      6 months ago

      I'm in a very similar boat. I've got the COVID long hair down to my ass and I definitely enjoy how unique it is for my peer group and professional life. I don't have quite the annoyance you seem to have with it, but I still get some. As an otherwise very obviously cishet guy, there's a certain fun to try on just a little gender non-conforming stuff, like when I used to wearing nail polish in high school and college. Like you, I love having this like viking mane that I tame right before I start lifting or something.

      But I know I'll never grow it out again. And as a guy well into middle age that still has not only hair, but a full head of it that goes all the way down my back, I feel like I need to live this life for my balding brethren that have no choice in the matter.

  • Acute_Engles [he/him, any]
    6 months ago


    Headbanging, windmill headbanging, making people laugh with silly hairstyles


    Hair stuck in window, hair stuck in seatbelt, hair stuck in zipper, hair stuck on protruding screw, hair caught in hair tie, hair caught in hat, hair caught on fingers... There are others

  • PapaEmeritusIII [any]
    6 months ago

    Beauty influencers: “Noooo don’t use heat on your hair, it’ll dry up and disintegrate and spontaneously combust!!!1!”

    Me: “Haha, hair dryer goes brrrrr”

  • Blep [he/him]
    6 months ago

    Maintaining long hair is so much work. Either youre pulling a favour/paying to have someone braid it regularly, which takes ages. If you decide to not braid it then you end up with an afro thats much more work to keep nice day to day.

  • YuccaMan [he/him]
    6 months ago

    Pros: My hair is super thick and silky and luxurious when it's long (people like to touch it and they think I'm sexy)

    Cons: My hair is super thick and silky and luxurious when it's long (it takes ages to dry and it's super heavy and always falling in my eyes and my ears get hot)