Isn't this just normal and sensible? Who only packs the exact number of clothes they will need for every day on the trip with no allowing for unexpected events?
The idea that they think their boyfriend is the weird one, I don't know it seems like they are the one that doesn't know how to pack
Everyone forgets about weather related issues. You're out walking around, pop up shower drenches you to the bone, you're flying out in <12 hours...what's easier, find a dang laundromat to dry your clothes OR just change into the extra pair you brought and bundle the wet ones up and deal with it when you get home? I'd rather have the latter
Have people just forgotten that you can buy clothes in the case of bizarre, unexpected events? Before you say "it's not that bizarre!", this man has never needed to use the spare underwear in 30 years of packing spare underwear.
Yet he still always packs spare underwear??
This is ridiculously impractical to me, but tbf I always try to pack as little as I can get away with.
Homie a rolled up pair of underwear takes up approximately 3 cubic inches of space in your pack. It’s not that “impractical” because the cost of packing it is basically nothing but it could pay off in case of accidents. Nothing wrong with having spares when traveling
I mostly travel with a backpack, so yeah, space is important and extra pairs of shit quickly becomes a nuisance.
I bet i could fit a rolled up pair of boxer briefs in any bag you have ever packed in your life
I'd take that bet. I'd rather fit the one tube of toothpaste than the 5th pair of undies "just in case."
look at this guy humble bragging that he can afford an unexpected pair of underwear when he's traveling to prolly France or someshit.
Tbf it's not a big deal, I just don't think it's crazy to want to pack as little as possible.
I do this. always pack more underwear and socks than you think you need. they take up so little space anyway.
This doesn't feel weird at all.
Going out to visit my parents, I typically end up helping out with something labor intensive, and it's much better to just have a pair of clean clothes to change into than to just baste in sweat
Beyond that, other things can happen besides crapping your pants; accidental drink spill, losing balance while outside after it has rained, etc
You could also accidentally spill your drink and lose your balance outside while it’s raining and then crap your pants
Or do like me and get shitfaced, go for a midnight hike with your cousins, and up pitching yourself ass-first into a muddy creek.
That's basically a textbook case of "I'd rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it". It's not like an extra pair really takes any space either.
Who doesn't bring an extra item of all clothes on a trip? Shit happens. Stuff might even be spilled on you, this isn't even just about shitting or pissing yourself.
A lot of people have broken risk/reward logic. Yes, the chance that you have explosive diarrhea on vacation is probably very low, but the negative impact in the event it does happen is very high and the effort required to mitigate that risk (packing an extra pair of underwear that takes up practically zero space in your bag) is minimal. It's a less dangerous version of "covid has a 99% survival rate so I'm not going to waste 10 minutes to get a free vaccine"
Lol, apparently this is weird? What if you get crazy diarrhea from drinking the water lol.
Also I always pack extra underwear just because while I can rewear dirty pants, or even shirts if necessary (especially on vacation), wearing dirty underwear just sounds :cringe:
It is not weird. 90% of reddit upvotes are bots and the rest just take any chance to shame somebody else. Most of reddit content is shame based.
Most of reddit content is shame based.
This describes :reddit-logo:'s inherently toxic vibes way more succinctly than anything else I've ever read about it
I do this with socks, underwear, and t-shirts. You just never know.
I always pack extra of those in case the trip gets extended or something happens. I didn't think it was weird.
This is my kind of dude. Whom amogus has not shit themselves as an adult?
lmao what kind of a person thinks it's weird to pack an extra set of clothes on a trip
I bet they're bourgie enough they just plan on buying new clothes as needed
On Hexbear, buying an extra pair of underwear once every 30 years is bourgie.
But not paying any mind to how much you pack because extra luggage fees don't matter to you, not bourgie at all.
Not the struggle session I expected on this hallowed day of Gorby’s death
it's an extra set of underwear, socks, pants, shirt, how much could it cost Michael, ten dollars?
edit: actual question because I'm too poor to travel, yeh bourgeois guy >:|
More than the extra pair of undies he's literally never needed, for sure
And an extra set of underwear, socks, pants, and a shirt makes a lot of difference when you're traveling with a backpack
everything makes all the difference when you're only traveling with a backpack.
If you're travelling with a backpack and want to keep it incredibly light weight, you pack 2 (maybe 3) underwear and do a sink wash each night in the bathroom. Same goes for all your other clothes
you've activated my trap card, i don't pay extra luggage fees because i only travel by coach or train where baggage space is plentiful
seriously you can fit PLENTY of luggage in a carryon + backpack.
I mean I pack a whole extra set of clothes, or if I'm already carrying a lot I pack a bunch of quarters and a laundry thingy just in case.
You really never know what will happen. My cousin from Germany visited recently and when he was trying to leave he found out his visa had expired while he was here and he was stuck here for an extra week (yes, they found out he wasn't allowed in the country, and they prevented him from leaving. most rational system right here).
Wow, in the EU they just say you can't come back for a few years if it's only a few weeks/months or so.
He had to get it renewed by contacting the embassy or something, I just think it's funny that they kept him here longer despite the fact that he stayed too long.
Whenever I travel I take one more pair of underwear, socks, and a t shirt. I’m less so worried about accidents and more about spills or storms, but either way. Better to have them than to not.
On longer trips I’ll bring an extra pair of pants too, but pants are larger and more expensive so harder to have an extra this weird? I always pack a whole extra set of clothes, and double the socks I need. I also bring a floor jack and a comprehensive set of tools on every trip.
Underwear is so small, of course you pack an extra. What if you just get sweaty and want to shower early? Same with an extra pair of socks. Tbh I pack an extra t shirt too because you never know.
i mean, i'd sure feel like a fool if i needed another pair of underwear and didn't have it.
This is just common sense lol, always pack +1 of all clothing items except like shoes I guess, unless space is severely limited its worth it to not be walking around with dirty ass clothes in case literally anything happens, you trip somewhere, bird shits on you, wine accident literally anything.
True, and if space is limited and you choose to bring 1 or 2 extra things, it's underwear and socks
Even shoes, a good pair of collapsable flats are a lifesaver if you get caught in rain or mud.