can't have a redemption arc without some past sins
though at this point it seems you just can't have a redemption arc, period
Not sure how anyone expected Westerners, even left-leaning ones to not just go Putin and Russia Bad about the Ukraine situation
Yeah I totally expected a lot of my friends to be more skeptical than they turned out to be. Oh well
Same with the Uyghur thing, honestly. You just have to accept that you're going to sound like a completely insane whackjob whose had their brains cooked by the Internet if you start talking about it to an average person
You just have to accept that you’re going to sound like a completely insane whackjob whose had their brains cooked by the Internet if you start talking about it to an average person
a completely insane whackjob whose had their brains cooked by the Internet
it's obviously possible because most users of this website are westerners, myself included
This site's userbase is fairly far down the rabbithole though
tell me about it; every day i spend here renders me less and less tolerant of the horseshit opinions i encounter everywhere else
Glad I'm not the only one experiencing this. It's exhausting.
every day here makes you STRONGER :arm-L::sicko-hexbear: :arm-R:
Putin is definitely bad, but the West is at least equally bad (or even more, given that Putin is literally a result of 90s western fuckery).
True. Ever since his veer leftward post 2016 he'd been alright, from what I've seen
Libertarians have always been ahead of Liberals in foreign policy. There was that 2012 Ron Paul ad that talked about the US having military bases everywhere and asking how Americans would feel if it was China doing that.
It's internally inconsistent and full of people who would be communist in a normal world that wasn't totally poisoned up to it's eyeballs in red scare propaganda.
And because those people have no ideological backing for their beliefs beyond vague hatred of the things that create their poor material conditions (i.e. capitalism) it becomes a breeding ground for fascism because their only consistent belief is that someone somewhere is fucking them over.
Gotta say, Libertarian Party of New Hampshire with the better take here
I imagined a much better world in which we send Chairman Daou to the gulags for being anti-revolution. This saddens me.
My ideal society is one in which I would be shot as a reactionary.
We are the boat they don't need when they reach the other shore, comrade. We post to end the post war.