They'll fuse together like The Fly and become Hauszh
I'd totally watch that for the entertainment value, it would be a trainwreck and the world would be worse for it but it would be hilarious probably.
Anarchism is when the government does nothing.
Communism is when the government does a lot of stuff.
I finally understand anarcho-monarchism! It's just when we have a monarch but only for giggles and they aren't allowed to make any decisions :quagsire-pog:
more like... Crap Ton America: Civil Bore
a fight with fewer participants than a nintendo splatfest, but no less made up
Sometimes I realize that I'm terminally online and should touch grass. Like right now.
Anarcho-communists desperately hoping for a Biden/Trump joint ticket. It's the new sensible centrist position.
I will give them this, the film was more fair to Tony than I thought it would be. Though it never remotely reckons with Ta'Chaka's point in the first place. Then Infinity war just uses Thanos to wipe all that away, no time to linger on the little people who died in the crossfire, no animosity to be had
wasn't the comic book version of this story over a fictional country
Missmatch tbh. Between the Vaush audience and a lot of confused Chomskites and "anti-authoritarians" ,anarchobidenists destroy with numbers. Can MAGA communists get a bunch of very socialy conservative soviet boomers for this to even it out?
Yeah there are approximately 100 anarchobidenists in the west for every 1 MAGA communist
Where's the totally not astroturfed and just a meme chapotraphouse socialists4pritzker front
this is why we need left unity. a trump-biden ticket would CRUSH the deep state