• ChaosMaterialist [he/him]
    10 months ago

    becomes homeless

    has health problems

    quits homelessness


    • Sephitard9001 [he/him]
      10 months ago

      Why would he quit? Surely going back to his life as a millionaire would be so much harder right? I mean, they have to earn all that money right? Why wouldn't he stay homeless and continue resting until he was healthy again before returning to his arduous and stressful millionaire job???

      • ChaosMaterialist [he/him]
        10 months ago

        arduous and stressful millionaire job???

        Poor millionaire is humming It's a Hard-Knock Life to destress every day

  • EmmaGoldman [she/her, comrade/them]M
    10 months ago

    The only truth behind the conventional "wisdom" that a billionaire made penniless could become a millionaire again within a year is ENTIRELY DEPENDENT upon their social capital. If you're a famous billionaire, you'll have people willing to throw money at your nonsense investment opportunity based purely on your name and former status.

    If you're some guy nobody's ever heard of with some daddy money and you somehow manage to lose it all, you're fucked. This guy will never admit he was wrong, he was simply failed due to regulation or something.

    • Creakybulks [he/him]
      10 months ago

      i saw a twitter thread on this and IT'S EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED. he used whatever social media pull he still had to create a startup for coffee sales or some shit.

    • redtea@lemmygrad.ml
      10 months ago

      And he wasn't even homeless because of it. He spent a night or two role-playing by sleeping in a park (do you think the police would move this guy on after he explained his 'predicament'?) and then one of his 'followers' gave him an RV to live in, which he later sold back to the donor lol.

  • ta00000 [none/use name]
    10 months ago

    He started out by crashing on someone's couch, and finding all the free shit he could on facebook marketplace and craigslist and reselling it. His very first step shows how making a million dollars like that is done, by stealing everything that isn't nailed down and extracting a profit for nothing. That's the biggest takeaway I'm getting here. I'm sure most of those people giving things away on craigslist and facebook were thinking they were giving it to someone who would directly use it, not a vampire.

    That also goes to show how not everyone can climb out of poverty. Maybe one guy can but he just pulled the ladder up by removing those resources for other people who were actually in need. A business degree haver should be aware that just because one person can acquire something at a certain price and turn a profit on it doesn't mean that everyone can do that. That free item was available to exactly one person exactly one time.

    • Dessa [she/her]
      10 months ago

      I only object to it because he's actually rich. If an actual homeless person could get off the streets this way, more power to them

      • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
        10 months ago

        As long as they write smug articles about it saying that homeless people are lazy because they got out of it this way, therefore there's no excuse.

    • Tunnelvision [they/them]
      10 months ago

      Why didn’t he go on the massive amounts of government assistance I’ve always been told by reactionaries is available for the homeless?

      Pretty crazy how the first thing this dude decided to do was to get something for nothing lmfao

  • Stoatmilk [he/him]
    10 months ago

    Dang, I'm sure he could have made it if not for his ailing health

    • TheDoctor [they/them]
      10 months ago

      He was at $999,999 but he had to make an ER trip and they took it all

      • Sons_of_Ferrix
        10 months ago

        Lol he only made it to 65k. Which I mean, not bad money but not even 1/10th of his goal.

          • CloutAtlas [he/him]
            10 months ago

            You need to go back in time and grow up amongst millionaires so you can peddle your coffee startup to them.

            This is what poor people lack. Connections to other out of touch rich people.

    • CthulhusIntern [he/him]
      10 months ago

      As we all know, every single homeless person is at the peak of physical health and have no health problems whatsoever.

  • Ithorian [comrade/them, null/void]
    10 months ago

    He didn't even experience real homelessness. The fear that comes from having no safety net at all, wondering how many times you're going to eat that week, being in chronic pain but having no way to address it, Only sleeping a few hours a night for days on end cause it's too damn cold an you keep getting chased off. Simply knowing that if it ever really get to much you can go back to comfort doesn't let you experience the true terror of knowing your only way out might be in box.

    • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
      10 months ago

      The homeless don't get to just quit being homeless

      The fact that he undertook this experiment entirely convinced he was going to succeed tells me he probably did in fact believe it could be done.

  • Sons_of_Ferrix
    10 months ago

    This dude admitted his education, experience, and business connections were a massive advantage for him in this "challenge" and he still failed. I honestly wonder if he went to companies and told them "hey I'm an entrepreneur doing a social experiment to see if I can make it big while homeless". Yeah of fucking course they're gonna hire you. Fucker should have had to change his name and move to a city where he knew nobody and not be able to put anything on his resume.

    • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
      10 months ago

      should have had to change his name and move to a city where he knew nobody and not be able to put anything on his resume

      But I mean, homeless people can't do that so this was the correct method (I kid, I kid)

      But this right here is the benefit of being rich and/or having connections, you have a safety net in case of failure.

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    10 months ago

    I guess the "social experiment" didn't yield the result he was expecting.

    I'm sure that he, in the true spirit of scientific endeavour, will fundamentally change his views on the capitalist economic system and the hierarchies of wealth and poverty it creates.

    • CTHlurker [he/him]
      10 months ago

      He's gonna write an insufferable LinkedIn-post and try to parlay it into a gig as a corporate motivational speaker. He is also going to learn fuck-all from this and instead double down on libertarianism.

  • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
    10 months ago

    Rent a flat above a shop

    Cut your hair and get a job

    Smoke some f**s and play some pool

    Pretend you never went to school

    But still you'll never get it right

    'Cause when you're laid in bed at night

    Watching roaches climb the wall

    If you called your dad he could stop it all, yeah