:cat-trans: :transshork-sad:
also how many of our mods are trans? its definitely a lot of them. ive seen some misinformation on /r/traa that this place is transphobic, which is insane to me, ive been here since the beginning and im trans myself and i consider this to be one of the most trans positive places on the internet. no other social media site ive seen has built in pronoun features, and i have seen the mods ban people for using wrong pronouns and even the smallest implications of transphobia. honestly, its more trans positive than some explicitly transgender subreddits due to how active the mods are and how quick they are to delete posts and ban transphobes
I think I've seen a post or two calling the site out for transphobe from regular uses, but it's like the deep encoded stuff like calling a pregnant person a mother on instinct, where it takes a while to weed out that kind of thought. compared to everywhere else I've been online, this is the single most trans inclusive space that isn't specifically for trans people. And I will never forget the final post from the old sub being a transwoman thanking the community for being the only one where she felt completely normalized in her identity. That's our foundation, that's who we are. Fuck reddit, fuck cops, fuck capitalists, and undying solidarity with the trans struggle
I think we're doing better because we haven't gotten another post like that. :hexshork:
everyone who isnt a liberal is transphobic -says the transphobic liberal
That's horrible, because reddit libs are the most important and always correct people on the internet,
it was like a year or so ago, it was someone who said they were trans talking about some things, like the aforementioned default of calling pregnant people mothers, which is transphobic. I don't think it's my place as a cis individual to weigh in on the better or worse kinds of transphobe, but from others it seems like these were mostly on the lesser scale of offenses, and we are leagues better than anywhere else on the internet except some places that are designed just for trans people.
And even then many of those places aren't as zealous with the banhammer, so many transphobes post in those communities and manipulate votes (as a result of how reddit is made) for a long time. Hexbear removed down votes purely because trans members were being secretly downvoted by brigaders regularly. More proof that it is actively by trans people's side, so much so that the devs will change the code and core functions of the site to help trans people here
There were definitely posts about some transphobic incidents, but unfortunately I can't remember the details.
we, of course, resolved to cannibalize the offenders :spongebob-party:
ngl imo this place is actually better at combatting transphobia than some spaces designed specifically for trans people due to the extremely agressive use of the banhammer
When the Dobbs decision came down I made a long winded post which basically forgot that trans men are a thing 😬
lets get this to the top so we can lifeboat more friends :trans-hammer-sickle: :anarchy-trans: :left-unity-3:
ive seen some misinformation on /r/traa that this place is transphobic, which is insane to me
Yeah that's fucking wild to hear. Of all the things to say about this site, that is perhaps the least true, least correct, least accurate thing anybody could ever say about it. Shit it feels like at least a third of the regular userbase is trans, if not more.
it's definitely not true, but so many power users and mods are. :rat-salute: to tc69
:trans-ferret: :rat-salute: :trans-ferret: :rat-salute: :trans-ferret: :rat-salute: :trans-ferret: :rat-salute: :trans-ferret: :rat-salute:
I wonder how many "I love our transgender comrades" posts there are in total in the archives
so god damn many. brooke is a babe. honestly so many posts about it that itd be easy to mistake this place for a t4t dating app
I need to know now. Has anybody here gotten a t4t relationship out of hexbear???
actually yes. iirc there were two trans women pretty early on that posted a pic of them meeting up but it was removed by the transgender comm mods because they were worried about the cute couple being doxxed/attacked because they didnt scrub identifying info from the pic. they were very cute though and eventually posted a hand holding pic
personally i met my bf on a dating app by typing 'socialist' into the search bar. i also gave him a socialism quiz on our first date lol. i love him so much he takes care of me so well :soviet-bottom: :anarcho-bottom:
for fear of doxxing, just one of the big ones that had a search feature. afaik almost all of the apps have removed similar features because they greatly expedite the process, thus causing them to lose revenue :marx-joker:
one major bug we had when doing the migration was that some of our posts had extremely deep nested comments, which was causing issues in the new database schema. New lemmy can only handle nested comments about ~280ish deep. The deepest tree we had was something like 900. It was 'We love our trans comrades' over and over. I think there was also a deep tree with 'ACAB' repeated. they unfortunately had to be deleted :(
those should be in the source code of the site, that's integral to who we are.
our love for our transgender comrades is so deep it was blowing up our servers
News out, hexbear mods delete hundreds of pro trans messages! You heard it here first at the Washington post! /s
Mhm just can't access it rn but u can if u go to the test instance
Only reason I can think of for the misinformation about this place is the idea that we’re “ebil authleft tankies who hate minorities”
lets forget that we ban sectarianism, transphobes, and racists, and have many anarchists here :anarchy-trans:
That would help convince :reddit-logo: if they knew how to read :data-laughing:
They've been saying that since the old sub. I remember it being frequently brought up without ever having proof to show for it.
on the subreddit there was definitely more overlap with stupidpol than i'd like. even though the community was largely super good, there was a number of people saying stuff just on the line of acceptable who were clearly trying to push it.
it doesn't help that the podcast we were named after wasn't always the best on that front
We have evolved, we have learned the way of the purge :stalin-gun-1::trans-undertale:
folks, we love our trans comrades and let me tell you many people are saying this
:hexbear-trans: :trans-egg: :trans-ferret: :trans-hammer-sickle: :trans-hatch: :trans-heart: :transshork-happy: :transshork-sad: :flag-trans-pride: :cat-trans: :chapochat-trans: :hexbear-trans: :trans-undertale: :trans-vegan: :trans-uno: :meow-knife-trans: :anarchy-trans:
:flag-non-binary-pride: :hexbear-non-binary: are there any more enby emotes :thonk: we need more
We also got :feinberg-sicko: :leslie-feinberg: :leslie-shining:
Can't believe I also forgot:gui-trans: :abby-exasperation: :cissues: :niko-concern: :niko-sleep: :niko-speen: :niko-spin: :niko-wonderous: :stfu-terf:
you missed a few :trans-specter: :crazy-frog-trans: :trans-gun: :thonk-trans: :gui-trans: :trans-sad: :trans-dagger: :blahaj:
and also like some of the trans associated ones like :stfu-terf: and :sicko-fem:
edit: oh and also :feinberg-sicko: :leslie-feinberg: :leslie-shining: ofc
They've received several offers to help out, including from me, many competent others.
I got no response. I assume others did too. I feel like this is a "because I don't want to do it, I don't want anyone else to do it either" decision and I find that kinda selfish given the number of trans people that the community has benefitted.
Who knows though, I might be speaking prematurely and get a response eventually.
hexbear infiltration of traa when (we were there the whole time)
and yeah, that seems common on reddit tbh. i can understand wanting some vetting for the mods, but i figure if someone has been posting to traa for years and dont post to any sus subreddits, thats a good sign
:trans-heart: :trans-heart: :trans-heart: :trans-heart: :trans-heart:
damm. traa was one of like, maybe three subs i still bother with on :reddit-logo:
:transshork-sad: :trans-sad: but also :hexbear-trans: stay winning
It was the last sub I was still regularly on. I hate that the community that was there is being scattered by Reddit's garbage, but it was always going to come to something like this.
I'm pretty sure I'm the only cis person here, and y'all only keep me around for compliance reasons.
TROSHA requires someone to hold our ladder so we can break through the glass ceiling safely :cat-trans:
ik, that shit was great. 5d chess. also removed downvotes so no one could downvote trans people ever again :sicko-fem:
See, if i wouldn't have been a Stasi-methods supporting tankie before, i would be one now. The world needs more of that kind of "authoritarianism".
I think the misinformation comes from the time that Traaa and witches vs patriarchy both had "weirdly similarly timed" attempts at purging commies and going full Lib, but in both cases it failed pretty spectacularly but it still left a fair amount of side effects. It was not long after Chapo got banned and both places got a little more outwardly anti capitalist rather than just cheekily. Traaa was always better than wvp but there was the hilarious "Traa but no commies" sub and then the "Traaa yes commies" response.
I think in general it was just a concerted effort by shitlibs and mods / online brainworm havers to refuse to understand intersectional struggle, but there was both all fuck all success and unfortunately some everlasting weird side effects like this weird occasional opinion popping back up that the commies on those subs were somehow transphobic esp the ones that argued with the shitlibs (Chapo/Hexbear users) because obviously the shitlibs are the main characters in their own story and disagreeing with them makes you the antagonist.
Sorry sweaty Hillary Clinton is the confirmed queen of transgenders and saying otherwise is transphobic :hillary-apartment:
at this point it seems like all but two of the regular posters there are trans lol
I remember when the site started there was a while where the mods were purging transphobes left and right. Shows what good moderation does :trans-heart:
I remember being nervous and thinking "aaaaaah are they going to ban me next for transphobia"
but indeed I just wasn't transphobic
Turns out the criteria here isn't that crazy and people still can't handle it