I regret to inform you all that I am once again interested in electoralism.
Still kinda disappointed we didn't get a new 2024 I Voted emote
we should have one for every election (that has a funny button anyway)
Oh yea absolutely, I said that because I previously submitted it in the emoji com. When I said we didn't get one I meant that it wasn't made into an emote, not that there wasn't a good one to make into an emote
The best we can do is get sold way overpriced DLC cosmetics in SF6. It hurts my arcade youth soul to see NightStalkers be done dirty like this.
I think I mixed "Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors" and "Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge" into one game. My bad dawg.
Do werewolves get two votes, one for the were and ne for the wolf?
I don't think they should be voting all due to dual allegiances, but mods keep censoring that discussion on the site.
I want them ranched and spawned via CDs. And hybridized together into new creatures after a lifetime of colosseum combat. Nothing about Monster Rancher implies they should vote.
honestly love this form of electioneering, makes young people stoked to vote and makes older people less so
i take it all back, american democracy is real and we need to defend it at the battle box
Damn, the kids today, especially the elementary and middle schoolers, are pretty based.
voting in US elections transforms you into a bloodthirsty inhuman monster that can never again live at peace with the rest of human society.