Also make sure to call every rifle an assault rifle and never refer to a caliber, just bullets. Pistol bullets, rifle bullets, bonus points if you say shotgun bullets
but where do guns hatch from if they don't have shells? checkmate liberals
Caliber is okay to say if you always get inches and millimeters confused. A Colt 45mm, a Glock .9 caliber, an AR15 fires 5.56 and a 50 cal is like 10 times that so it's 10 times as powerful
Once when I played a tabletop rpg with a guy who was choosing between a 9mm and a .45 pistol for his character's sidearm and accidentally wrote down that he had a 45mm pistol
As the conversation drags on, be sure to gradually shift your pronunciation of Rifle into Waifu.
"Why yes, I always slide the bullet-basket into the fireplace of my rooty-tooty-point-and-shooty; why do you ask?"
Technically the guns full name is the armalite ar15 so technically calling it the armalite armalite rifle 15 is incorrect, so assault rifle probably makes more sense
The "AR" in AR-15 stands for Assault Rifle and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
You'll need a class B poster's license, cum-proof PPE, and a hazmat identification guide for hot-takes.
"Clips are what civvies use in their hair. This is called a magazine"
I once called a revolver's cylinder a "bullet wheel" (being cheeky and having fun playing off of "wheel gun") on reddit, and it *totally * set this one guy off... he went nuts lol
From now on the M1 is "The machine that kills fascists and goes PING!"
Trying to defend this position but my dick is half empty and I dont have a spare
Usually in the context of extended mags, that went beyond the bottom of the pistol.
Dicks out for Harambe initially meant getting street justice on the family responsible, until it morphed into literally posting hog in tribute to a dead gorilla.