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Well that was fucking fast.

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The incoming tRump administration has announced plans to eliminate ALL health care for transgender people in this country. Originally, he had stated that all gender affirming care would be banned for anyone under the age of 18, but now he has gone far beyond that to state that he intends to sign an Executive Order on Day One to outlaw ALL care for trans people of any age, and to revoke anything that affirms our proper gender identity such as Passports. Here is his the full text of what he stated on a video released on November 7th:

“The left-wing gender insanity being pushed on our children is an act of child abuse. Very simple. Here’s my plan to stop the chemical, physical, and emotional mutilation of our youth. On day one I will revoke Joe Biden’s cruel policies on gender affirming care. Ridiculous. I will sign a new executive order instructing every federal agency to cease all programs that promote the concept of sex and gender transition at any age. I will then ask Congress to permanently stop federal taxpayer dollars from being used to promote or pay for these procedures, and pass a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all fifty states. It’ll go very quickly. Furthermore, I will support the creation of a private right of action for victims to sue doctors who have unforgivably performed these procedures on minor children. The Department of Justice will investigate Big Pharma, and the big hospital networks to determine whether they have deliberately covered up horrific long-term effects of sex transitions, in order to get rich at the expense of vulnerable patients. In this case, very vulnerable. I will ask Congress to pass a bill establishing that the only genders recognized by the United States government are male and female, and they are assigned at birth. Under my leadership, this madness will end. Thank you very much.”

I cannot in good conscience link to the video itself, but it can be found if you want to stomach it. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– This ban will affect all federal funding for any gender affirming care, so that would include agencies such as Medicare, Veterans Health Administration, Department of Defense TRICARE, State Children’s Health Insurance Program, and any other programs deemed as life-saving for trans people of any age. With this being done at a Federal level, it will almost certainly encourage every Red State in the country to follow through with also banning all trans health care at their state level.

For myself, I live in California, and Gov. Newsom is working right now to build a wall against interference in health care that will be restricted by this new dictatorship, which he hopes will ensure that women and LGBTQ people will retain their care. However, for me personally, since I am on Medicare, and also on VA Health Care, all of my personal health care is administered through the Federal government. I would lose everything.

I also run a trans support group called TG Rainbow, where we work very hard to help trans people, along with our allies and families, to navigate the health care system to get the help they need in order to stay alive. We have people of all ages, from minors through the elderly. For myself, I transitioned 20 years ago, and all my documentation shows that I am, and always have been female. That includes my birth certificate, drivers license, and passport. How I will personally be affected with his ban on any Federal ID that does not reflect birth gender is hard to say at this point, but my health care will be immediately stopped if this goes through according to his master plan. Others in the midst of transition, will be prevented from moving forward, and would, in essence, be forced to de-transition. I have known people forced to de-transition before, and it has never ended well.

I also want to highlight the part of his statement which would allow “victims to sue doctors” who have done any sort of trans procedure on children, including the prescribing of hormones. This will have the chilling affect on any trans-friendly doctors in the same way that doctors are now second-guessing anything they are doing for the health care of a woman who is, or even might be, pregnant. Instead of providing needed health care to keep patients alive, they are instead getting lawyers involved to make sure they keep their medical license, no matter what happens to the patients.

Dystopia will arrive on 20 January 2025.

  • kristina [she/her]
    4 months ago

    reposted here because transenby is bugged

    This wasnt a recent statement by Trump, seems Trumps statement was back in May. Article is kinda poorly written. Hopefully nothing happens, also this is gonna end up with a ton of lawsuits and delays, minimum, unless he just hires a bunch of jackbooted thugs to burn it all down. Doesnt really seem his style, but who knows whats going through his head after the attempts.

    • mudpuppy [it/its, she/her]
      4 months ago

      really important info, thanks. i think there's a huge difference between saying it a while ago and saying it right after winning the election