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A general strike amasses political capital of its own and can provide a better environment for radicalisation than an election can. As long as it isn't led by democrats or by woke capitalism and has some significant left faction wanting something more than Biden, I'll invest as much in that as I do the BLM protests that I don't see revolutionary potential in. It's an escalation which feeds into the things which will achieve what I want. The class consciousness that underlies any revolutionary movement has to come from somewhere and while unionism isn't the sole force for that it's a spectacle that can't be ignored and historically a major recruiting point for parties and militias.
im out of the loop on this strike thing but you can't just organise a strike out of nowhere... let alone a general strike...
That's unions organising it, not individuals. We've already got multiple major unions striking in fields like healthcare and education which are being hit hardest by the pandemic. A merging of those ongoing efforts and snowballing of other fields isn't a spontaneous gathering for Biden, a stolen election is just the most convenient and wide-reaching pretense for it.
If it works. Frankly, judging by literally every other time someone called for a general strike, it's a failed proposition and the left is completely in a bad position to pursue this kind of thing.
You can spend your time clowning around with libs who don't want anything, but I'll be taking a libs job and feeling good about it.
but I’ll be taking a libs job and feeling good about it.
Mmm. You're a socialist like McDonalds is food.
Crossing a picket line to own the libs, truly advanced praxis
but I’ll be taking a libs job and feeling good about it.
yea, this is trash.
but I’ll be taking a libs job and feeling good about it.
You strike for your fellow workers. Are you saying that if people strike to oppose Trump's reelection, you would actually be against the strikers? Am I hearing that correctly?
Yes. Unironically.
What, is Joe Biden gonna do anything for me? Imagine holding a strike for your senile manager that got fired and your demand is restoring the senile manager into a leadership position.
You can risk your life for a dodering former segregationist, but I'm not.
lol this person would oppose striking workers to own Joe Biden.
Lando is probably saying they wouldn't put themself at risk in a protest for Joe fucking Biden, but if a general strike happens, everyone except chuds will stay at home cuz fuck work.
nope, he is saying he would actively oppose striking workers
I'm already at home. I don't think anything would change?
Also, I have no $$ and no union. I'm not withholding labor to make Joe Biden feel better. If he wants the presidency he can go and take it
If that shit happens I hope I take some dumpass libs job tbh
Wheres the lib strike fund? How are they gonna feed people? This is as dumb as every other time someone called for a general strike with no left wing organization
My friend, the goal of socialism is more or less of abolition wage labor. You are NEVER advancing the project by fighting for us all to go back to work.
I said I'm not striking. You can do whatever you want, I'm making this $$$ and donating a portion to nationwide bailfunds and my local shit.
Don't tell me I have to put my body and life on the line for Joe Biden. Step too far
I think we've kind of gotten wrapped up in the election as well and we all need to return to Marx. Even if you donate a portion of your income to bail funds, your employers are extracting an even larger portion to further their class interests. You don't fight capitalism by working for capitalists my good dude.
In the hypothetical scenario of a large scale labor action that touches you wherever you work, you are not a socialist if you do not throw in with labor. Period. End of Sentence.
The dumbest take I've seen so far is the critique that hypothetically, faced with Donald Trump we all need to strike for Joe Biden.
Great content. Fuck off, Joe Biden can do it himself
I think he's saying that he would join a strike by staying at home. I wouldn't miss an opportunity to not go to work, but Joe Biden can go fuck himself.
you are correct. The Democrats are complicit in destroying the power of labour by letting it wither, haven't done anything to strengthen it. They haven't done a thing to strengthen anyone but the capitalists really. And people would have a general strike for that rotten faction of the bourgeois, granting it the ultimate legitimacy of the popular opposition 'party' (it is nothing more than an institution in practise). It is responsible for the state of the Government just as much as Republicans! Their purpose is to do nothing in power and suppress rising left-wing activity. You want those fuckers to be the authority that calls a general strike!?!
It isn't gonna happen of course because that requires unions at peak strength, but people need to think about the implications more. This is a squabble between factions of the ruling class over the levers of power and people come up with a hypothetical in which a powerful labour movement just supports one side. Incredible.
the dems are not gonna protest trump's victory by judicial coup, they will just give up and said they will win next time
And CNN has Al Gore on regularly to talk about this election. Yes, let's get advice from the guy that ate shit and gave up, paving the way for the current hell world. Al Gore should be publicly shamed wherever he goes.
2000 proved over 20 years ago that they cared more about civilty than actual power.
They should've been rioting over that and staying angry at SCOTUS and the GOP. Who got the blame instead? Ralph Nader. They spent years whining and moaning about the Green party and blaming Nader.
I would love to put all the bluecheckmarks in the front line of a big protest for them to be gunned down first.
Don't strike for Biden, strike for workers consciousness and generalised chaos. Once the workers realise the General Strike is a tool, they will use it more often.
Even if massive protests break out as Trump steals the election the Dems will simply roll over as they are trained to do. Dems will just ignore unrest like always.
On one hand people learn through practice and will become more conscious of their class position with the failure of a general strike. On the other I couldn't give a shit about Biden and don't want to put my life on the line for him
Krystal and Sagar were just saying (as guests on useful idiots pod) that it is the libs that will go apeshit bananas, not the left. They said the libs are not mentally prepared for Trump winning/stealing.
if there ever was a general strike for Biden it would be completely controlleed by wealthy libs and would never ever even awknowledge class struggle it would just be a cynical show of power by the libs