I wonder if anyone is unironically supportive of littering or thinks that murder should be legal. Or they're unironically an anarcho monarchist or something. pee
This community convinced me not to rent out my place with Airbnb. I was thinking about trying to turn that into a career 😬
Capitalism really gets you thinking about all the ways you can game the system to make some money.
I've been thinking about this a lot. I know people who, because of the housing market, have created a flat inside their house that they rent out to help to cover the insane mortgage payments.
I see this as, yes, they are using other people's money to help to buy the house for themselves, however, if someone richer had bought the house that flat probably wouldn't exist. Also, it's not their living, they also have jobs.
Anyway, I consider that a different category than having a strong of rental units that provide an entire income.
I don't think being a landlord is fine, but it's worth pointing out that there are a non zero number of landlords who support things like social democracy and what not.
No one alive killed Rosa. Few people alive (in the U.S., certainly) know who Rosa is, or have coherent enough beliefs to be called a "social democrat," something that does not exist in any organized form in the U.S.
Dragging someone living in the U.S. today over a murder that happened a century ago on a different continent is absurd.
All I really see is people saying "buy it if you can afford it but don't rent it out" am I missing something?
I didn't even see any of that, but I only looked at like 5-10 comments im too lazy to read them all.
Renting out a spare room in your house to help pay rent/mortgage is fine, CMV.
mortgage is directly profiting from your lodger, as you get a house at the end, and the lodger gets fuck all
rent, as long as you are only charging exactly what the room/utilities/whatever are worth, is not, as you both get fuck all at the end of it
I walk up to someone and say, "Hey, I need a roommate, $350/mo, you interested?" and you're saying I'm either harming them or not harming them depending on whether I plan on giving the money they give me to a landlord or to the bank? Makes no sense. From their perspective its all the same.
What if I buy a house and get an arrangement where someone lives with me and contributes to the mortgage and they also build up equity, and then I buy the equity from them? Is that ok, as long as it's a seperate transaction? Why can't I just combine those two transations, so instead of higher rent + equity they just get lower rent and no equity?
Quick, how do i word myself into being a good landlord
the point isn't how well you can craft an argument to be a landlord. Landlords just end up being parasites.
Normally I always have a good laugh when talking about american stupidity, but this... this hurt 'cause we all know someone who believes in a set of ideas or politics that directly damages them - in my chilean case, the whole Pinochet stuff in low class people . I feel you, comrade
I'm an anarcho monarchist. I believe everyone is a King or Queen ❤️
Yeah, sucks that there's no genderless term with the same connotation. "Monarch" I suppose, but nobody uses it in the slang way
Most older people who don't like them are like that.
Pro-life anarchist chick I dated briefly freshman year.
She became a buddhist before graduation and disappeared into SE Asia.
I know a few Pro-Life Liberation Theology types. But they generally voice it as a moral opposition and support pro choice laws.
yeah, i can honestly see the moral opposition to it, i'm not surprised that some normal people are against it
it's a really complicated moral issue, unfortunately 99% of pro-lifers are chuds who don't actually give a shit about morals and just want to police women's lives and will gladly leave them to rot afterwards so that kinda kills any room for debate, because you know, you don't wanna side with those lunatics
the sovereign citizen people, i remember being super confused when i saw a video about their beliefs that the laws of the US doesnt apply to them if they reject the constitution, also the monarcho-socialists in reddit
sovereign citizens are fun. love to watch them get owned by security guards
i kinda just feel bad for them, their heart is in the right place, but their head is just completely filled with nonsense.
wait she thinks it's fake because she doesn't care if she dies? those two things are completely separate.
certified galaxy brain
A lib brain trying to make sense of reality without a Marxist language to rely on. Extreme alienation from... uh... reality, I guess.
Someone my brother went to school with had some... interesting beliefs. We weren't friends as such, but we talked a lot because this was back when I'd post on Facebook and he'd always comment on it if it was political. Anyway, he was super Catholic and wanted to become a priest (and has since become one). Some of his beliefs included:
- Believed that women should be paid more than men because they had to raise children
- Believed that people could be born gay/bi/pan/etc and didn't even consider himself fully straight, but still considered same-sex marriage immoral as well as acting on any homosexual feelings
- Highly approved of me being asexual (which is only weird in that people like him generally don't believe it's real)
- Wanted to be the Pope one day (which is highly unlikely because he's Korean)
- Didn't really care much about trans people one way or the other (only strange because people like him usually did)
- Believed the Tony Abbott was the best Prime Minister Australia ever had
I know there were other strange beliefs, but this was years ago and I eventually blocked him because I got sick of arguing with him. Also he wrote his own autobiography when he was 15. No, he hadn't achieved anything noteworthy.
Believed that women should be paid more than men because they had to raise children
This one could actually be construed to be good, if it meant, like, raising children is labor necessary for the reproduction of the proletariat and since women shoulder the bulk of that burden they should be compensated for it, or as some weird way to swap around paid family leave or whatever
Wanted to be the Pope one day (which is highly unlikely because he’s Korean)
Just found out Catholics are racist. Damn that shit sucks man.
I'll also add the fact that most European leftists will still be incredibly racist to Romani people. Makes no damn sense, but many of them are like that
I think a lot of the problem in many European countries is the lack of public space, this leads to nimby-ism very quickly. There are not many official sites for travelers in the UK so they will sometimes go into public parks and set up there, as there's not many of these available the local population resent that the place where they walk their dog or take their kids etc has been blocked. The few travelers sites I've been to/seen the after effects of have been left in a bad state with litter and worse which doesn't help.
Obviously there is a lot of general ingrained racism as well but there are some practical reasons that people don't like having travelers in their communities.
Looking at it from a leftist stance Romani culture is also very old fashioned and at odds with the lefts belief in women's rights and childcare standards. People are overcritical of all Romani people but that doesn't mean there aren't many legitimate problems with the culture.
"but there are some practical reasons that people don’t like having travelers in their communities." Would you say then that American conservatives are right when saying immigrants steal their jobs, so they shouldn't be allowed in? Or that having Black people in a neighbourhood raises crime? This stance is no different than saying something like that.
Also all cultures have issues in them. A lot of people of colour or working class people are homophobic/transphobic/seixst/etc. No culture is perfect. Just because a group may be sexist or have "childcare issues" (I would heavily fight against this idea as an actual gypsy) doesn't mean leftists should be allowed to be racist or find them "at odds" with leftism.
A relative of mine who thinks global warming is an American conspiracy meant to discourage poor countries from using cheap energy sources and slow their development
On the conspiracy theory scale of "rational" to "completely batshit crazy" this is on the far left of that spectrum
I heard an analog of this as "Climate change is a hoax by big business to slow down small businesses"
My boss will essentially admit to being racist if you phrase the question a certain way but he gets really mad about Biden's crime bill and all the harm it did to black people
The exact institutional racism that she probably believes doesn't exist.
Don't know your boss obviously, but I suspect a lot of chuds get angry at the Biden crime bill simply for political convenience, similar to how they fawn over the First Step Act merely because it's an example of Trump not doing a racism.
he was a catholic anarchist supposedly but opposed revolutionary Catalonia because some churches got burned and there was limited anti-clerical violence
Yeah, I think he changed the view later on after someone gently sat him down and explained that the 4th or 5th time the local priest shoots at you from the steeple, your respect for the Church Hierarchy begins to drop.
Much like the US, the Continental Spaniards have always taken Catholicism in really strange directions. Everyone else just drinks a lot, feels guilty, and goes back to sinning like normal people.
The upper Church yeah. They purged the left wing and went hard right, though they hated Franco too, they were mostly Carlists.
The rural anarchists were mostly lay Catholic in belief though, and there were some interesting religious developments in Aragon etc.
Once they'd shot all the priests and monks who for the most part had it coming.
This Guy was minister of propaganda in the Republican government and a Catholic priest who has some...choice words about Franco and the Church.
What even is anarcho monarchist, i've always thought it was a meme because it's an oxymoron like "communist capitalist", but if it's a real thing i'm curious what exactly it is