Yeah the US military would never give performance enhancing and social control drugs to soldiers. Nope. They would never do that and then block any investigations into the drug cocktail you get. WE'RE THE GOOD GUYS THEY'RE THE BAD GUYS.
Good thing the US air force doesn't encourage the use of amphetamines which probably has nothing to do with them having the highest number of civilian kills and friendly fire incidents.
I love the assumption here that if it was actually a) possible and b) useful to genetically engineer supersoldiers that the good old US would never be that unethical.
holy shit lol, thats some wild propaganda bullshit.
"Representatives of the Chinese government did not immediately respond to a request for comment."
Lol the entire news story is just, "US official said this", "warhawk congressman said that", "American Scolars think China wants to use crispr on humans" endless bullshit and then 5 minuts before publication they send an email to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, whats your reaction to our bullshit propaganda?
This "story" is basically reporting a fucking op ed in another newspaper as fact
That how at least 50% of consent is manufactured, most journalist just re-report what other journalists have reported, after 3-4 layers of this type of reporting it becomes impossible for normal people (and even journalists) to discern what really happened if anything. As an added bonus it also means that you only have to control the 3 central news agencies and a smaller group conservative opinion writers and you can manufacture consent for whatever you want.
This sounds like they are focusing on the nutrition of their soldiers and testing their performance. "Biologically enhanced capabilities", how evil.
I didn't have the time to biologically enhance my capabilities this morning so I had to take my biological capability enhancement break a little earlier. Maybe I'll enhance my capabilities with some pizza later today.
The propaganda machine against China is ramping up at a pretty psychotic rate. It's always been bad, but the past week or so has gotten pretty ridiculous.
Of course the US military or intelligence agencies would never experiment in humans without their consent.
(this post is factual incorrect)
It's gonna be the same exact shit where they pretend China is making supersoldiers, describing the Captain America movie, as they did for Iraq where they claimed Saddam Hussein had chemical weapons, citing that other movie where they stored nerve agents in these racks of little spherical tanks, which obviously no one does in real life.
On the plus side, without any concrete evidence or testimonies of any actual wrongdoing (imagined or otherwise, see: Iraqi soldiers bayonetting babies after throwing them out of their incubators or whatever), this is the best sort of bullshit the western intelligence agencies controlling the media can dredge up. The worst effect this can have on the average Joe reading this is that China is making illegal supersoldiers, but not much more beyond that.
Average Joe's aren't the problem, it's "educated" normie Democrats who actually read this shit and think it's real.
I have credible evidence the Chinese are experimenting on Swineflu to create a super virus that makes pigs balls super big
As long as it doesn't also have laxative effects we should be safe though...
Lol a friend just sent me this link in response to the story,
Pure projection as always.
Why would they even waste resources doing this? as a great man once said "The wars of the future will not be fought on the battlefield or at sea. They will be fought in space, or possibly on top of a very tall mountain. In either case, most of the actual fighting will be done by small robots. And as you go forth today remember always your duty is clear: To build and maintain those robots."