In their escilating conflict with china, US decides on strategy of massive directionless racism
watch half the people they discriminate against not even be chinese, just east-asian looking
please bro trust me i really care about taiwan and hong kong bro i swear bro which is why I need to mess with people living in my country just for
lookingbeing chinese come on bro is the least I can do broI'm half Filipino + half British and I've been called 'ch!nk', 'p&ki', 'j*p', 'dirty little muslim'(? idk) and had people pull back their eyes (I don't have monolids) so yeah this is pretty much guaranteed
Thats fucking disgusting. But at least you don’t have to live with yourself being full British.
Damn, lucky. I’m stuck with half-English. My granddad looked like Nigel thornberry.
My ethnic background is mostly unknown to me but I have some "Asian" features even though I'm generally white passing. I can't wait to get harassed because some red faced thumb doesn't like the shape of my eyes.
God damn, imagine being this easily led by your government and media. All they had to do is say 'China bad' and these morons lap it up.
Only possible because of literal decades spent red-baiting the PRC. Most of these people are conditioned by a lifetime's worth of imperialist and anti-communist propaganda.
I'd bet decent money that whoever posted that fetishizes Asian girls
Quick, someone goto the thread and cause infighting by posting:
how will China recover from American incels being slightly more racist than usual?
Yes, um. Hola. Yo soy Beto. I will have the beef Dorito Loco quesarito, por fayvor. Gracias.
Surely a small handful of internet frog Nazis will be the downfall of one of the largest, most powerful countries, and the single largest ethnic group, on Earth.
According to /pol/, all of the users there are either:
- Successful business owners
- Highly-paid engineers
- Top-tier STEM students
- Extremely well-earning trade workers
frequent sex havers with either the hottest white or Asian women
They're sure as hell not frequent chin-havers :le-pol-face:
/pol/tists are even lower-tier beings than /biz/ posters.
at least /biz/ posters occasionally have spare cash to buy shitcoins
- Mail images of gore to random Chinese city addresses
I at least understand the point of the rest of this list, like according to it's internal logic or whatever, but what the fuck is this?
I assume they want the recipients to interpret them as threats and become fearful for their safety.
Do not spend money with companies that do major business with the CCP
ok so EVERY COMPANY IN AMERICA (except maybe podunk restaurants?), got it
Taiwan and Hong-Kong are autonomous nations
even if you don't like China for whatever reason, the second one is just factually incorrect.
The british were only "borrowing" HK from China, it reverted back to Chinese ownership in 1997
the whole "one country, two systems" thing is a courtesy the CPC extended to HK residents to make the transition back to Chinese rule smoother and easier, it is (and always has been) part of China,for as long as China was ChinaCorrection: BEFORE China was China, 214 BCE to be specificeven the first is wrong, "Taiwan" doesn't even consider themselves a seperate nation - they consider themselves the rulers-in-exile of all China
Funniest part is Taiwan’s official land claims literally include all of Mongolia too for some fucking reason
Mongolia was part of the Qing Dynasty's territory and, as the Republic of China saw itself as the successor state to the Qing Dynasty, they claimed the territory. They only controlled it very briefly though, and even then only nominally. The moment the Qing were overthrown Mongolia declared independence under the Bogd Khan, and they stayed like that until 1919 when warlord Xu Shuzheng conquered it.
That only lasted a year though, because White General Roman von Ungern-Sternberg, fleeing from the White's loss of the Russian Civil War, invaded Mongolia and set the Bogd Khan back up, although in practice von Ungern and his troops were in control. He had this weird obsession with Vajrayana Buddhism and had some strange ambitions about rebuilding the Mongol Empire with the Bogd Khan at it's head, but that didn't go anywhere because the Soviets intervened in 1921 and - supporting local communist rebels - set up the People's Republic of Mongolia, which is the same Mongolian state that we have today. Although they did transition to a capitalistic market economy in 1990, of course.
Taiwan actually acknowledged Mongolia as an independent state in 2002, so they don't officially claim it anymore.
I'm beginning to think these guys don't know what the fuck they're talking about
We are it. The last bulwark of democracy. Each of us has been ordained by god to give our lives in the struggle against communism. As Red China exterminates an entire race and threatens us with military invasion, we must resist by ANY means necessary. Before I go underground I have prepared five tactics that will defeat the enemy:
Put dog poo in a bag and put it on the doorstep of the forbidden palace. Then light the bag on fire. When Chairman Xi steps on it to put the fire out, his shoe will be covered in poo.
Write a note that says "踢我" and put it on a PLA soldier's back so people kick him.
Say "free hong kong" on World of Warcraft.
Boycott all products from China except those with parts from China that were assembled elsewhere or raw materials from China or industrial machinery from China.
Go to a Chinese buffet and eat all of the crab and when they look at you keep eating crab
Someone tell these chuds that the vast majority of consumer electronics have parts that were manufactured in China. They could totally own the Chinese by throwing away their computers and smartphones and logging off the internet.
Just got off the phone with Xi, and he told me that if every y*nk decided to throw their electronics away, the PRC would be really, really owned and the CPC would collapse immeatedly.
So please, please do not do that!
Now I'm just imagining them rationalizing it by relishing in the exploitation of Chinese workers that built their devices, like "oh hell yeah, I got this fast phone, and those Foxconn workers had to sleep 30 to room and have caged windows to not kill themselves, what a bonus.".
this reminds me, I'm not actually sure how many but at least a portion of chinese immigrants to the US were anti-communists who left when the reds won, right? attacking chinese-owned businesses would, i imagine, be hitting a non-trivial amount of "allies"?
This should be a timely reminder to all east Asians living in the West that, no matter where you're from or what your politics are, we're all just ch*nks to the racists.