it's just the absolute icing on the truest, most poignant text you'll read this hour.
There were a lot of people at that stupid thing. I don’t want to even call it a coup attempt, because they didn’t even have a plan for that. Technically, it was probably just a riot. Anyways with all of those people surely some are in a situation like that.
Are the airlines preventing suspects from flying home? That would be cool!
Is it really a riot if the cops gave you the red carpet treatment?
Hadn't thought about that. But it'd make sense. If they hadn't been seen explicitly letting people in, they could have gone on about how they had been mistreated, and forbidden to use their toys, and that's why they were powerless to stop the big bad riot people. Might also explain the pitiful line they had to stop them.
But when the trumplies were too chicken to actually break through, they had to straight up invite them.
It was the perfect meeting of two forces who, really didn't want to get violent with each other. (I WONDER WHY?)
It was a SPORTS RIOT, they were an angry mob of white people mad their team took a fucking L
Sports riots happen even when they win though. Though I guess we'd be at the Kristallnacht level if they had won and were rioting.
Yeah. Look at the 1968 DNC convention. The cops were almost entirely responsible for the riot in that one.
They literally did idealism so hard they genuinely thought that if they believed hard enough in the right location they could will a second term for Trump into existence.
Thats it. That was the entire plan.
The plan was to break in, have Trump declare them heroes who saved democracy, then have the military and police protect them as they dissolved congress. Trump’s a dumbass though so none of that happened and they look like morons
To be fair if your a fascist that seems like a pretty good plan, I could see it going that way.
The missing element would have been a loyal military. He had loyal police, apparently. But there is a reason they call it “military coup”. You need the most powerful force backing the new leadership.
If by "a good portion" you mean "that one dude with zip ties", then yeah, sure. For everyone else it was just the dog that caught the car.
Yeah I mean the dozens of hardcore white supremacists was meaningless. The Capitol police effectively standing down was meaningless. The guard being purposely sabotaged to delay response was meaningless. 5 people dead, 2 of them from deliberate acts of violence.
These are all things that happen in normal riots inside the capitol building (and at capitol buildings all over the country).
Or not even riots I guess. Dozens injured, several dead, congress shutdown and evacuated. Not a riot.
I really wish people would just take the L on this.
It was a coup attempt. They just had no idea what they were doing. The protestors themselves couldn’t do shit but if Trump had had military support things could have been different
Imagine Trump shelling the capitol like Yeltsin in '93
(except the protestors then were on the side of the parliament, but Yeltsin was backed by the US)
This is the redditor who called you an SJW 6 years ago now. Feels old yet?
Literally, I’m that picture of that hollowed out Wojak asking for healthcare pls.
I am literally this face :agony-deep:
Thank you 🙏 I’m too tired to find the correct emoji today lol
I fully expect stupidpol to get a huge influx of people like this over the next 6 months or so.
well stupidpol is already filled with these people
Based_kekistani1488 is definitely a powerful poster that will call you the gamer word
wait, there's a the gamer word? I thought the phrase a gamer word is a stand-in for all curse words, specifically the offensive ones.
is it the n-word?
The three magi were the guy with the horns, the old lady with the flag who was just chillin, and the guy from the blaze who took a picture of Pelosi staffers computer but didn’t upload the emails anywhere