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Lib brain rot. My family is like this, too, and they think being right down the center is somehow a morally superior position. One family member in particular does the thing where they explain the rationale of both sides then say 'Who is right? We'll never know.' They do so as a way of escaping having to take a position or examine their own beliefs, like they somehow float outside of repercussions of politics.
I'm slowly wearing them down, but I have to pick and choose my battles.
like they somehow float outside of repercussions of politics
If they are petite-bourgeoisie, professionals, or managers, they probably kinda do
The weird thing is the person who does this the most is the poorest/makes the least in my family. Too much NPR. I tried to explaining to my family that Sanders would help the most financially precarious in our family far more than any other candidate would help anyone else in my family, but it was just met with blank stares. They don't want people to suffer, but the fear over their own potential lost financial status outweighs their empathy. Capitalism is a bitch.
The struggle is not to feel good, it is to win. It feels good to beat them down but that isn't winning. It sounds like you're doing good work. I've learned to dial back my efforts against folks over the years.
Lol yes, of course, but screaming that in their face won't change their opinion.
Fascist holding gun to your head.
"Hey man, so what makes you like, tick?"
I've found showing them pictures of dead children really helps put shit in perspective
Him: Learn about both sides of the parts you’re angry about. Really understand their perspective before you reject it.
I like when liberals take the scenic route to dialectics but then don't know the words "dialectical materialism" so they mystify it as whatever makes them seem sensible without any effort. Turn that around on him. Yeah you should understand the other side. The totality of the other side, all the levels of relationships it operates through. Then you should understand the same of your side. Then you should find some new thing that combines the good parts of both and abandons the bad parts so that you create a less toxic environment where those points of conflict you identified don't boil over from the contradictory natures of the two groups. In the worst cases where the relationship is fundamentally toxic and grows out of conditions, the slave and the master or the executive and the worker, those categories can't exist without the more powerful one thriving on the persecution of the weaker one because of the factors that create those relationships. In the more natural relationships, male/female or human/nature or ethnicity/ethnicity, those things can't be abolished and we're stuck finding common ground and less exploitative ways of interacting.
Give him Mao's On Contradiction with Obama photoshopped onto the cover.
you’ll never know what everyone’s true motivation was
Most of the time the prominent thinkers of a movement will explicitly write about their motivation lmao
Sounds like he just wants excuses to stay at brunch 24/7, which is honestly pretty common for well off libs
Accidentally clicked delete last time rip
"Never come to a conclusion" seems to be an extremely common brain worm. It's some kind of epistemology where reality is simply too complex to be understood and all information could potentially be false or biased so why even try understanding? Just go about your business and be quiet.
This is why mlk and x said that white liberals are their biggest enemy.
They aren't fighters. Most are straight wusses. If concentration camps started again they would rat on there neighbors in a second.
Yet, if I went to take all of his "good" scotch from the bar I bet he wouldn't see my side of the argument which is, "Don't waste good scotch on liberals."
You should beat him within an inch of his life.
It's okay he'll be tolerant about it.
Yeah, I feel like a lot of boomers, especially older men, have reached a point where they are unable to accept responsibility for almost literally anything. The effort it takes to even get an apology is insane. This extends to their personal beliefs as well.
Maybe living in the deep south has fucked with my perceptions, but it seems like it's effectively impossible to radicalize a boomer, or change their ideology in any significant way.