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  • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
    9 months ago

    They feel unsafe. They are losing sleep, they are bursting into tears. I

    To the extent they really feel any of this and aren't just playing up hysterical crocodile tears to manipulate people, the pain and fear they feel is the subconscious knowledge that they are complicit in genocide. Anything about Palestine reminds them in a small way and forces that feeling to the surface.

    It's the telltale heart. They wouldn't be this hysterical and dramatic with their flailing unless they know.

    • Bloobish [comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      I honestly have to wonder there is some serious cognitive dissonance that people who deny genocide have to go through and it has to cause some type of mental stress/strain (i.e. being forcibly speedrun out of the propaganda about Israel one has been fed at birth alongside general US news bullshit) that leads to these moments of utter derangement responses.

    • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
      9 months ago

      I can believe they're being honest; I'm reminded of a woman working at a hotel (America) who got a guy from the UAE showing up whom she called the cops on. Apparently the hotel was full up with Republicans because of some GOP thing and the guy probably got on his phone and started speaking Arabic. She went and hid in the bathroom, crying and telling the police he was swearing allegiance to ISIS and they sent a swat team over; the guy got upset and had a heart attack (he thankfully survived; apparently he was over there for medical purposes in the first place).

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      9 months ago

      It’s not that they’re against genocide. The Nazis definitely weren’t. It’s just that it’s uncivil. They see it as something necessary but don’t like seeing how it’s done. Zionists are hot dog eaters and Israel is the factory.

    • Dingus_Khan [he/him, comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      It's the telltale heart. They wouldn't be this hysterical and dramatic with their flailing unless they know.

      A hit dog will holler

  • flan [they/them]
    9 months ago

    it's all this AIPAC/IDF/etc propaganda. There are billboards out there like "HEY [CITY]! YOU'RE MURDERING JEWS YOU ANTISEMITIC BASTARDS!" -- not exactly those words but they're put up by some Zionist group and they're probably meant to scare local Jewish people into supporting Israel. Then you have like Times of Israel out there concern trolling about protests in the US or EU. The hate crime stats are up but it's probably partly because hate crimes are legitimately up with all this and partly because people are reporting someone writing "Free Palestine" as a hate crime. It's a full court press to melt peoples' brains.

    • Wertheimer [any]
      9 months ago

      I don't even know how much of it is because of recent propaganda. I'm in my late 30s and whenever Palestine came up in school (so the time between the Oslo Accords and the end of the Second Intifada) the gist they tried to convey was that Palestinians and indeed all Arabs were congenitally anti-Semitic, and that was the only cause of the conflict.

      • sourquincelog [he/him]
        9 months ago

        Yeah, it was always explained as a religious conflict in my upbringing

  • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
    9 months ago

    Shit like this is exactly why I don't want to compromise on shit like xi-plz, "unlimited genocide on the first world", and jokes about the mayocide.

    There will never be an end point to this kind of bad faith concern trolling. If you start giving ground in the name of liberal respectability they'll whittle you down to arguments about genocidal fruit.

  • jaeme
    9 months ago

    They are refusing to enter a room that has a watermelon displayed. They feel unsafe. They are losing sleep, they are bursting into tears. Its genuinely bizarre to witness.

    Are they them?



    In the video game Facade, there is an in-built codeword "melon" that will always cause a game over if said to the two NPCs above.

      • Gosplan14_the_Third [none/use name]
        9 months ago

        It's a very early (2005?) example of modern "AI" - you have to type all your dialogue in... the situation where the people in the picture are about to divorce, and it reacts accordingly to what you wrote.

        • ped_xing [he/him]
          9 months ago

          Are they getting divorced because she's now convinced that he wears his shoulders backwards on purpose?

    • AlpineSteakHouse [any]
      9 months ago

      Fake news.

      It only occurs if you "Watermelon" as the third trigger word or if you say it at the door. The reason for this is because melons are a code-name for tiddies and the AI can't distinguish between the tiddie context and the fruit (but not fruit as in tiddie) context.

      • SpiderFarmer [he/him]
        9 months ago

        I re-read that three or four times and I feel some braincells got violently re-routed.

        • AlpineSteakHouse [any]
          9 months ago

          I write comments specifically for that feel.

          Thanks for telling me, truely.

    • CA0311 [they/them]
      9 months ago

      trip and grace are definately liberal zionists too lol

  • GeorgeZBush [he/him]
    9 months ago

    I work with and for a bunch of chuds so I secretly stuck FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA and FREE PALESTINE stickers in random spots and on carts at my job. No one's said anything yet but I'm waiting for someone to find one. Completely pointless, I know, but I just hope it ruins a Zionist's day when they see them.

  • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
    9 months ago

    CW Nazi shit

    even cartoon watermelons ("reminds them of Germany in the 1930's").

    I wonder what this makes them think of?


    • Tunnelvision [they/them]
      9 months ago

      Love how the Hamas soldier is an old man and not a literal child like in real life. IDF are a bunch of cowards.

    • Commiejones [comrade/them, he/him]
      9 months ago

      Mutant palestine-strong roach is even coughing up blood and can still carry on his back the weight of a whole soldier with all their newfangled gadgets. Weakling IDF cant even crush a mutant roach from Palestine.

  • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
    9 months ago

    Without going into too much detail and doxxing yourself (obviously), could you say some more about what sort of workplace this is?

    Because this sounds wild and I'm sure we'd all love to learn more lol

  • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
    9 months ago

    If you're in (undsiclosed American metropole) and you see a message on the lamp post that says "Palestine will be free, long live the PLFP" then consider that my warm personal greeting to you, comrades

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    9 months ago

    I've been wearing a keffiyeh every day since October 7th and haven't gotten anything, not even a glance. Closest I've gotten is a coworker out of nowhere asking me if I'd heard of Palestine before, since it was the first time he'd heard of the place. He didn't seem instantly hostile, since he had never heard of Israel either. That's the level of people I'm dealing with.

    However I'd probably get skinned alive here for displaying a current Vietnamese flag (lots of Vietnamese gusanos here. Is there a better term for that?)

    • bbnh69420 [she/her, they/them]
      9 months ago

      I remember Luna Oi using the term “three-stripe” because of that dogshit flag they love to pair with the stars and bars

    • peeonyou [he/him]
      9 months ago

      I live adjacent to an extremely rich area in California. I wore a shirt with a faded Palestine flag on a walk to the library and back through those neighborhoods and the first person I ran into was a young guy, maybe high school age, who gave me a full up-down look and then mean-mugged silently as we passed on the sidewalk. For a split second I wasn't sure what that was about, but then I looked down and realized. Shameful that anyone could support Israel in the US though. Even more shameful that anyone supports our government.

      • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
        9 months ago

        There's a church down the street from me that flies an Israeli flag. I've biked past them twice a day, clearly wearing a keffiyeh that's sometimes fully wrapped around my face, and even they haven't said or done anything even when there are people milling about outside.

        I've been practicing what I'd say or do if I encounter a rabid Zionist in the wild but so far it hasn't occurred

  • daisy
    9 months ago

    Okay, I need this watermelon thing explained to me.

    • Wertheimer [any]
      9 months ago

      For many years Israel banned the Palestinian flag. They still confiscate them, when they feel like it.

      Yet, flying the Palestinian flag was judged to not be a criminal offence by Jerusalem’s Magistrates Court in September 2021. The court ruling was issued following the arrest of four people who were flying a flag, Haaretz reported.

      Police, however, regularly confiscate Palestinian flags on the grounds that they could lead to “a serious disturbance of the peace”, the news organisation reported.

      Following the 1967 war, Israel seized control of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and later annexed East Jerusalem – a move that was never recognised by most of the international community.

      It was at the time that Israel banned the Palestinian flag from being waved in occupied territories and a few years later, even banned its depiction in any artwork.

      To circumvent more recent repression of their flag and national colours, Palestinians have creatively resorted to carrying sliced watermelons in a sign of protest, making the watermelon a symbol of resistance to occupation.

      • daisy
        9 months ago

        Holy moley, I had no idea. Thanks! I'm going to start eating more watermelon.

    • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
      9 months ago

      Israel and zionist countries banned Palestinian flag displays, then they banned Palestinian flag colors on clothing, so now protesters slice open a watermelon and carry it around (Red, Green, Black) as the zionists can't make it illegal to have a watermelon.

    • GinAndJuche
      9 months ago

      It’s illegal to fly the flag some places, so they used at as a symbol for the reason OP answered.

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    9 months ago

    Too many people has had their brains broken by bad-faith zionist propaganda and their completely manufactured paranoia is driving the repression of the Palestinian cause in the west. What do you even do with these people?

  • mushroom [he/him]
    9 months ago

    i haven't witnessed this myself in person but you aren't the first person i've heard talk about this and i've seen people post like this online. i'd like to believe that it's a result of their worldview beginning to crumble. for the first time for them, zionism is no longer the unchallenged, dominant take in America, and for the first time it's clear to a majority of people how truly evil Israel and the US have been behaving. they've been told that the IDF is "the world's most moral army," but they can't square that with the videos of IDF soldiers throwing their literal shit around in demolished Gazan homes, they can't square that with besieging and bombing hospitals or the million other war crimes that have been committed in the last two months. They can't accept yet that the average image of a zionist in most people's minds is no longer a bright-eyed college kid who went to work on a kibbutz, it's a raving madman telling a random egyptian halal cart guy that he should get his fingernails torn out, it's israelis online celebrating the killing of thousands of palestinian children because they'll just grow up to be in hamas anyways. they're seeing the logical endpoint of the thing that they've supported their whole life and not being able to reckon that they might not be the good people they've always considered themselves to be, and doubling down and hoping that everyone else will shut up about it. hopefully they will be able to see the error of their ways soon.

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      9 months ago

      I read this oped about how anti-Zionism was also pretty big during the intifadas. But then 9/11 happened and the US immediately lost all solidarity because they are children who’s drawn to shiny keys.

      But the author worries that Israel could be conspiring to commit a false flag terrorist attack in the west in order to regain support by essentially showing what the consequences of not containing terrorism looks like and boost elections in the attacked/allied countries. The author cited Israel and the US’ funding and training of Syrian “rebels” as evidence that there is the capacity and manpower to do something if they want

      Essentially, Zionist strategy of tension

    • emizeko [they/them]
      9 months ago

      videos of IDF soldiers throwing their literal shit around in demolished Gazan homes

      for real? I missed that one.