hell yeah lmao
ive run the sub many many years, and sorta just directed it in a more lefty way, but recently have been extremely annoyed with how insanely lib it is, so i figured id spice it up a little bit.
in all honesty im really an anarchist, but i support the ccp over western hegemony. all day everyday. but that dont matter now that ive made them mad lmao
Tell them you’re an anarchist who’s pro China and watch their brains explode
lol i have and i am being told i am "not a leftist" and 'not an anarchist"
pack it up folks! im running as a republican now!
republicans liked 1/6 so they're actually anarchists now :wojak-nooo:
I’m having a fun time going through that thread. Against my better judgement I replied. Let’s see if I regret this
as stated in other posts, im a little hesitant to cause total chaos, cause that would be a mod cleansing all over again, and its such a hassle. i also think its extremely funny that they constantly worry about "the tankie takeover" despite the sub being run by "tankies" for almost the entirety of its life lol. watching libs froth themselves up into a rage over literally nothing at all is pretty funny
Do me a favor at least and ban this asshole for comparing poverty eradication to fucking US chattel slavery and the holocaust https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/rtrdsw/kinda_cringe_ngl/hqw86x8
the other mods either dont give a shit and think its kinda funny, or are people i am friends with IRL
If they are at the top of the modlist (sounds like they are close), they can't be kicked out
The account at the top is my old one, which got banned for being too cool.
The second one down is my roommate.
The next like 3 are people i know well lol
Semper fi soldier! You have tactically achive kinetic shit stirring! Engage with lethal irony and maximal penetrative velocity to facilitate objective super abutment.
Oh hai. Watch out for the colour rev, this will get re-agitated dozens of times now, you'll see something similar to tpusa.
I have contingency plans in case of my removal :sankara-salute:
It's not just you getting removed though. If you don't get removed what they will do is seek to start a new alternative version of the subreddit, and if they have free reign to post this agitation material what they will do is use agitation posts in order to get the community to transfer to that.
In order to stop this you need robust automod rules that cover all the possible things that these agitators usually bring up so that their posts just never see the light of day and thus no revolution and mass-exodus can be generated.
If you want a look at what those kinds of automod rules look like I can share. Been through the rodeo of preventing these things more than once now. If you want physical help that's more complicated because any mod additions will now be scrutinised and assumed to be "tankie coup" plotters or some shit.
Yes, completely necessary. These are colour revolution tactics transcribed and adapted for the digital space. They require being ruthlessly squashed.
Fortunately automoderator is a FANTASTIC tool at doing this. Admins have provided all the tools necessary to prevent this shit but you've got to be willing to really put it to work. Too many mods just think they can sit back and let it fizzle out and that will NOT happen against an ideological enemy hell bent on agitating over and over and over again. It does not work like the typical reddit trends because it is not a natural occurrence, it is manufactured by a motivated opponent.
Well at least I'm not the only hexbear user moderating a large sub on :reddit-logo:, so thanks for that.
Oh, fully agreed. The team is incredibly great though, so I stick with it.
same, the team has had its weird members, for sure, but currently the group is quite pleasant to talk to
well tbh id feel bad for the other mods who dont really give a shit about it tbh. but ive also put like 5 of the mods as my IRL friends who are all varying shades of leftist (def would laugh heartily at this post)
i considered banning people for MAXIMUM OUTRAGE but lol idk. I'm honestly not against goin nuts on it just to sabotage reddit a wee bit, but ya know i raised this thing from 7k subs to where it is now, still a little hesitant to cause total chaos lol
hey your subreddit is one of the few things that kept me from deleting my reddit account for a couple of months (ended up deleting it regardless) so big ups for one of the few ok places on that hellsite
honestly i wanted it to be a subreddit about dunking on gamer culture in general. it ended up being gigantic dweebs making fun of other gigantic dweebs for being chuds, which is fine, but really not the outcome i was looking for. there are mfers writing 400 page mass effect fanfics tryna dunk on some dumbshit youtuber and its like dude u need to log the fuck off too lmao
maybe it is time. the discord is pretty solid, especially the politics channel is not terrible so i like the much much smaller community over there
Ill probably make a post about it in general lol. It has to be in a specific way though
reddit wont simply let that ad revenue go. they refused to let the creator of KotakuInAction delete his subreddit and it had 1/5th the subs that gcj does. Im not sure how much they will let me have fun before removing me
Just pin a link to your new subreddit:
Tank(ie) it and ban the anti-china posts. It's a big enough subreddit that it'll cause a decent amount of controversy on the site.
It'll be funny as fuck lmao
Edit: it's your thing though, respect given to carving out your chunk of the internet there.
Ban Ryanb for being the biggest fucking liberal on :reddit-logo: .
Also he is a cracker.
I just informed them that they are, indeed, a cracker. No response yet.
lol do they have a reputation or something or just that post?
if imma start banning people, its gonna be en masse lul
Naw I only made to through a few of the replies before I felt an aneurism coming on and that one seem particularly :walter-breakdown: .
Can mods give people mandatory flair? I think you know where I'm going with this.
lmao when i was saying i am pro ccp i was hoping someone would make a big deal about it
this is WAAAY over my expectations lmao im expecting some death threats or some shit when i wake up lmfao
yeah i saw im on subredditdrama lmfao not the first time, but almost certainly the biggest ruckus ive ever caused.
i was having such a bad day today, like manically fucked up depressed, and this has made my mood significantly better lmao
SRD are disgusting neoliberals who laugh at the poor and homeless.
Any mockery from them is a badge of honour.
You reckon it'd be funny if you added a "pro-trump antivax Qanonist" mod (sockpuppet) to grow a more balanced and nuanced sub with a unique and friendly atmosphere of political diversity of opinions, then watch the new hog mod just start posting the most unhinged shit and running hog wild with mod powers telling everyone disagreeing with his truth to "respect his first amendment right to ban them"
Bonus points if you have a freshly appointed mod thats openly Marxist-Leninist (sock puppet) who acts as the straight-man to the clown act that's appointed later, and after open fighting between the good guy with the mod powers and the bad guy with mod powers, the good guy says he'll put his position on the line to unmod and ban the hogmod, only to be removed themself for their selfish actions. Oh how the crowds would swoon for the martyred tankie reddish china-lover.
If you put a couple of Hexbear people as mods this shit would be resolved by Monday
oh fam you don't want me as a mod. I'd make that tankie crank CptMackenzieCalhoun look like an r/anarchism mod
Edit: just for the record I enjoy chatting with mack.
people have blown up at me for random shit over the years and they always just entirely forget.
this is a big one lol i dont think ive ever pissed this many people off online at once lol they might remember me after this.
ik theyre dumb and all but dont underestimate their rage at dumb shit. they may be.. relatively good gamers, but they're still gamers at heart. did you see the /r/animemes fiasco? iirc an old chapo user Nyaanarchist is a mod there. not sure if they went over to hexbear, or in the lifeboat discord or w/e
I did not see that fiasco, though animemes is...interesting.
oh my god you havent? that subreddit banned the slur tr*p, and the whole subreddit was rioting over it for about a month straight. 99% of posts were about the banned word. they lost 100k subscribers in 15 days. The spinoff subreddit, /r/animememes, dedicated to the ability to say a slur, now has 800k users. Most deranged behavior ive seen on reddit.
worth noting, they didnt really do much to mitigate the hysteria. they tried dialoguing with the upset community and it didnt work. nothing could appease them. i think if it really comes to it, just put the sub on private for a few days and it would probably blow up. don't allow people to only post about the god dang t*nkie mods 🤢
i am def not allowing multiple posts about it, since it has zero relevance to the actual sub, i just left this one up because i find it extremely funny and the hysteria over basically nothing is wild as fuck
i am absolutely not interested in opening a dialogue with a bunch of 16 year old democrats lol, but i have found if i tell them to eat shit they get outrageously mad that a "mod acts like this" which is frankly, extremely funny.
the absolute worst that i will do is just remove off topic posts and also tell everyone to eat shit and get owned. though i am also considering making me and the mods the only approved posters, locking the sub, changing the banner to Xi Jinping playing VR and making every post on the front page a link to various leftist readings.
And now that you mention it, i do remember hearing about that, but i did not know the response was that fuckin wild. not very surprising though, anime people are massssssive weirdos on the same level that gamers are. I say this as someone who has been going to cons since 2004 lol
but i have found if i tell them to eat shit they get outrageously mad that a “mod acts like this” which is frankly, extremely funny.
No you don’t understand. You are both an internet janny that is lower than filth and not deserving of any respect, as well as an official(tm) representative of the community and must be on your best behavior at all times.
Goodanimemes is the chud sub. r/animememes is run by comrades and the t-slur was always banned.
Edit: lmao thats the sub ran by Nyanarchist xD unless they also ran The orignal animemes? Seems like everyone here is a bit mixed up. :ohnoes:
Oh my bad I was never really a member or anything. Just thought i remembered it correctly.
u/Reddit dork
You realize there are countries with free healthcare that don’t also commit constant human rights abuses, right? That is not a Chinese exclusive concept.
Bro did you rig the AutoModerator for moments like this
ok but have you considered china bad social credit billionaires Uighur ran over in tinyman square?
Yeah, that happened because Che got a bit too popular and they needed to stop that before it evolved from t-shirts and fanfics to actual analysis of his ideology
Most of the biggest agitators in that thread are probably first time commenters in the community.
The moment anti-communists smell blood in the water they flood a community like this, which may have been run by MLs forever, and they agitate over and over and over and over again until they find some way to get the community to purge the MLs. It's some digital colour revolution shit.
The only way to approach it is to fill automod with all kinds of trigger words and ruthlessly stamp it out. Once automod is mostly filled up well with it you can prevent the agitation and that shit stops.
I sometimes have to remind myself that virtually the entire mainstream political landscape in the US is anti-communist. It's not just Republicans, Democrats aren't even close to being on our side either
Most of the biggest agitators in that thread are probably first time commenters in the community.
I wish the n word bot was still around.
I'm so fucking sick of the "Tankie" hysteria on Reddit. Such a fucking fed website full of good little liberals who are "opposition" in the same way Washington Generals are to the Globetrotters.
Suddenly all these people come out the woodwork and lament the fall of the subreddit when I've literally not noticed any difference whatsoever.
The tankie shit is so stubbornly, aggressively anti-intellectual. Like, genuinely anti-intellectual. These people are not willing to think about any of this shit, but really want to bring it up to be indignant about it. It's thought-terminating buzzwords and phrases all the way down.
Red fash, Winnie the Pooh, billionaires, tankie, Tiananmen square
removed Square
Lmao that got removed. I guess it is a slur.
ermm -10000000 social credit!!!111!!!!1! This is definitely still funny 2 years later i am enjoying this and find it humorous and insightful
Jesus christ, EVERY FUCKING TIME the subject of tankies comes up its always just "omg red fash" and "China isn't communist" and these people think they're so fucking smart
/uj fuck tankies and fuck china
Damn, you're so brave and principled for voicing this controversial opinion on Reddit.
Someone should go say that. I just don't have the patience anymore, and every time I go in to dunk on them, nobody ever replies.
Arguing with Redditors shortens my lifespan so I try to avoid it.
One guy did a Winnie the Pooh comment and the responces are actually pretty funny
Lots of baby socialists make this mistake regarding the term "communism". It's a good teaching opportunity to always be cognizant of words having multiple senses, since they are almost always trying to square their idea of communism as a classless, stateless society and communist countries that have both the state and class.
"Communist-aspiring countries" doesn't have the same ring to it
"Well that's obviously wrong too, as the intro to the wiki article on socialism says that socialism is when the workers own the means of production, and that was not the case in the USSR tAnKie!" is the usual dogshit radlib response to that.
the average US citizen thinks "leftist" means "democrat" and "communist" means "extreme democrat"
It honestly just pisses me the fuck off. Such diseased brains are among us
such brains are what now... they're.. they're among???? the'yre AMONBGUS? :sus-torment:
Agreed. Unfortunately anything like that would be lost on most redditers
That is glorious. Good work comrade. My favorite of yours is still the "Dan Crenshaw destroys communism in 10 seconds" one.
I think they used some kind of AI program to synthesize Jon Benjamin's voice.
It's almost like China is a massive place with lots of moving parts and social groups and binary distinctions about it are over simplifications huh.
I saw a tik tok from a soc dem that made be want to stab my eyes with a fork
Caption was "I'm tired of leftists pretending like China is good"
And then he mocks two types of people (China good person and China bad person) before ultimately concluding that china is complicated and neither good nor bad
The answer is centrism! Yay!
The immortal science of "both sides make good points akshually"
concluding that china is complicated and neither good nor bad
ummm this but unironically I guess
That would be a substantial improvement over the linked thread.
Oof! Recognizing that something is more complicated than a simple binary but then immediately jumping to a third option equidistant between the two is peak galaxy brain. Like shit is a complicated evolving and interlocking process, that doesn't mean 50/50 is good! A 50 50 position between piss and cheery-o's just gets piss in your cheery-o's.
These people are so obsessed with “tankie coups” its honestly kinda funny
Don't you get it sweaty? Anyone that questions the Anti-China narrative is a brainwashed fash. 💅
honestly im confused lol, like what do they expect to happen?
i am probably significantly older than the average of the sub tbh lol.
i didnt even make rent this month. no money for food or gas. nothing. and mfers really in this thread telling people to :vote:
Apparently as an anarchist I'm dumb for defending 'tankies' because the soviets 'gunned down all the anarchists' :bean:
Man, I wish you guys would stop shooting me for being an anarchist, wtf.
it's the pinnacle of larping. i mean don't get me wrong when the vanguard communist party successfully leads the proletariat in a communist revolution to overthrow the bourgeoisie and institute socialism in one nation i'll become the biggest idealist social fascist ultra on this entire web site, but until that day arrives, projecting the struggles of anarchists within historical communist revolutions onto modern day forum wars between two factions of disempowered, unhinged lumpen is filling yr diaper.
No, didn't you know? Internet tankies(tm) are the exact same and will not hesitate to murder puppies and your mom
It's fun to remind people who use "tankie" that the historical event they're referencing was the soviets putting down a fascist rebellion that was literally gutting and lynching Jews and communists.
But apparently using state violence to stop fascist violence is authoritarian and if the people want to do a genocide we should let them.
Those same people will call the police heroes and talk about how the January 6 riot was a threat to democracy that needed to be violently put down.
But apparently using state violence to stop fascist violence is authoritarian and if the people want to do a genocide we should let them.
Something something xinjiang
No can do, comrade. Owls are birds like sparrows, and thus, reactionary. :meow-tankie:
I avoid Reddit if I can, so this is the first I've seen first hand of the "fuck tankies" discorse and holy shit, it's worse then I thought.
The arguments against tankies are so canned, like they reeeally don't want people to look to far into what tankies actually believe. "They're fash, thats all you need to know" seems to be the stock answer.
Lots of anti-China stuff too bordering on racism. Very cool and normal and totally spreading a red scare lies.
"They think anything bad about China is CIA" Ah yes, well known truth tellers The CIA.
Lots of anti-China stuff too bordering on racism.
You should check out a worldnews or politics (or any major sub) thread involving China. Their racism is not borderline.
i know this is going to get downvoted, but tankies bad.
edit: thanks for the gold!
Copy of a comment I made on the post, sans some sectarianism (guy who made the post is a :funny-clown-hammer: ). I have been trying to use the argument starting with 'for any self-describes socialists' on these anti-tankie posts.
Like why is this post even being made, is this subreddit awash in out of place pro-China sentiment, looking at the comments here I doubt it. For any self-described socialists here that would consider themselves anti-“tankie” I would look inwards and wonder why I have been able to successfully reject propaganda against communism as a concept, but also simultaneously believe that the same institutions that lied about that are telling the unabashed truth about every socialist project that has existed.
Point taken, but I do think there are "genuine" (i,e sincerely believe themselves to be anti-capitalist and for the establishment of a stateless society) that are anti-aes, even if it is not a majority. I think the audience I'm looking for is the people that are "only socialists in the sense bernie is" as I was that person at one point in my life, and I'm sure others here were at one point as well.
It's important to note that Bernie calling himself a socialist didn't start the equivocating socdems and socialists, given that the right has been calling literally any restriction on the property rights of the rich "socialist" for more than a century.
If you are ML (the term Stalin came up with to explain how his regime was definitely totally still communism) then yes, you're a tankie, because believing that a) Stalin's regime was still communist and b) that it was in the right and should be idolised is a total tankie move.
Like...we're arguing with people who don't know what they're fucking talking about. On anything, really. You can't convince someone who won't even come to the argument informed on the thing that is evil.
Some scholars think that "Stalin" was actually multiple Bolsheviks who came to be known as one personality
Boomers are terminally online already. Covid-19 really caused people to log on even harder.
Calling it right now. DeSantis is going to call Trump a “tankie” in a year during the Republican primary debates and libs are going to eat that shit up.
It's a thread full of kids. Literally a bunch of kids. What are we doing here
Getting a degree in a specific culture halfway around the world with no connection to oneself is such a weird concept to me. Might as well call it weebology.
I remember one of the last posts on chapo was acknowledging how cool GCJ had become during the election cycle, and the user overlap between the two subs.
Then a week later chapo was banned and the unjerk thread that day was filled with "DAE hate Tankies", "they're murder advocates" "they're transphobic anyways" etc etc
Gave me whiplash
Well the feds were ready with the new narrative, the CIA had been angling to ban CTH for a long time
Seems like there's been a large influx of people from subs like 196 and the V*ush cult over the past year.
Yeah lol just unsubbed moments ago. Got weird vibes for a bit on some of the comments for awhile, can't say I didn't feel it comin
Edit: NVM just saw the creator lives among us here and I'm resubbing
-Insert amongus text character meme I keep seeing but don't want to copy and paste because my phone's about to die-