really leaning hard into the cosmic horror and I fuckin love it
It's good, I love Jody foster, Navarro is a great actress, qavvik is a great character. It still suffers from some pretty clumsy writing though. No one in the town or the police force generally seems to notice that 6 people died in a horrifying mass murder/accident. There's a lot of just rolling with it going on.
I am enjoying it though
I mean the police being dumbasses seem accurate lol. Though I imagine people would be livid if their families were gone.
Sure, but none of the dead researchers had any connection to the nearby community.
Not seen it but my impression is some viewers are upset the new one seems to be hinting at supernatural stuff actually happening, rather than the "cosmic horror" of s1 being rust's broken self trying to make sense of depravity under late capitalism (ie hallucinatory, allegory)
Same, I can see it taking a turn to how the mine has literally poisoned everyone and indigenous lore is fueling some of the hysteria 'forming' the hallucinations.
Here for it if that's the case, need more media about ecological impacts of capitalism
Actually the indigenous women weren’t victims of systemic racism, it would Cthulhu
it stars a lot of women, many of whom are indigenous, and is really about the plight of the native women in the area.
so basically misogyny
I'm not that far in, but while I'm overall enjoying it, it feel a bit less tight than seasons 1 and 3. I'm seeing more clique tropes (dude with a mail order bride? Really? In 2024?), scenes that go on a bit too long, and it's wearing its influence on its sleeve, literally they have a DVD of The Thing on a shelf in one shot. Also it's too early to call it but I think it's, unintentionally or not, gonna have a similar twist to the video game Penumbra (don't look up for spoilers). Oh yeah The Terror too.
The supernatural stuff being more blatant isn't inherently bad but I feel like it could easily go in a really stupid direction fast. Plus it does kind of clash with the themes of the previous seasons.
I've been enjoying it. I could maybe make some minor criticisms. Honestly, i hesitate to say anything definitive until I've seen the whole thing, because seeing the full thing might reverse those.
The loudest critisms seem to be a lot of misogyny. Like every detevtive in noir and on True Detective in particular is an asshole, but because they're women now people are flipping out. Also this season has a different show runner (who is also a women) and thst seems to be a problem for some people, including the old show runner who still gets an executive producer credit and profits off it, but feels compeled to complain himself
i've been really enjoying it, and like the creepy tone and pacing. I shoudn't have been, but I was kind of surprised that it's getting a lot of hate. It's really leaning into the supernatural, which the other seasons hinted at or left ambiguous, so I can get being put off by that, I guess. But people are also trashing it because Jody Foster plays an asshole cop, or they have a problem with Navarro. All the cops in the show in every season are kind of jerks. I guess since the main cops in this season are female a lot of people can't self-insert themselves into the "bad-ass cop who takes no shit and fucks a lot" characters and don't enjoy it as much? A lot of the complaints seem wierd and nitpicky to me.
Jody foster is playing female McNulty and everybody loved McNulty.
I've never watched an episode of True Detective cause I assumed it was true crime shit. But we fot cosmic horror and Jody Foster being McNulty? Imma download this rn
The first season is lightning in a bottle, but the others are good too. They all involve crime against children FYI, lots of grim stuff
I was the same but watched it randomly at one point. It really shows how shitty cops are while still having them as the protagonist
trying "too hard" to make her badass by making her "too good" at fighting
Kali Ries is a professional boxer, lol.
They always do that. A 150lb woman can't 1v1 a 200lb guy because it's not realistic. But then a 170lb guy can 1v1 a 250lb guy because of the male bone structure and skull shape and hip ratio or some other caliper-brained shit.
I hope the last 2 episodes are about Hank traveling to Siberia to do a Taken style rescue of his fiancee
idk but pretty sure one of the characters is Rust's son or nephew. Last name Cohle cant be coincidence.
also can we talk about that m16a1 in episode 4?
It's totally iced over in one shot and totally clean in the next. they are definitely building to some lovecraftian shit.
might be the lighting but look at the gun propped across the chair at 33:00 might just me being hyper alert for small details but it doesnt look nearly as frozen
i wish there was a good written resource compiling the connections between the seasons because there seems to be a throughline between season 1 & 4 but i dont wana rewatch hours of tv or a baseless "theories" youtube content mill. just tell me why the swirly doo is the same bro
The scientists found some weird bacteria or chemical that causes hallucinations, and now the mining company has drilled into the place where that thing is, and it is seeping into the water causing mass hallucinations.
that's my guess. my partner is like "NOOO IT'S MAGIC STOP NOOO"
if it is hallucinations they're going to affect people in different ways! rose sees her dead husband, the native women hear the voices of their ancestors out on the ice, like people's given religious/spiritual beliefs will actively affect what they see when they hallucinate. i haven't watched ep 4 yet (i know what happens) but i'm really excited for the last two!
She's not sedna. If she's sedna then they needed to ask any of the Inuits on set what was up. At best her treatment of her sister is an analogue to the way the angakkoq cares for the ocean goddess and washes away the filth left by others.
The missing fingers definitely says ocean goddess. But the main character has a caring role in which she quite literally grooms (Not in the negative meaning) her sister as a response to outside influence. Which screams angakkoq if we're looking at ocean goddess imagery. She herself isn't mutilated, nor does she provide for the town materially.
The dog connection is clever, but I don't know if she marries a dog in the inupiat version of the tale. Tbh my only knowledge of the tale is as Arnaqquassaaq.
All the seasons are completely seperate. Which is good because season 2 is like unwatchably bad according to everyone lol
I really like season 2 of the wire. I also like season 2 of true detective. Coincidence?
nah reddit hates the new season more so they're now saying "wow s2 was actually good"
but season 2 was always good, and i'll die on that hill.
but season 2 was always good, and i'll die on that hill.
I will join you on that hill comrade
everyone was just mad it wasn't season 1, and it was never supposed to be!! afaik the creator said each season would be independent and be a different style, with season 2 being a greek tragedy! people really just want the same thing over and over and over.
I like season 2 because i really love noir and its just pure noir. Nothing could have lived up to season 1, and 2 was a big departure which i think is why it gets the level of hate it does.
Wasn’t the book written by Italian “Kill Yourself Now” Communistman?
season 1's philosophy content cribbed a lot from thomas ligotti but he didn't write a book called True Detective or anything
Wait, so True Detective was inspired by Ligotti but not written by him?
nic pizzolatto did the story for season 1 and took inspiration from ligotti's nonfiction work The Conspiracy Against The Human Race as well as Chambers' The King In Yellow, Lovecraft etc.
a lot of the shit rust says is mor eor less quoted from ligotti
cw self harm
he unironically thinks everyone on earth should kill themselves and that it is a failure of will that they have not done so, that the primary motivation for human existence is cowardice. he is not “based”. this ideology when taken to it’s logical extreme would demand that any moral person do all they could to cause nuclear Armageddon
basically New Schopenhauer, who had the same opinions but like better (Schopenhauer did not think everyone should kill themselves or wait for death afaik, just that the primary purpose of life is avoidance of suffering and therefore human birth should not happen)
Certainly he could have written good books but so did Lovecraft and we know how Lovecraft was.
I don’t like how much we abide by and tolerate actual suicidal ideation in our movement, especially with how many people are physically hurt by that kind of rhetoric. And before you quote Revolutionary Suicide at me, I am aligning myself closer with that than against it:
Revolutionary suicide does not mean that I and my comrades have a death wish; it means just the opposite. We have such a strong desire to live with hope and human dignity that existence without them is impossible. When reactionary forces crush us, we must move against these forces, even at the risk of death.
Some have tried to discover politics in his short novel My Work Is Not Yet Done which deals with corporate America and the horror of office jobs, but as Ligotti told one interviewer: “While My Work Is Not Yet Done uses the corporate system as a starting point, this is only so that the story can go on to depict the all-encompassing system of human existence-in fact, all organic existence-as something fundamentally and inescapably evil.” (Interview: Thomas Wagner)
This fits pretty fundamentally with my belief about all “philosophical pessimism”: it’s just Christians who refuse to call themselves Christians lamenting the death of God and the fact that reality does not meet their unrealistic expectations.
This is not what Ligotti says. In fact, in The Conspiracy Against the Human Race he has a whole section about why philosophical pessimists are not obliged to kill themselves, and that he thinks there's a very large difference between "everybody needs to kill themselves and everybody else to end humanity and therefore suffering right now" and "maybe we should stop having kids and let our species die so we don't bring anybody else into this world built solely for suffering." He even has a whole little thought experiment how the "last humans" could live in a kind of utopia with mass material abundance as humanity winds down.
sorry, I’m being very hostile but this is obviously not something I am able to talk about for my mental health. I am sorry for attacking you
It makes me so angry that people will like and nod along to this horrific garbage. I wish people had actual conception of others’ feelings and just didn’t boost concepts that actually hurt people. Your abstract Jack-off Shadow the Hedgehog shit matters infinitely less than the depressed people and families who have likely lived through mourning suicide because of concepts like this.
The reason he believes this is because he thinks it’s simply too hard to get everyone to kill themselves. If a button could be pressed that did it without any issue he would do it in a heartbeat. This is not logically consistent, because he is simply a coward too afraid to outright state what he believes because he knows what people would do to his reputation.
Also, the position of anti-natalism isn’t really logically consistent in and of itself, because it presumes a kind of objective morality that doesn’t exist. There is no reason or incentive for people to not just have kids.
And, life is not malignantly useless at all. We do not fully understand the fundamentals of life but it is not an impossibility as of yet for life to exist that does not existentially suffer. The idea that that is impossible is merely assumed (waved away; mocked despite the multitude of times human beings themselves live, if even for a moment, without suffering) to make one’s own ideas more important seeming than they are.
I will not tolerate people defending those who fetishize suicide and mental health issues. Go fuck yourself.
Edit: Also his idea that pleasure is illusory but pain isn’t is silly and absurd. Both are either equally illusory or equally real. I am not talking about their abstract moral values because the thing I do not think Ligotti nor the majority of people get is that those moral values are not real and do not actually exist in and of themselves under any circumstance.
Well, yeah, but there are plenty of good or somewhat good things made by people with bad ideas
one of my top 3 authors. great, great short stories and corporate horror novellas
The acting has been pretty solid so far. It's got a lot of elements in common with The Thing which is pretty fun.
You literally see a DVD copy of The Thing in the first episode lol
Do you want a torrent tracker invite? If you can seed I'll send you one
I use or (<-currently giving me a cloudflare error tho)
Since there are only 6 episodes it seems, I've been trying to make the song with the numbers fit as a description for each episode. I think it's lined up decently this far especially since it goes to 7 and that was about a mystery
It's probably hair brained and so broad anything in an episode could qualify each one, but I'm having fun with it
This comment is mostly just a rant about Ligotti and has next to nothing to do with True Detective. Also if you try to debate me or disagree with me I will actually try and kill you, I am not here to have my psyche damaged by weird pessimistic debate bros who fetishize my lack of mental health.
I am genuinely confused why people enjoy or even tolerate Ligotti, beyond the venting power of acknowledging a completely hopeless universe. But to outright state this as fact, to make one’s own goals the eradication of all life but then treat their life after reading as if that is not their goal at all, is completely alien to me. It confuses and deeply concerns me that we even entertain these concepts as anything more than, at best, a form of extreme venting, and at worst, a kind of malevolent harm done to those who are already unstable.
What kind of sociopath reads, “LIFE IS MALIGNANTLY USELESS”, and thinks “yes, how inspiring, I will now go spend the rest of my day at work”? Because that is the exact kind of person who is able to read Ligotti’s books and then go on with their life as normal.
It’s fundamentally offensive to me, as someone who has struggled with depression, anxiety, and has experienced the echoing effects of suicide, for someone who has spent pages of text celebrating those conditions as fundamentally more aware or correct, to be lauded with praise and support.
Maybe he’s right and we should not exist. But then you should commit to it and not be a passive-aggressive asshole who turns around and acts like you don’t believe that!
There is a kind of insidious capitalist realism to it all, a belief that our existential suffering is some sort of fundamental if the human psyche and not a product of social forces, that even of Ligotti himself does not think so, lets every social evil committed by mankind off the hook as merely a slightly worse version of a bad situation
This comment is mostly just a rant about Ligotti and has next to nothing to do with True Detective. Also if you try to debate me or disagree with me I will actually try and kill you, I am not here to have my psyche damaged by weird pessimistic debate bros who fetishize my lack of mental health.
I am genuinely confused why people enjoy or even tolerate Ligotti, beyond the venting power of acknowledging a completely hopeless universe. But to outright state this as fact, to make one’s own goals the eradication of all life but then treat their life after reading as if that is not their goal at all, is completely alien to me. It confuses and deeply concerns me that we even entertain these concepts as anything more than, at best, a form of extreme venting, and at worst, a kind of malevolent harm done to those who are already unstable.
What kind of sociopath reads, “LIFE IS MALIGNANTLY USELESS”, and thinks “yes, how inspiring, I will now go spend the rest of my day at work”? Because that is the exact kind of person who is able to read Ligotti’s books and then go on with their life as normal.
It’s fundamentally offensive to me, as someone who has struggled with depression, anxiety, and has experienced the echoing effects of suicide, for someone who has spent pages of text celebrating those conditions as fundamentally more aware or correct, to be lauded with praise and support.
Maybe he’s right and we should not exist. But then you should commit to it and not be a passive-aggressive asshole who turns around and acts like you don’t believe that!
There is a kind of insidious capitalist realism to it all, a belief that our existential suffering is some sort of fundamental if the human psyche and not a product of social forces, that even of Ligotti himself does not think so, lets every social evil committed by mankind off the hook as merely a slightly worse version of a bad situation
Debate me.
I think most people who actually read ligotti are probably reading his fiction. Because it’s generally pretty great cosmic/weird horror and some people are into that. Myself included. I assume you’re talking about his philosophy book that season 1 ripped off. That book is definitely a take. I don’t really remember it well enough to feel strongly about it, but it’s obviously a disturbing thesis. I guess the stories do tend to reflect that some, but they are very much their own thing and well worth reading if you like the genre.