• Tommasi [she/her, pup/pup's]
    1 year ago

    30 upvotes: Doves win political power, surrender, then say “see, interventionism can never work!”

    Genuinely flat-earth levels of delusion to think this is how the US operates. A take so ignorant it stops being annoying and starts being funny.

      • Tommasi [she/her, pup/pup's]
        1 year ago

        I guess it's inevitable people will resort to the fifth column excuse whenever an imperial power loses a few wars in a row.

        • Wheaties [she/her]
          1 year ago

          Oh, you're just not considering all the recourse extraction and juicy private contracts. It's not a matter of 'doves' giving up. The market-metabolism of empire necessitates moving on to fresh targets. The social organism we call the United States depends on maximizing entropy abroad. Let fly the depleted-uranium bullets in Europe!

          i gave them something with a tad more explanatory capacity, lets see if they have more of a response then downvoting...

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      They’re right. We must kick Joe “Tree Hugger” Biden out the office. He’s too weak to win wars. Get back Hillary.

    • Gosplan14_the_Third [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      Give a liberal a liberal from another state to compete against and watch them turn into Lord Gerald Nigelhouse, Baron of Headington and Her Majesty's Royal Advisor on the Empire.

      And if the others do not see themselves as liberals? Good. You now have a civilization vs barbarism argument on your hands, using morality to justify war.

  • Aryuproudomenowdaddy [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    We are where we are, the Houthis are not going to stop because we asked them to be nice and meeting their demands is not tenable.

    We CAN'T stop genociding Palestinians, that is a non-starter.

    • Adkml [he/him]
      1 year ago

      "They didn't accept our conditons of fuck off and die and give us all your possesi9ns in the mean time so anything that happens to them is their own fault at this point"

      Well at least we have a concrete example of victim blaming.

    • huf [he/him]
      1 year ago

      well of course they cant stop genociding, that would mean giving up on the founding principle of america. they might as well declare the country over at that point.

  • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Lmao "Look it's not that we can't stop the Houthis, it's that we don't want to escalate because it could start a war and we're being nice."

    Amerikkkan brainworms are unmatched.

    • Adkml [he/him]
      1 year ago

      "We could have won but people won't let us do as many war crimes as we want" had been America's excuse for every war since wwII

  • duderium [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Sooner or later, one or more American warships are gonna get blown up in a mass casualty event with a ton of US sailors dead. It's not a matter of if, its a matter of when. Then Biden will order the withdrawal of the US navy from the region and cede it completely to Iran.

    sicko-laser yes-hahaha-yes-l

    • Beaver [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Lol at the use of the term "mass causality event". It's like they're trying to link the Houthis with school shooters.

      • charlie
        1 year ago

        It’s funny cause they role play them all the time. “This time I get to be the medic and you get to pretend your eyes are bleeding”

        Edit: the navy calls them “Mass Casualty Drills”

    • robinn_IV
      1 year ago


    • Rom [he/him]
      1 year ago

      The biggest joke here is the idea that the bloodthirsty jackals would let a ripe opportunity for war pass them by.

    • Aryuproudomenowdaddy [comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      $5 they went through and pre-emptively banned anyone that was subbed to CTH. I got perma banned from there when I cited their rule on glorifying violence and asked if that meant they were opposed to U.S. foreign policy.

    • SkingradGuard [he/him, comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      Reddit won't even let me make a new account, I get insta banned the moment I do agony-deep you piss off the wrong mods. It's kinda good though, I avoid that hellsite now

      • Cummunism [they/them, he/him]
        1 year ago

        Step 1 is to use a different browser than when you were banned. Step 2 is to use a fake email address to activate the account. https://temp-mail.org/en/ I found that when i didnt use an email, i was shadowbanned fast but if you use an email it seems to get around it.

        • Weedian [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Pretty sure it's a hardware ID ban, if I make a new account and log in on any of my devices I'm instantly banned without posting

          • sysgen [none/use name,they/them]
            1 year ago

            It's easy to make a new browser fingerprint. Websites don't have access to your actual hardware ID (and even that can be changed).

        • sovietknuckles [they/them]
          1 year ago

          They shadowbanned me when I joined, but when I appealed and mentioned that I'm just using a VPN and not ban-evading, they lifted it. I'm one of the lucky ones, I'm sure they've denied appeals of lots of people who were in my situation

      • Adkml [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Same forgot my password after they got rid of third party apps so tried to make a new one and it got banned within 24 hours for ban evasion because id previously been banned from worldnews for saying giving unlimited military aid to proud self avowed nazis was bad.

        I was banned for spreading misinformation.

  • RyanGosling [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    Houthis made neoliberals go mask off for their support of Saudi Arabia lol. Koshoggi is a faded memory, and now they’re on the same page as Trump in terms of supporting the country’s military and wars

  • macerated_baby_presidents [he/him]
    1 year ago

    This operation could be successful if it was treated like an actual war. Target [...] supply lines, and have some tolerance for civilian casualties.

    the_dunk_tank is so bad for my brain. redditor powerusers blithely calling for innocent deaths. this guy is roughly the same age as me. what are we going to do with these people?

  • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Favorite comment so far:

    The Houthis are an hereditary cult, why has no one ever attempted to just kill their religious leader and all of his male descendants (as I guess they won't accept females) to prevent heirs so as to cause a succession dispute and possibly disrupt the movement? Rather than restraining aid their don't care about because popular support is not material.

    when you have zero idea how martyrs work

    • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      They're so movie brained that they think killing the "big bad" just magically makes all the "henchman" vanish into the ether or something.

    • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
      1 year ago

      20 years after Iraq and they still think they can solve all their problems in the middle east with "kill their leaders"

      • TheDialectic [none/use name]
        1 year ago

        To be fair the libs do mostly think what their leaders to tell them to think. It would work on them

    • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
      1 year ago

      "You see, if you just carry out a successful series of assassination schemes against the target and their legal heirs, then they will game over as they have no one to inherit their titles. I am a very serious person who did not learn everything about how states work by watching youtubers play CK2."

      smuglord speech-l

    • Rom [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Redditors only exposure to geopolitics is CKII

      • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
        1 year ago

        lol not even, European medieval history is far more about personal disputes about generations of inbreds than any grandiose scheming over territory and dynasties.

  • Raebxeh
    1 year ago

    Some absolutely bloodthirsty fucks in that thread

    • Aryuproudomenowdaddy [comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      Not strictly true. This operation could be successful if it was treated like an actual war. Target C2 elements and political leadership, supply lines, and have some tolerance for civilian casualties. That allows for interfering with communications between the arms supplier (Iran) and the user (Houthis), disrupting areas of control and forcing them to content with rival Yemeni factions, and reduces cross-coordination between the groups firing.

      Ok but just listen, if we killed a few civilians it would be worth it for me to get my Funko Popperinos faster.

      • Infamousblt [any]
        1 year ago

        The wild thing is that all of this is because they're already killing MASSIVE amounts of civilians. They're literally doing a genocide. So basically this guy is saying "Well maybe we just need to do TWO genocides and that'll stop it!"

        Technically correct I guess though. If you genocide everyone then humanity at least won't have any more wars. Malthusian libs are extra weird.

        • Wheaties [she/her]
          1 year ago

          Step back from dunking on the clowns, and it's a harrowing example of where we're at as a people, a planet. "Vicious Cycle" doesn't begin to do it justice. It's easy to industrialize the slaughter of people. But it isn't easy to stop. It has inertia. Mass. It distorts all further decision making, bends it all inward. "Ceasefire"? "Just stop"? To the individuals in charge, they're already past the point where that's unthinkable. "We're already at speed, the machine at full throttle! If we try to stop now, it could break. Can't do that. Don't you see? We live in this thing!"

          From that position, as far as they are willing to think about it, the only logical thing to do is steer. To push the black hole towards the cities and towns and peoples that they think deserve it. And that perspective trickles down down. Down to the little functionaries. The tissues and cells working within the machine. "Randos" throwing their voice into the digital void are more likely to empathize with the pilot of the death machine. Because the people being eaten are far away. Because they don't look like me. Because they don't speak my language, so as far as I know they don't even think like people do. They mirror death-pilot thoughts, and spew out justification while claiming to be clear-eyed, rational. "I'm just telling it like it is."

      • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
        1 year ago

        forcing them to contend with rival factions

        Conservatives have the One Joke, neolibs have the One Strategy

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      No because these people are literally just the ones working in the skyscrapers you see in your city or texting in their phones next to a crew of lanyards at the capitol

        • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
          1 year ago

          Center for New Liberalsim aka the Neoliberal Project https://cnliberalism.org/who-we-are



    • Beaver [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Un-ironically no. There's no need for the feds to infiltrate those kinds of online spaces. They already act as self-reproducing grassroots propaganda, and there's zero chance that any of them would actually rock the boat.

  • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    The purging of the alt-right on Reddit allowed the liberals to take their place. It’s like a weird liberal 4chan now.

    • GlueBear [they/them, comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      That whole site is basically Facebook for gen x and millennials, except significantly more obnoxious and unfunny. I mean you literally can't have a single post without the first (several!) comment(s) being some stupid fucking karma farming pun or joke.

      I literally was looking up images of chocolate cake so I could find recipes and I clicked on a picture that led to a reddit post asking about a recipe that could make moist, dense chocolate cake. Just a normal request, what's a recipe for good fucking chocolate cake?

      The first 200+ comments on that post were all puns. I had to scroll all the way to the bottom to actually find people contributing actual recipes and techniques.

      God they are so fucking worthless.

    • Adkml [he/him]
      1 year ago

      What alt- right purge.

      Any sub with the work "dank" "meme" or anything not explicitly political is full to the gills of the worst chids you could imagine.

      Just saw a post of some people nodding on hard drugs, comment section was upvoting people saying they were useless trash, somebody got downvoted for saying pharmaceuticals were to blame and the comment "there's no link between prescriptions and hard drug use" had dozen of upvotes

      • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
        1 year ago

        That opinion is pretty common with liberals, especially if the person in question is homeless. There’s definitely been a purge and those that remain stay on meme subs or the 4chan-centric subs.

        The alt-right isn’t as strong on Reddit as the new alt-center neoliberals seem to be. A lot of the same opinions but with a thin layer of civility.

  • Wheaties [she/her]
    1 year ago

    We’ve cut the military budget vs. inflation for years, and much of those cuts have gone to procurement.

    powercry-2 Waaaaa, pentagon budget hasn't gone up quite as much relative to inflation! Think of the poor Chrysler salesmen!