Welcome back to everyone posting again :avoheart:

Please comment below if you want to be on the weekly vegan nerd call!

Join the Vegan Theory Club discord here

Non-human beings are our comrades :vegan-liberation-rad: :vegan-v:

Remember the rules; in particular, this comm is for vegans only. Feel free to discuss anything from beans :bean: to your undying and eternal hatred for carnists. :frog-no-pretext:

:vegan-edge: Veganism isn't a diet, it's about animal liberation.

Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose

:very-smart: Other resources

Short clips to send to carnists (CW):

Documentaries (CW x2):

The sidebar has other great resources to check out, too.

  • CommunistBear [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Listening to boomers whine about the texture and taste of tofu is the most infuriating thing, especially when it's prepared really well. I had an absolutely lovely salt & pepper tofu from a Chinese place that was crispy on the outside but silken on the inside with an incredible taste. Mixed with rice and it was divine. When I offered my mom a bite she spit it out like a child and complained the whole time.

    • LibsEatPoop [any]
      2 years ago

      Same here lmao. My mom hates tofu. So I made a very tasty tofu dish without telling her it was tofu. She loved it.

      I told her it was tofu. She said it as awful.


    • prolepylene [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      My dad watched Bizarre Foods back when that was on the air, and there was an episode with "chinese stinky hairy tofu" which is just fermented tofu. To this day, anytime tofu is near him he is compelled to bring up the phrase "stinky hairy tofu" and refuses to ever try it. Actual child behavior.

      • CommunistBear [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Does he like cheese? That's just "Anglo stinky moldy milk". Like, I don't doubt the actual fermented tofu has an acquired taste to it,but that is so obviously not regular tofu. People complain tofu has no taste, not that it tastes putrid!

        • prolepylene [he/him, comrade/them]
          2 years ago

          lol thats the thing too! We have some Alaskan and some Scandinavian heritage so fermented seafoods aren't uncommon, and hes a big fan of limburger, the go-to stinky cheese. Its just the cognitive dissonance of "tofu=nasty" or whatever and he's unwilling to even try to change.

  • spring_rabbit [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Them: "why are you vegan?"

    Me: gives an answer that isn't just "environment" or "health reasons", mentions how factory farming is like horror movie shit.

    Them: "why are you being so pushy?"

    • Dingus_Khan [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      Love to engage the toxic masculinity and say I only eat what I kill and only a coward eats meat they didn't kill.

      My secret? I just don't kill, it's that easy folks

      • spring_rabbit [she/her]
        2 years ago

        One friend suggested I take up hunting so that I could have meat without taking part in animal agriculture. I've done it before, still have the equipment and skills, probably a better shot than ever.

        But like, maybe I just don't want to eat meat anymore? I just want to hunt steel silhouette animals, and clay pigeons.

      • BeamBrain [he/him]M
        2 years ago

        Tell that to all the vegetables you've murdered :angery:

  • Catherine_Steward [she/her]
    2 years ago

    A guy I work with keeps randomly bringing up "i just could not give up bacon" and "i cant believe you dont eat [product of animal abuse]" and im just like god damn, dude, we get it, you're an animal abuser.

    • Kanna [she/her]
      2 years ago

      It's unhinged. The amount of suffering needed just to make bacon is an incomprehensible level

    • LibsEatPoop [any]
      2 years ago

      I’m getting the impression that maybe our societal obsession with meat and diary is an addiction. Now that I’m vegan, I can actually realise that the taste of those thinks is actually….pretty horrible.

  • spring_rabbit [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Had my first instance of a friend trying to debate bro me on veganism. Feels like a rite of passage.

    Because after all, the mushrooms I like to eat are probably grown on manure, and fertilizers used for my plants are environmentally destructive and poison so many fish. There is no escaping mass animal murder so it's not worth trying.

    My choices won't prevent animals from being harmed, says the person who insists a meal isn't complete without meat.

    • prolepylene [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      The "no ethical consumption" crowd always has it out for veganism, but pal I'm not the one murdering a living being every time I feel a bit peckish.

      • NewAcctWhoDis [any]
        2 years ago

        My favorite version of this was someone who did a "no ethical consumption" spiel, except for Chick-fil-A. Like, fuck that company for several reasons of course, but that's such a bizarre choice for most evil company.

    • StewartCopelandsDad [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Honestly I don't mind when friends (politely) bring up the subject. It's like playing a game of chicken. I would rather lose them as a friend than be not vegan, so unless they want to cut ties over eating meat they have to "lose" the argument. Funny power dynamic and I get to banter about whether figs with wasps in them are vegan or whatever.

  • Nepharoni [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Vegan meal I eat all the time.

    Just straight up pan fried chickpeas.

    Drain 1 or 2 cans of chickpeas and rinse with water, allow to drain.

    Heat up a frying pan on medium high heat. Add some oil. A tablespoon of canola or just some spray oil to keep the calories down.

    When its hot dump the chickpeas into the pan.

    Season with salt and pepper. I always add nooch at this point. You could also add : paprika, garlic powder, cumin, turmeric, black salt, cayenne or red pepper flakes. Any spice you like really.

    Cook on med high for about 10 minutes, flip and turn about every minute. You want them to be dry, and starting to be crispy. If you want a very crispy outside try more heat and oil.

    You can basically say they're done at anything, they are already cooked so you just need to warm them .

    If you are feeling fancy, about 1 minute before you are done finely chop some herbs and mix them in. Mint, basil, rosemary, oregano. cilantro is my favorite. Don't burn your herbs, put them in late in the process.

    Pour into a plate or bowl and you are good to eat. If you want to class it up add sliced avocado, or more salt and lemon juice, or your favorite sauce like sweet chili.

    Very easy meal, 12 minutes tops, a can of chickpeas should be about a dollar. Endless options for variety.


      • Nephron [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Sometimes I get overconfident about how easy it is to be vegan. I tried eating a can out chickpeas straight out of the can but i forgot they were in brine and the salt made me throw up.

        But if you don't drink salt water you can eat up to three cans per day before the fiber just becomes a problem. At least thats my experience

        • pocket_tofu [she/her,fae/faer]
          2 years ago

          Next time, rinse them in a colander and you should be okay. You can also put nooch on them and get that sweet b12

  • CheGueBeara [he/him]
    2 years ago

    There is a clear need for a big list of anti-vegan cope.

    This shit is comedic in how formulaic it is. Hassle an anti-vegan hexbear dot net user and it's like you're suddenly talking to Destiny. Get ready to hear about how your comparison to something else is actually claiming complete equivalence, so if they can spot a difference then bam that's checkmate sweaty.

    I'll start:

    • Why are you so rude? You'll catch more flies with honey.

    • This isn't exactly the same as [human oppression] so it's disrespectful to make the comparison (minoritized groups are disproportionately vegan, this doesn't matter).

    • It's not popular so it gets in the way of organizing/membership. This is how you really know someone has done very little irl work for the left. Or, worse, they've adopted the liberalism that seeks membership at the expense of ever having any political education campaign. Looking at you, DSA Karens that literally demand liberals be included in your orgs' self-descriptions ("we're an organization of socialists and liberals that...").

    • I've never even read the Wikipedia article on veganism but here's my hot take anyways and I'll defend it to the death.

    • Did you know that farming still kills animals? Not very vegan of you to eat those beans now, huh? So why are you on my case about my treat burgers posts?

    • I just don't like all this drama? Wouldn't it be better if you just shut the fuck up forever or only said "pretty please eat a little less animal but also it's okay if you just ignore me entirely"?

    • Ever heard of a little thing called having a medical condition? Ableist much?

    • As an Italian, I find veganism to be anti-indigenous. In solidarity I will buy and maybe even eat every dairy item at the store.

    • pocket_tofu [she/her,fae/faer]
      2 years ago
      • I'm not vegan, nor have I ever convinced anyone to go vegan, but you vegans are doing it wrong. Here's how to convince people to go vegan... no, I'm still not going vegan
      • There's no ethical consumption under capitalism. I know Vaush made this argument to defend idk buying a slave or something, but it's good when I say it
      • This is the friendliest community you'll ever find for your cause. So shut up and pretend you don't exist or we'll stop being so friendly
      • As a person who hurts animals recreationally and threatens to tear the site apart when mods propose treating vegans fairly, have you considered that you're actually the divisive fascist here?
    • Kanna [she/her]
      2 years ago

      Don't forget my new favorite :cope:

      • "Carnist are literally murderers." That's the same thing anti-choice people say!!
    • edwardligma [he/him]
      2 years ago

      perhaps im more of an optimist than most here, but most of the stuff ive seen on here seems to me like just fundamentally decent people still trapped in ideology, transparently wrestling with their own consciences and (badly) trying to convince themselves that actually this is the one instance where the ruling ideology is right on the money and the system is basically fine, cos if it wasnt id have to change and thats scary. i really think even the chuddiest-sounding ones on here have looked like just scared people reflexively lashing out as a defense mechanism, and i do think theyll figure it out eventually cos they sound just like i did right before i figured it out (except louder lol). but yeah heres a couple more:

      • haha im going to eat more of those animals you care so much about because youre so annoying haha. le triggered? im gonna eat even more haha. why are you so upset? its a joke bro, cant you take a joke?

      • you say animals are killed for animal products, well what about [incredibly niche edge case]? nono i didnt mean all of [incredibly niche edge case that whoops actually usually does involve animal killing], i only meant what if [incredibly niche edge case of an incredibly niche edge case], stop shifting the goalposts

  • Kanna [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Stop being annoying 😢

    When I hear that it becomes very clear I'm talking to someone who does not actually care about animals in general. They might have a pet, they might like cute pictures online, but they choose not to recognize the injustices billions of animals face each year. They may even recognize that there's an issue, but it gets filed away in their swamp of speciesist brainworms as secondary - they're just animals after all. :so-true:

    You make me want to eat more meat! 🤡

    You say in the same comments that call for civility. They need to be nice to me!

    Veganism is about animal liberation. We recognize that it's not okay to torture and kill sentient beings for our pleasure. We have no claim to another life and we're horrified by the mass murder being committed daily. It's not annoying to call landlords pieces of shit. It's not annoying to make fun of the bootlickers gleefully defending landlords. We're confrontational as hell to those reactionaries. Why is it annoying to call out those who, seemingly, want animals to be tortured and die. If you didn't want to inflict that pain, you wouldn't say things like this. :pathetic:

    Go post in your own comm!!

    This comm lives rent free in the heads of animal abusers. I see it in your reports. Go to your own comm, don't remind me of me deep contradictions! Then we post in our own comm and a flood of reports come in demanding control of the comm we were pushed into. Sounds like you just don't want us anywhere? :thonk-cri:

    • pocket_tofu [she/her,fae/faer]
      2 years ago

      Sounds like you just don’t want us anywhere?

      Carnists really think they need a safe space, as if almost everywhere in the whole earth, online and offline, isn't built to support human supremacy and carnism. God forbid anyone dare challenge them on a small leftist forum about harm they choose to do, which they easily could choose not to do. They react just like any reactionary whose privilege is challenged and make themselves the victim, always erasing their actual victims


      • Kanna [she/her]
        2 years ago

        You would think people that spend all their time talking about ideologies centered around autonomy and freedom of exploitation would be able to extend that to all aspect of their lives. Some of them do change, but reactionaries act as reactionaries do. They say they just want to kill animals even more and we're supposed to look at them like they aren't unhinged. The reports in this comm and my DMs are filled with salty animal abusers. I'm sure other users here get it too

        • pocket_tofu [she/her,fae/faer]
          2 years ago

          They think "I don't give a shit about animals" is a complete moral argument, as if we don't spend all day dunking on landlords, cops, and capitalists who "don't give a shit" about those they're oppressing. They act like the point of being a leftist is just looking out for yourself or merely analyzing shit instead of actually fighting against injustice and oppression.

          You can tell how lib a person is by how fiercely they defend the negative peace of the status quo over ever making any changes or steps towards left political goals.

          I don't envy the salty dm's and reports, for sure. Carnists abuse and murder nonhumans every day, so it's no surprise they don't think twice about sending cruel and abusive messages to us either. I remember when Regan Russell died, the things carnists said.

          These were the comments on the first fb post I saw about her death. CW carnists are fascists, and these comments are very disturbing. Do not click this link if you're in a bad place: https://imgur.com/a/cEejmzO

          Point I'm trying to make is never, ever believe people when they say vegans are the mean and uncivil ones. It doesn't matter how quiet, respectable, and civil you are -- if you try to change the status quo or question someone's privilege, libs will paint you as the devil

    • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
      2 years ago

      :wojak-nooo: "Why are feminists so rude, you'd win a lot more people over if you smiled more and talked back less."

      :swole-doge: "Fuck you."

      :wojak-nooo: "I wouldn't have a problem with trans people, but now they're demanding I respect their pronouns so now I hate them"

      :swole-doge: "Fuck you."

      :wojak-nooo: "A vegan said I was a murderer for eating meat, so now I'm gonna cook up a big steak lol."

      :cheems: "I'm so sorry that happened, Idk what's wrong with those vegans, they should be more respectful."

  • Kanna [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Hey, remember that forum of reactionaries that would hate read sites that oppose their reactionary views and make threads complaining about them?

    Phew! I'm sure glad that nobody's hate reading this comm and making weird posts about it!

    Anyway good morning vegans :vegan-tofu:

  • Catherine_Steward [she/her]
    2 years ago

    tfw when ableist armchair psychologist harrassment is getting upvoted just because the one doing the harassment is "one of the good vegans" who doesnt speak out against oppression

    this site is even more reddit than i thought. very very disappointing

  • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
    2 years ago
    > put food in ground
    > wait a bit
    > more food pops up
    > eat it

    This shit is literally so easy??

    • Kanna [she/her]
      2 years ago

      Wow and nobody gets hurt in the process? Why isn't everyone doing this??

      • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
        2 years ago

        Carnists explaining how asking them not to add a bunch of steps where they torture and kill animals is throws dart at board Zionism :morshupls:

      • MF_BROOM [he/him]
        2 years ago

        I'm not going to fall for your vegan propaganda, your comment was sponsored by Big :broc:, admit it.

        • Kanna [she/her]
          2 years ago

          My posts are :free-real-estate: for any potential sponsors so please reach out over DM

    • MF_BROOM [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Non-vegans are so divorced from the mass suffering and death that goes into their animal products, that they may as well believe their dairy and meat grows from the ground

  • edwardligma [he/him]
    2 years ago

    what stage of carnism is it when you post some picture of meat you googled and present it in c/food as something you cooked yourself to own the vegans lmao

    • Kanna [she/her]
      2 years ago

      That was the funniest and most embarrassing admission that we live rent free in their heads :picard-troll: