Is this a thing circulating on facebook or something? Or has my dad's lead poisoned brain dreamt this up on its own
This kind of stuff is why chomsky was wrong about antifa. The way chuds see it antifa, BLM, the DNC, that one girl from middle school, USSR, China, homeless people, etc might as well all be the same thing. If anything it just helps whatever actual radicals are out there with social camouflage since even dead cop stories just get absorbed into the all encompassing vomit.
He doesn't have brainworms, there's just one giant brainworm.
Look--this is hard to understand, I know. But living within the core of the Earth is an organism. It doesn't eat or sleep. It just exists, the same way we do. I don't know what it thinks about--maybe all sorts of things, maybe nothing. But like all other life it needs to subsist on something--and that something is conflict. It doesn't have politics or ideology--it needs conflict to live the same way we need air to breathe. And it decided--by some impossible, protean arithmetic--that it would install something called the 'authoritarian personality' into the terrestrial bipeds living far above it the moment their nervous systems were advanced enough to internalize them. The organism did not want pure chaos and suffering and depravity--just enough to sate it, just enough that humanity would stumble forward into the future just a little longer.
There are no brainworms. There is just the Brain-Worm. There has always been the Brain-Worm. It did not choose you. You can consider that a blessing, but in many ways? It's a curse. The curse of knowing. The fruit of knowledge was forced down your throat and your mouth held shut as you flailed and choked.
And when you die the Brain-Worm will continue. There will always be the Brain-Worm. And in your offspring, if the Brain-Worm desires--so too shall the spark of conflict grow.
The Gears games have a reputation for being very dumb games, and yes, the plots themselves aren't much to write home about but there were tons of incredibly fun character moments and the VAs did a great job
I've always been partial to a Jill sandwich.
And of course the one place that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism... SPPAAACE!
You can show him this tweet from the FBI saying no fires were started by extremists. The replies are predictably filled with Qultists.
It's amazing the realities that right wing, and to a lesser extent liberal media can create. Just completely fabricating the narrative and the hogs squeal with glee as they eat it up.
I used to be against reeducation, but these types of absolutely wild fantasies right wingers have probably can't be solved fast enough before climate change makes it all moot. My dad has every reason to be a comrade, materially speaking, but the conditioning is far too strong.
Reeducation needs to be seriously discussed, and every reeducation discussion should include the following points:
- There is no justification for absolute freedom of speech in the face of a climate crisis that will affect billions. Whatever right to free speech exists doesn't extend to trying to murder-suicide the entire planet.
- We've never had anything approaching absolute freedom of speech in the U.S., anyway, and the line between speech and action is extremely fuzzy.
- We already have reeducation in the U.S., and almost no one has a problem with it because in some situations it's an entirely reasonable solution. If you drive drunk, many states will require you to complete a weekend class (sometimes you're even bound to the confines of a residential facility for this) to avoid jail time and regain your drivers license. If you commit assault or battery (and note that assault is one of those fuzzy areas between speech and action), many states will require you to complete anger management classes. If ordinary crimes that often do no physical damage to anyone are worthy of reeducation, it's impossible to argue that promoting fascism or furthering the destruction of the planet's ecosystem is unworthy of reeducation.
- Our news and media is already packed full of pro-capitalist, pro-imperialist propaganda. We're already reeducating people on a mass scale. Bending that propaganda needle back in a more productive direction would achieve the same things but towards far better ends.
- Stripping money out of politics (stuff like limiting campaign expenditures to publicly-available funds, banning PACs, and curtailing quasi-PACs like the think tank propaganda industry) would also have an enormous reeducation-like effect.
In theory, 4 and 5 would be all you need, with no custodial, in-classroom programs required. But even if custodial, in-classroom programs are necessary, we already have them in operation for fairly low-level antisocial conduct (3).
I think you overanalized points 1-2. There was never and will never be anything like "absolute freedom of speech" or "freedom of speech" in general.
Very much like liberals believe in "free will" psychology and physics already proved there is no such thing. We know people already "decided" what to do based on MRI scans well before they become conscious of it.
Free speech as an extension of free will only means someone will say whatever he already experienced and is accustomed to .
If you go to an Amazonian tribe you wont see QAnon posts or them talking about the necessity for a pure "white" race or whatever shit liberals and fascists thinks it is their "opinion". Go interview families in Africa and see how closely their opinion matches the "enlightened" master race on FB/Reddit/4Chan etc...
Likewise go to a farming village and China, you wont see someone talking about the "Illuminati" or "deep state" shit.
The reality is people will only say what they already believe in and/or have been influenced by. In a hypothetical ideal society nobody will be talking about the need to bring white supremacy to power because there wont be any material need and there wont be any exposure to such ideas.
So back to your post your points 1-2 implies climate change is a special condition to which we must act in forbidding "free speech". It certainly makes the case stronger why we can't have it, but it is not a special condition at all, as I explained above, IMO believing and preaching this idea of "free speech" is just liberal ideology itself trying to make you accept their beliefs as actual tangible real things, which they are not.
It doesn't matter how much time useless philosophy majors, liberal economists/"experts" or even pseudo intellectuals want to talk about and pay lip service to "freedom of speech", the reality of the human experience is there will never be such a thing. "Free speech", "democracy", "free will" etc... are all parts of the liberal ideology which is pretty much a religion, based on how they act, it is far more important to believe and accept those concepts than whether or not those concepts are even valid to begin with.
I signed up to get Trump campaign text messages just to randomly answer their surveys and fuck up their data in my small way, but I got texts yesterday from the Trump campaign claiming Antifa were in the suburbs attacking homes.
I think the top of the message was something like "ANTIFA ALERT!" so if you didn't open it, that's all you saw.
I'm wondering what the reasoning is for why antifa would start attacking peoples homes under a Biden administration.
I think the idea is that right now Trump is successfully holding them at bay, and with ol' Sleepy Joe at the helm, he'll eliminate all police and then ANTIFA will get loose, like a horde of zombies.
Ok I can see that narrative now. It's very silly and delusional, but I can see Fox News telling people this.
You're looking for logic that isn't really there. The point is just to stoke fear in suburban yuppies. [bad thing] is coming to [your home]!
It's right out of the fascist playbook, Gaslight Obstruct Project
These fires are arson all right, but they're being set by the fash and blaming leftists
I explained it better here
It's some dumb Facebook shit that's still going even tho the FBI said to stop.
The FBI and local PD said it was bullshit but the chuds are convinced. I can see them not trusting the deep state (((FBI))) but they worship their local PDs.
They keep calling the cops on their neighbors driving around with supplies and stuff when they're just evacuating or trying to help their neighbors get gas or whatever. Cops have been begging them to stop being so wound up so they don't have to respond to a bogus call every 10 minutes.
I follow a lot of the conspiracy shit to whip out why it's bullshit when my mom begins to tell me about it. Helps a lot.
"Did you know this guy david I..." The cook that became a millionaire peddling conspiracy theories? The literal guy that invented the aluminum hat and lizard people? Yes. He's a fucking lunatic and no, he isn't a doctor revealing the truth about covid.
David Icke was a footballer & sports broadcaster, not a cook. I think you might be mixing it up with the Aussie TV chef who got in trouble for interviewing Icke and being a COVID denier.
I read that right wingers heard BLM (Bureau of Land Management) on the radio and they assumed it was BLM (BlackLivesMatter)