Hey everyone I am creating a temporary containment thread for all posts related to the WB video game releasing this week.
All posts after this one will be removed, consider donating to aid groups for the earthquake.
Here is a pretty exhaustive list that hasn't really been researched in depth or vetted, please let me know if there are any terrible links and I'll remove them
Watch for scams https://isc.sans.edu/diary/29518
This "Goblin Artifact" is in fact an ancient Jewish musical instrument. A Shofar.
The team that made this game has explicitly leaned into the "goblins are jews" antisemitism.
just following in the movie's footsteps with putting six-pointed stars in the bank when that was never in the book
Tbf that is just the floor of the actual building that was filmed in.
But hey maybe uh, pick a different filming location. Or cover it up.
I thought Rowling had a reputation for demanding close control over her movies, though. Considering her track record of high-visibility dogwhistling (like her pen name), I have a hard time believing that the stars of David weren't a factor in choosing the set location
If it was a coincidence, then she must have been over the moon about her luck
Oh absolutely. At the very best it was something that someone should’ve noticed and said “Hey maybe we should cover that up” but I 100% think Rowling saw it and was like “This set’s perfect!”
Since 2013 she's been publishing her pulp mystery as Robert Galbraith
The most notable person with that name is the MKUltra-ass psychiatrist who invented 'gay conversion therapy', Robert Galbraith Heath
Ah wow ok I didn’t know about that pen name, I was trying to figure out what JK was a dog whistle for haha. Thanks for filling me in!
AKA The legendary instrument that made Trump president.
See: The Trump Prophecy
There's gotta be what, like 5 other video games that you could be playing instead of the wizard game. Tetris, Farming Simulator 19, Jagged Alliance 2, Myst (1993), and XCOM: Enemy Unknown. There might even be more than that but I'm not sure.
Nope, that's all of them unfortunately. We only get a new game every several years, and Wizard Game was the one this cycle.
Honestly, I feel like we already have enough games at this point. Like, how many options do we really need, 10? 20??? Where does it stop?
Jagged Alliance 2 eh, I see at least one other person on here isn't a lib.
Everything I know about guns I learned from playing Jagged Alliance 2 1.13 mod
There's at least 5 games that have come out in the last 2 months that are more worth playing than this shit
I just read the Wikipedia article on Myst and found out that they made it a whole series and also there's even VR Myst which honestly sounds dope because I know I'd just get stuck on one of the first puzzles like I did when I was 8 but wandering around the island aimlessly in VR actually sounds kinda nice (too bad I don't have VR). Also the sound designer for the game was named, no joke, Chris Brandkamp. His name's Bandcamp and he's a sound designer lmaooo (Bandcamp wouldn't even exist for another 15 years)
Also you can tell my taste in video games by the fact that I tried to make this list as random as possible but still ended up including two TBT games, but "XCOM: Enemy Unknown" felt like a really funny title to end the list on and "Jagged Alliance 2" fit the off-the-wall feel I was going for and is also obviously a sequel, but I love the idea that it's just called that like there's in game lore where there was previously a jagged alliance and somebody's like "Now we must once again form a jagged alliance - a Jagged Alliance 2"
There's also a really bad parody called Pyst that had John Goodman in it.
It's crazy how popular Myst was when it came out, feels like a niche game these days but it got a ton of sequels, at least a few of which were even good.
I think the idea of a beautiful, peaceful puzzle game with enchanting art was so new that people couldn't resist. it. Myst was truly beautiful, the story was intriguing, the puzzles were genuinely challenging in a mostly pre-internet time. There had been lots of puzzle games before but not really anything like Myst.
It's still a very difficult series. I don't think I could've finished Riven without help from a guide, but it's a fantastic game in terms of worldbuilding and tone.
Of course, it's a lot more playable now that you don't have to swap between five disks as well...
Tbh I forgot everything about the story. I mostly played Unfinished Business and most of what I remember is the 90s-ass computer and the shitty gun most of the mercs start with that can't hit anything more than 10 ft away and how nice it feels to get rid of it.
I actually kinda liked that it didn't have that. For whatever reason Unfinished Business was my introduction to the game and when I tried the base game I found it kinda... disorienting? Without the open-ended strategic element, I felt like you really had to manage resources carefully and think creatively about how to solve problems with the tools you had instead of just building up strength and going in super well equipped. But like I said I didn't play much of the base game so I can't really judge it and I think I'd have experienced it differently if I hadn't started with the assumptions in Unfinished Business.
I just pretend like the "legitimate" monarch is actually Lenin. :lenin-disguise:
Although Fidel might be more apropriate. :fidel-bat:
It's such a cool game. All the mercenaries have backstories and a lot of them are mixed in with each other. You can hire a divorced couple who hate each other and it'll be a problem if you try to deploy them together. Some people won't work with others, some people will only work with specific friends, some people will leave if a friend dies or you commit specific actions they don't like. It was such a neat system with a lot of depth and made the game fun and repayable. Losing a mercenary was never just an "oh well time to grab a new character" because they all had distinct personalities, skills, and relationships. When somoene died they were gone and you wouldn't get that indvidual back.
What they should really do is play Noita and totally dead-pan pretend its the terf game and make lots of harry potter references and talk about how perfectly the game captures the enchantment and magic of hogwarts and never break character.
Everything in this thread stays in this thread so I can admit that I haven't seen the new Puss in Boots but whoo boy lemme tell ya that big daddy Death wolf, I mean homina homina homina, nyah nyah nyah, awoooooooogaaaaaaa and there's not a thing anyone can do about it.
I’m always a sucker for an enemy that uses sickles as a weapon
the tweets about this game are honestly top shelf.
my favorite so far is "once you beat the game, you're taken back to the character. there, you can decide whether your character was actually gay this whole time!"
:1984: keep your cats indoors. wash your ass. dont stack rocks. dont play the nazi wizard game. :19: :84:
was there an actual struggle session I missed about whether or not people should wash their ass
Not really. A user got really into the idea that bidets are bourgeoise decadence but everyone on that thread was pro washing their ass
I don't think the users of this website deserve clean asses.
one user posted about a hundred comments raging at anyone who supported washing one's ass
It's one of dril's most famous tweets.
Also for some reason white dudes on reddit used to come out and inform the world they didn't wipe their ass
It also just doesn't look like a good game :edgeworth-shrug:
I have genuine fond memories of reading them with my mom and class as a kid, as well as seeing the movies, but they really didn't age well, which has only been aggravated by Rowling being a bigot.
it's really incredible how much Rowling managed to fuck up her legacy and the legacy of her books.
Like, if she'd just been generally supportive of inclusion or even just kept her dang mouth shut, people would probably still love the HP stuff. Collectively, people were ready to give her a pass for the mediocre writing, shitty naming, and even the more problematic content. But she turns out to be a massive TERF and everyone just went "ok, you know what? yeah. let's talk about it. you suck at writing and your books are pretty damn racist."
People still like HP, it is just more quietly, or really insist on death of the author.
I know a lot of people do. but like, it honestly ruined it for me. I was sort of willing to let all the flaws slide "rule of cool" style because it was nostalgic and fun. And now I look at HP stuff and all I see is the massive flaws.
Like, I guess I'm more able/willing to do death of the author if the underlying work is good. But Harry Potter crumbles under close examination. So for me, it needed the support of "good vibes all around", if that makes sense?It's like Eve 6 music. Eve 6 is pretty based. And the music is pretty good. But it's not nearly good enough for me to like it if the singer were a reactionary.
And like maybe it's a spectrum? Because Kanye honestly made some great stuff. But I just can't anymore. Too much bullshit from him.
Virginwarts (L)egacy:
- Basically play as a death eater...but it's good this time.
- Boring gameplay
- need wand to do magic
- only hyped up because JK Rowling is a reactionary. The game isn't good by its own merits.
The Chad Scrolls V: Skyrim:
- You play as the Dovahkiin, a bisexual rep from 2011
- Your enemies include groups that seek to exterminate or dominate your fellow mortals: Dragons, vampires, and Thalmor
- Don't have to hold shit to cast spells
- Dovahkiin can kick Harry Potter's ass in a fight
- So perfect of a game that they released it multiple times.
Even without mods, dragonborn still have more spells and can use more than 8 spells at any time, and have shouts that slow time.
And with mods well.......
I read a list of spells in TERF wizard game and it doesnt list a spell that slows time.
Sure, but are there any that summon animals or summon a storm or turn the target into ice?
- werewolves!
- pervy mods
(these things are not related)
Is it even worth pirating? It seems like they distilled all the current gaming trends into a mediocre game and painted hairy poter over it. That IGN article read like they didn't like the game but weren't allowed to score it less than a 9
Game reviews are legendary for being bought and paid for, the only thing that's gotten better is at least they're not printed on paper anymore
The reason gamergate was able to use "ethics in games journalism" as an effective trojan horse is because it was a real grievance that gamers had.
Of course we will now see how that crowd drops that facade like a rock when it's convenient to prop up a transphobic game.
That's the best thing about this. So many people are showing their asses and refusing to perform even the smallest, easiest solidarity gesture for their comrades over a mid game from a 20 year old mid children's fantasy franchise.
Seems like 50% of Hasan's streams nowadays is just him defending himself. Truly pathetic.
I heard third-hand that the Harry Potter game's official discord server has auto-banned the words "Jew" and "Jewish."
are they going to ban "goblin" because the dogwhistles are built into their own lore
I don't think that's uncommon. A lot of pre-populated ban lists will do stuff like that to try to head off nazi shit-flinging before it starts.
Replying with spoilers for transphobic game to everyone defending it in reddit
Update: banned from subs, whiny responses and reddit suicide awareness bot sent to me
I remember when people did this to all the Avengers fans for endgame back on the subreddit lol
They have been doing this stuff even on book release dates. Good ol' viral videos of the early to mid '00s
:based-department: These gentlemen from the based department wanted to speak to you. Should I tell them you're busy?
Eleazar Fig dies at the end of the game. This happens on all possible endings and can't be changed. Also, the fact that Rookwood is the one who cursed Anne.
Is the copy paste
Unironcially how we should troll people. Telling people that the game has a nazi agenda will only improve its popularity, or people will get off on being bad by playing the game.
If you tell them spoilers, CHUDs actually occasionally drop their smug, always-in-control grin. Nothing is more satisfying than watching them undergo narcissistic injury.
The continued meltdown by the streamer menace over being asked not to play this game is hilarious. Idk if Ive ever seen a group of people more petulantly stuck up their own ass than twitch streamers facing mild criticism of their actions.
I cannot understand this. do they know know what GOP legislatures in the USA are doing right now?
No no, you see its vitally important that they not be criticized for playing the transphobic blood libel video game because its popular and theyre just doing what everyone else is. You wouldnt criticize someone for blindly following trends for their own personal gain with no regard as to the effects of their promoting such a game, would you?
And if you do criticize them well then actually its you who is the transphobe because actually they were going to do a charity stream for trans people but now they cant. All because you dared to question their role as a savior to trans people. Shame on you.