Even though it's a German song, I think it's quite nice. It generally has a nice beat and Nena's voice really matches the style of song.
The two genders of German music:
99 Luftballons
Horst Vessel Lied
If you’ve got airship problems I feel bad for you, son I’ve got 99 Luftballoons but a blimp ain’t one.
It's a good song. Shame Nena is kind of a crank nowadays. Anti-vaxx and covid denialist, I believe?
She's not a chud, just a weird crank. She's never said anything bigoted from what I know nor anything else particularly right-wing. She's just extremely vibes-based, the kind of person who believes in healing crystals and genuinely thinks Covid can't get the people at her concert because we'll keep the virus out with the power of love. I'm pretty sure Nena is still fun to hang out with.
I don't think you can call New Wave musicians hippies, considering that musical movement is an offshoot of another movement (punk) that was in opposition to the Hippies.
However, middle aged people have some pretty specific brainworms that are most commonly encountered around that demographic, such as a fixation on stuff being "natural", "fuck you I won't do what you tell me" + a proneness to conspiracy theories + being from teenagers to around 30 years old during the fall of the USSR and the new age boom of the 90s = willingness to believe reactionary rhetoric while having absorbed a lot of anticommunism.
Older people's reactionary views are usually some kind of religious shenanigans, while the youth's is a meme-soaked culture of "treats are in danger".
Even in spite of all that, ultimately it all depends on one's material conditions. A 52 year old woman with an interest in ufology, who thinks the best medicine for cancer is homeopathy and is casually racist against the Turks she sees on the streets is still likely to be on the side of the union if there is a labor dispute at the workplace she is employed at and support a left wing party while a 26 year old college educated homosexual who grew up in a progressive household and had parents in the Communist Party of [x] might not, if they are in a higher paid position at the same workplace and then go out and vote for neoliberals like the Green Party.
Of course, there's layers to this, as always. False consciousness, the effect of being labor aristocrats, opportunists trying to pander to conservatism and the like.
Song is a banger, and I genuinely love hearing covers of it too. The Goldfinger version is great, 7 Seconds did a killer job, im sure there's more I'm forgetting.
I wonder if there's a crust version of the song:thinky-felix:
What's wrong with German songs? Legitimately, I'm confused
op must be west german , they learn this that way ,... everything german starts from this self desecrating inital position ... He is afraid that you will think he is a germanphile , "proud to be German" or that he annoys you with his crinch (german = Crinch) , its a heavy psy oped society that lives in constant fear of beeing labeld in to this direction. So this is just a generall reflex /primar .
he wants to know your impression of a german song , so beeing german that has slight "tell me nice things about me" geschmäckle .
Aus diesem Post zu schließen dass OP Westdeutscher ist ist irre. Der ganze Kommentar ist irre. Warum sollten die Westdeutschen dazu gepsyop'd werden, Deutschland zu hassen? Von wem?
Ich ging einfach davon aus, dass OP Ami sei.
Eigentlich ist das eine völlig unötige Debatte. Dass Deutschland ein Land ist der etwas weniger von Nationalismus begeistert sei möge auch stimmen (Die Deutschen haben lieber die Fahne des Fußballverein des Herzen im Garten als die Nationalfahne, aber fühlen sich trotzdem gerne überlegen zu zum Beispiel Südeuropäer, oder wie letzens durch gruselige Aussagen bewiesen wurde, die Russen) aber was ist eigentlich das Problem daran, bzw. die Lösung?
Kulturkriege sind machbar. Es wäre möglich sich über der niedrige Anzahl von Deutschsprachigen Lieder auf der Playlists von Bayern 1 zu beklagen, und es käme wahrscheinlich auch Unterstützung seitens der CSU und AfD, aber dies ändert nichts am Klassenkampf hierzulande.
Es fühlt sich manchmal so, als wäre die Antwort auf die sogenannten Antideutschen, die nahezu 🌐 positionen vertreten, genau das gegenteil tun, wofür die Stehen.
"[Antideutscher nennt ihm Antisemitisch] Ich kann doch nicht Antisemitisch sein, Araber sind ja auch Semiten" - MLPDler auf einer Demo auf der ich war, Frühjahr 2020.
DKP, MLPD, KPD (1990), auch teilen der Linkspartei wie die berüchtigte Wagenknechtler (die es ja offen sagen) sind ja tendenziell Konservativ bzw. sogar Nationalistisch eingestellt. Vielleicht bin ich zu verdoomert und sehe alles negativer als es tatsächlich ist. Vielleicht ist das eine Eigenschaft der Linken im Westen (England hat ja berüchtigterweise auch Probleme mit Chauvinismus oder Konservatismus - siehe CPB oder CPGB/ML). Vielleicht liegt es an der Tatsache dass es immer noch sehr viele Menschen die in Organisationen auf Führungspositionen sind, die der harte Kern der alten Linken Parteien und Organisationen vor 1991 waren und sich von der sog. Wende nicht demoralisieren haben lassen.
Ich weiß es selber nicht. Zumindest scheint es den Österreichern etwas besser zu gehen.
I do think there's an extent to which the anti-nationalism is just a superficial cover for a strong, genuine nationalism lurking just beneath the surface. It's an easy way for Germans to disavow nationalism, then explode in Schwarz-Rot-Gold every time there's a Weltmeistershaft on - not to mention out-and-out racism and superiority complexes. As an outsider I really get the feeling that it's a society just waiting to explode the second its liberal-moralistic leash is removed. It's like the contradictions of the 30's were never properly resolved and instead the Germans were just lulled to sleep by western liberalism. You see it on the left too. There really is a strong left-wing undercurrent in German society, but it's completely warped by an egotistical liberal moralism and gets brutally undermined by the resulting contradictions.
The DDR had an incredible historical narrative and real legitimacy most other Eastern socialists states lacked. It was critically undermined by the fact that it was imposed by a foreign occupation (the West was able to Co-opt Nazism and the East had to suppress it), but most of all East Germany was devastated after the war and made to pay serious reparations and then was shackled to the less developed and extensive global trading block while West Germany was given a massive advantage in international trade through the Bretton Woods system and allowed to retain much of the industrial development that had occurred during the war through the plunder of Europe (ca. 90% of capital goods were not destroyed by bombing and industrial growth during the war was massive, the buildings were knocked down, but the machinery was salvageable and what needed to be replaced was easily financed with American help). The combination of suppressed nationalism and higher standards of living across the inner-German border left them critically vulnerable when the Soviet government decided to create a criminal pseudo-bourgeoisie and reform themselves into oblivion. It didn't help that they were attempting (and in large part succeeding) to create a high-tech economy in a tiny country while desperately directing everything else at acquiring the foreign exchange necessary to finance those endeavors. If the Eastern Block had coordinated in the late 80's they could have mostly caught up to Japanese and American tech, but the Soviet Union was too busy collapsing to play the key role required by the bloc's largest economy. As it was the East German tech industry was strip-mined by western firms, who were able to exploit the skilled work force and considerable capital investment with no regard for the sustainability of these operations. In certain areas all of Germany's tech sector has less market share today than the East German tech sector of the late 80's despite their struggles.
Now the US is going to force them to ruin trade relations with their best trading partner for US strategic reasons, right after critically undermining the competitiveness of German heavy industry by destroying relations with their biggest energy supplier. German politicians across the spectrum are applauding this suicidal boot-licking for honorable moralistic reasons that, to bring it all home, have very much to do with their superficial anti-nationalist ideology. You see, if Germany stands up against fascist Russian aggression in Ukraine by supporting literal neo-Nazis with German Wunderwaffen, that will prove that Germany has been morally absolved of their Nazi crimes and Germans can be proud of their country again.
Es stimmt absolut dass Deutschland weniger patriotisch ist als andere Länder. Was mir nur aufgefallen ist, ist dass das im Zusammenhang mit "It's a heavily psy-op'd society" gesagt wurde und vor dem Edit die Israel-Lobby erwähnt wurde, was ich dann schon sehr suspekt fand.
Edit: Zur Erläuterung, mich stört die Implikation dass der deutsche "Mangel" an Patriotismus eine Konsequenz äußerer Einflüsse ist. Das ist äußerst verschwörerisches Denken und zudem recht haltlos.
Da sind Antideutsche und Menschen mit pro-Israel Positionen erwähnt worden, was =/= (zumindest hoffentlich) "Israel beeinflusst diese Menschen, sowas zu unterstützen" gemeint werden müsste. Eine immerhin etwas unglückliche Formulierung, das ist wahr.
Ansonsten stimme ich dir zu. Das implizite "und das ist schlecht" beim angeblichen Nationalismus-Mangel ist etwas was den "Jesse, was laberst du?" schon verdient hat, mMn.
guck da verdächtigst du mich schon ,daher die ganzen disclaimer , das ist der Punkt.. heavy heavy psy oped society.. im ewigen belagerungszustand..
Deutsche mucke ist fett und scheiße wie jede andere , aber die grundanahme das man sich von nem Anglo irgendwie urteile in Coolnes oder anerkennung suchen muss , das ist die Psy Ops/ Hegemonie . Es Fällt stark auf von Außen wenn man "guter gessellschaft" ist
nein er stimmt .
Von Wem ? von dem der "drinnen" gehalten werden soll ohne materialistische Argumente dazu zu haben.. sie haben daher die "schuld" genommen und daraus ihre Atlantik bücke gebaut.
Hard disagree. What covers have you heard, and what is it about them you don't like? I definitely am not trying to argue here, but i am curious as to those questions!
Mostly EDM music including bits of the song, not done well enough in my opinion. I'm sure there's good use of it in EDM music, just not that I've heard.
Also bad pop-rock covers that only translate it to English and don't do much more. @wtypstanaccount04 recommended a Goldfinger cover that I really vibed with and includes German at the end. :parrot-vibin: