It's the parasocial and amateur aspect. Reddit porn is basically onlyfans for broke people. And half the porn posters on Reddit probably have an onlyfans link in the bio, making most Reddit porn an onlyfans free trial essentially.
If it sounds pathetic, it's because it is.
Probably has to do with the parasocial aspect of it. Bunch of lonely people getting off on the idea of a shared connection
Very specific categories for very specific niches. That's the one thing Reddit has that Pornhub doesn't.
The person calling you a tankie, a cryptobro Elon Musk cultist who wants to fuck cartoon ponies. This goober is functionally indistinguishable from a 6 year-old.
Okay manage it yourself then. Nothing is stopping these nerds from setting up their own porn Lemmy instances, right? Except that they're lazy as sin, and well, trying not to get sued out the ass when the inevitable happens.
There's a lot of reasons why very few people, even the most sex positive people you can find, want to volunteer to moderate anonymously uploaded porn.
They literally did. There is a Lemmy nsfw instance. But unless porn is inescapable, it isn't enough I guess.
You're telling me that they're struggling to convince sex workers to join their platform of a few hundred users? I'm shocked I tell you, absolutely shocked
This has to be satire right??
edit: sadly is not
ShowIf you can’t get porn on it, then it isn’t a viable platform.
Huh?? Why do they need their memes, news, slop, and porn all in one place?? Literally just go to google. Facebook, tiktok, youtube, pinterest, etc. all ban porn and do just fine
Amazon good
Want to consume with no effort or thought
Don't the biggest mainstream platforms ban porn? Instagram, tiktok, YouTube, Facebook, etc. Twitter and Reddit are the only two I can think of.
My biggest concern
disturbing prevalence of tankies
It sounds like 4chan is the real place this dork needs to go. He sounds like a
who needs to see booba for it to be a good game.
You mean when addressing this person?
I don't know how old they are, but I think it is safe to say someone like that is not integrating with people in real life. If they were, I think asking them questions to challenge their views is probably viable.
Truthfully this is a rather unique take that I haven't seen before... in saying that porn is somehow the wellspring of all that is good. I think just bullying this person would work. That is sort of what I implied about sending them to 4chan because they appear to be a raving redditor that will be repelled at the idea of 4chan but it is clearly just like them.
I just mean generally speaking with the word anti-tankie shit. It functions to shut down all discussion that leans leftwards before it has even begun and as such shuts any revolutionary ideology out of online discourse. It's a fucking pain in the ass.
You say you're a communist and they drop the t word into discussion at which point every single thing after that becomes state dept propaganda about uyghurs or holodomor or ribbentrop red fash red fash red fash.
I genuinely think that it's functioning as a form of digital terror causing communists to participate less and less in anything because they see this word and immediately nope the fuck out on previous bad experiences.
Hexbear is typically the only place I interact with people online that I do not know in person, so I don't encounter a lot of these people because I tend to think that engaging with opposing ideology online is not anywhere near as effective as in person because many of these terminally online types are not going to be people who do anything anyway. It's just larping inside a safespace at the end of the day, which is why this person wants to find where other redditors are and is disturbed by "tankies" that are going to bully them in an online space that they are addicted to.
If someone called me a tankie that I met in person I would wear it like a badge of pride. Liberals love labels and they mean nothing. If you find yourself getting shut down by a label, I would say you are participating in their thought process. You need to be based.
As far as people trying to bring up the usual bs I would redirect the conversation. I would point out that they don't care about these supposed victims, because what they really care about is attacking communism. Don't let them beat around the bush, and ask them why they don't care about the countless atrocities launched by the West in both it's recent history and current day practice. If they cry "whataboutism" ask them why they are selective and care about specific "atrocities" because you are not going to convince them in casual conversation that their facts are wrong. Rather ask them what their goals are with said facts. You already have a massive arsenal of events that you can point to, and expose their propagandized mind.
If you expose their political agenda, they sound just like someone they would try to dismiss by labeling them. Then call them a dronie if they insist that labels mean something.
Edit: Also someone who is fully committed to trying to attack
s is someone who is definitely not mentally ready to be accepting of anything that has a buzzword they recognize. I would only
with them if there was an audience that was watching. You can at the very least make them sound like a propagandized lunatic in front of others.
I think it works because people are tired.
The repetition of it over and over and over and over again drains the soul out of people.
I'm sorry, but the thing you're referring to as "tankie" is incorrect. Someone is only a true tankie if they defend the soviet use of tanks to suppress uprisings in its client states. What you're referring to is merely a "sparkling socialist," which means "person whose ideas I don't want to consider in enough detail to properly rebut" (see also "woke"). Please use the proper terminology.
I will give this one a whirl at the next opportunity and report the experience.
- "Liberals use tankie the way reactionaries use woke, it's meaningless at this point"
- An abridged version of the
- "Tankie just means someone who doesn't believe every word the U.S. says about its enemies. You know this government lies about all sorts of things, right?"
- "Sorry you didn't get all the pogroms you wanted, cry about it elsewhere bi-atch."
Porn is the lifeblood of a free internet, and the foundation for human inventivness, and drive for innovation.
God this would be a great site tagline if it didn't stir the pot with lemmy
When our ancestors looked upon the stars they thought "I want to see aliens fuck" and that's why we have radio telescopes now.
Jupiter turning himself into a bird and fucking a chick while in bird form? Porn.
address bar
is that like the google search bar that I type reddit.com into?
reddit has destroyed our knowledge of the precious niche porn sites and nobody wants whatever SEO garbage is in
googlebing results for general porn searchesPorn is the lifeblood of a free internet, and the foundation for human inventivness, and drive for innovation.
Lemmy needs it's own reddit porn girls and comic artists who will slave away for 10 hours a day making the lowest common denominator jokes for interactions and make a meager living
Why does everything need porn? There is so much free porn online, why do lemmy forums need porn too?
There are websites that cater to those already!! I think they just want everything to be on one app.
maybe, but good luck finding them with how search engine optimization and advertising have ruined everything
Along with the disturbing prevalence of tankies, the second biggest concern
I thought it was getting into a battle of wits with a Sicilian?
Porn is freedom but we need to ban political ideologies I was told were bad
Damn it all, can these folks experience anything without it being encircled by porn at every direction?