This is might be the reason lol, hope it's not true though cause fuck NordVPN
Yup, that's my choice too. You can send a little cash to a PO box too for a lifetime of pro which is cool.
Isn't Mullvad required to comply with law enforcement orders too? They're based in Sweden after all.
Wait the article you link just says that they will provide an email and receipt if requested, because no other info is kept. That seems fine to me? That info they could get from someone's bank anyway, and using a fake email/unassociated email is always an option to make Nord a fine option.
If I'm mistaken here let me know, I do actually use it so would prefer to know if there's something I'm missing here
Enthusiastically complying to law enforcement demands after initially claiming they wouldn't give anything to them is a bad look. They went back on their word
That's not trustworthy imo, who knows what else they might lie about
I guess I wasn't aware of that claim in general, just a claim that they wouldn't give them any logs/info about what you use it for. If true, then sure it's shitty, but I don't think there are any legal VPN's that won't agree to harmless searches to avoid harassing/litigation for withholding info which is utterly meaningless. I guess I also don't do near enough illegal stuff to worry, honestly, which may be why I see it that way. I watch like a movie a month or something
Are you sure? The VPNs I'm familiar with (i.e. the ones YouTubers promote) aren't that great.
yeah, but people still use them. specifically Nord.
I'm rocking mullvad specifically to torrent and circumvent anglosphere bans on media from sanctioned countries
Reveal yourselves Norwads!
I want to see your above average heights and Scandinavian good looks!
Brb, gonna infiltrate nordic school systems and make the foreign language classes as shitty as they are in the States. Norwegians will be off the aglo-net in no time!
can that number be right? i would have just assumed Hex is mostly americans.
Weird. If anything, I've noticed far more non-Americans (US) in the news mega than the rest of the site. It's been a joke in there that everyone is either from the baltics or South America with a smattering of UK people. At the same time, I remember at least two different polls that placed most Hexbearians by in general in the US and Canada by a large majority, which tracks pretty well with experience. Those polls were a couple years ago though.
Right, that's what I was actually thinking of. Not sure why I said Baltic instead of Nordic.
There's one South African and I think a few Indians from what I remember.
It definitely is, or at least Americans are vastly overrepresented. I would guess it to be ~70% Americans, no less than 50% though.
Hexbear only has 22 American users, but we never shut up
Eww there are too man Australians on this site.
Time to change my VPN server to Norway as a joke
This has likely resulted from my abuse of Mullvad. I have 4 accounts including the Path of Exile statue heads.
Hvorfor har vi så jævlig mange nordmenn her?
why do we have so many Norwegians here?
In german I suppose, but ü isn't used in any scandinavian language tho, so it doesn't work either way lol
Norway will be the birthplace of the great proletarian revolution that will liberate the world!
What do you mean by the Social Fascist term? Is this an inside joke I do not get?
It's related to how Lenin used the term social chauvinist, which were nominally socialist parties who nevertheless supported their nation in WW1 rather than adopting revolutionary defeatism. So social fascist is a derogatory term for social democrats or self-identified socialists who espouse imperialist ideology.