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  • Chronicon [they/them]
    7 months ago

    yeah I dunno, I often wish people had pushed a little harder on gender stuff. I knew about it academically, I had trans friends, they knew I had big gender feelings, but nobody pushed me on it, for years and years, it basically only came up when I brought it up.

    Someone pushing me a little is what helped me accept my non-hetero sexuality back well before I knew I was trans. (just prodding a bit when I said 100% totally straight stuff like "I don't have a crush on X friend because he wouldn't be into it" or some shit. All it took was someone going "that's really not a normal straight thought you know?")

    It didn't get me to come out exactly but it brought some internal suppressed thoughts and memories out and spoken into the real world, and I never again was closeted to myself...

    • WalrusDragonOnABike [they/them]
      7 months ago

      Same. I generally kept gender stuff to myself starting at a young age except expressing some confusion about how someone could care so much about gender to transition (but its not realistic to expect people to tell me I'm expressing similar ideas as agender people when agender people weren't really a group people knew about), so I wouldn't expect there to be much chance for someone to say something much earlier... but still wish someone would have said something earlier.

    • EstraDoll [she/her]
      7 months ago

      i was eggy as all shit and my friends all knew. i was vocally complaining about how much i hated being cis for years, and i would have really liked someone to give me a nudge and say "girl, for fuck's sake, you don't have to be cis, you can change your gender into something you actually like"