"libertarian children" is the most phrase i think i've ever encountered
into the pit please
"it's just a joke [the joke is we are actually nazis and we think it's funny that you're mad about it]"
The NH libertarian party was taken over by a group of straight up facists. Libertarians suck for a lot of reasons, but this group is much worse. They had a "slavery was good for black people" post a while back.
They had a “slavery was good for black people” post a while back.
This is not much more extreme than the average liberal who honest to God believes that the colonisation of the third world was a net positive, or at least "nuanced".
This goes for 99% of fascist beliefs. Tone them down a bit and you get liberalism. It's why liberal republics are incubators for fascism.
Which is different from Rothbard’s “selling children is fine, actually” how, exactly?
Libertarian... nationalists? As in you support a nation? A state? Libertarian state-ists? May as well call yourselves the square circle party. We're squares who believe in circles! Yeah that's logically consistent I swear!
Most libertarians I've met are also nationalists. Especially ones that are anywhere near their local party. They tend to also be pretty extreme nationalists, believing all the war hype unconditionally.
They could be using it in the original sense,where it means a community of people tied together by a common cultural heritage and not in the nation-state sense
Which, don't get me wrong,it's still incredibly racist,as the "white" nation is a fabrication of the American state as opposed to a natural cultural identity
lmao in the replies:
Just a bit of friendly advice from a fellow Libertarian, this sounds ALOT like the 14 words, and prob should be taken down, or altered. You're making their case for them.
how do you do fellow wink libertarian wink, just pointing out you're
giving the game a- it sounds like the thing it's obviously a mistake!!
TIL of .
what is even the fucking difference between fascists and libertarians?
First as a tragedy, then as a farce (for all the libs, libertarians included, that have come since). They've been kicking a dead horse for almost a century now tbh, though I suppose there's a sort of (deeply tired and terrible) humor to it, as they can always discover new pathetic lows for humanity.
"libertarian children" but all libertarians are children
Uh no, don't disrespect children like that. They're smarter than this. But one thing I know for sure, libertarians sure do like children... :libertarian-approaching:
14 words but make it about fucking kids?? What is going on here?
Well why else do you need to secure the children?
Laser cannon from Akira nuking the mask from orbit.
Well, now I know where to start my one-man guerilla campaign of terror
Gonna go dumpsack their HQ
they’re also retweeting pro-nazi and transphobic stonetoss comics, calling a gay person “thing”, advocating for trans genocide, being racist, and all that just scrolling back a bit to find the op tweet link (cw on all links for bigotry)
The libertarians lost the plot once they had the male stripper in 2016
we must secure the existence of our libertarian people and a fair price for children