@Collummcjingleballs - 1854 posts unbanned
@90u9y8gb9t86vytv97g - 1740 posts
@wtypstanaccount04 - 1696 posts unbanned
@AssVanDerButt - 1479 posts unbanned
@throwawaylemmy - 1212 posts
@Young_Lando - 1140 posts
@Gkalaitza - 1092 posts unbanned
Wait, people are getting banned for upvotes?
Also, why are these names getting posted before appeal?
EDIT: and why is it not in the modlog?
Yeah, i can say for sure i havent made a single transphobic comment or remark here but i usualy brainlessly downvote struggle sessions and post i see that already have downvotes while scrolling without reading them which is a shitty and reactionary voting habit that, along with having an utterly laggy and outdated phone and touchscreen, probably led me to have downvoted 3-4 trans related posts in the past couple of months with 3 trans related posts or struggle sessions downvoted being teh limit by which you get banned , even retroactively
The mods today decided to take “There are X users, why don’t I have X upvotes” very literally
The cringe levels are quite high.
This website glitches and I will scroll through posts or comments and see stuff upvoted that I haven't upvoted.
I only check Chapo.chat like a few times a day and read only a few threads. I'm quite surprised of these names, since I don't recall any of them being overtly transphobic, and I've been here since the start of the site. In fact, some users apparently reported a rise in sexism and other nasty stuff, and yet I have seen nothing of the sort since the first purge.
In fact, there's a name in particular that really surprises me here, being AssVanDerButt. I have never seen him do anything wrong, and he might have been here for as long as I have been.
Read the featured post, problem is not with comments but downvoting transpositive content, but also its possible that some of these bans will be reversed
Oh well. I trust the admins to give them a chance to explain themselves in the userunion.
haha @90u9y8gb9t86vytv97g looks like i will continue to allow my cat outside, sucker
wait is everyone here just cool with outdoor cats? you understand there are legitimate issues with that right?
sounds like it. this is super basic caring-for-your-local-ecosystem stuff. if this community needs to struggle over whether cats should be outdoors then it needs a meta-struggle about why "leftists" care more about their pets than the environment
I usually throw up birdgang signs but I'm also pretty tight with nocatshitinchildrenssandboxesgang
It's also very dangerous for your cat, pretty much halves life expectancy
Spay/neuter your indoor cats and take any cats you see outside to your friendly neighborhood ALF for reassignment
You're telling me there could be consequences to letting one of the most successful invasive species in the world roam around killing rodents and birds?
Do you put a bell collar on it? Or something that makes it more difficult for it to hunt?
yes, I do the ethical thing: declaw it, sew its mouth shut, and make sure both back legs are broken before letting it out the front door
for real you just let it roam around, kill wildlife and bury feces in other people's yards? and you're gonna get snarky when people call you out on it?
Fair enough, I figured it was obvious I wasn't talking about maiming animals and was talking about thinks like collars (the only specific I mentioned) I didn't know about.
But if everyone's just looking to be petty/flippant I won't ask.
Bell collars aren't really very effective, unfortunately. Cats generally hunt by staying still and quiet and waiting for unsuspecting prey to happen upon them, then pouncing on it when it does. So by the time the bell is ringing, it's already too late for the poor critter.
Source: have cat with bell collar that was formerly allowed into a small fenced-off area next to the house, and it had no trouble murdering quite a number of different creatures even under those constraints.
I just have a collar with a recording of me saying "WATCH OUT, HERE COMES FATASS, IM A BIG FUCKING IDIOT, BETTER RUN!" playing on loop with a small battery and a solar panel.
Thanks for actually answering. I've never had cats so I have no idea beyond a basic knowledge.
Early on in like august, we got into a big fight over the possibility of outdoor cats causing harm to their ecosystem, but it ended with a ton of memes being made about it
Fuck. That's a bit more than just not liking outside cats. ty for the additional context.
So based on this sample, at least 4/7 of the bans were unwarranted.
Are we happy with a system of banning for retroactive opinions with an error rate of over 50%?
Im not sure whether I should be proud or ashamed of the fact that I only have 60 posts after seeing this
Post your stats I'm at 2.2 posts/day and 11.4 comments/day
330 comments, 11 posts. I've been here since August. You do the math, I have to take my doggy for a walk
ah fuck i do 21 comments a day kill me now
edit: or take my toilet away
60 posts, 430 comments, I’ve been here since July 25 which is 151 days, so my averages are 0.4 posts and 2.8 comments per day
62 posts, 3055 comments ... I should shut up (been here since day 1)
I mean... I don't think it's bullshit but I was interested in seeing what they say in their appeal. Not seeing any bans that were made inappropriately, but in this case it does sound like just negligent voting and I believe Gkalaitza about it.
Monitoring users up/downbears and issuing bans based off them is bullshit in my opinion. It's exactly the same as what r*ddit started doing a while back, and I remember every single chapo being against it at the time.
Again; just my opinion.
Yeah, I can dm a mod here and get a response in minutes. Reddit was just a corporate black hole.
Nah, the content matters. I wish reddit had banned people for upvoting Nazi shit. It's not good or bad in principle, instead it depends on why.
Reddit's shit and what is happening here are completely different.
I completely support this and what it will do to protect trans people and other minority groups here. This can be extend to race and so on. It will play a big role in marginalised groups having real trust in the admin team.
When it matches a pattern of downvoting content about a specific marginalised group? Yes. You are taking part in marginalising that group.
But here's the thing though: What if "user X" just doesn't get along with "user Y", so "user X" downbears every post "user Y" makes.
"user Y" happens to belong to a minority group, so "user X" gets banned for being a supposed reactionary/bigot/whatever, even though their downbears was based on a personal disagreement, rather than anything having to do with identity.
That seems like a potential problem to me.
Then that person could appeal their ban and as a piece of evidence use the fact that they downvoted every post from that other user
Fair enough.
I'm still not convinced that this is a good idea though.
You're right. To which I would say they should think about their petty childish voting better lmao.
Getting banned doesn't even affect anyone here though. There is no karma lost. There are no pts. It's just an account name. It's little more than a slap on the wrist to be honest.
I mean, I basically agree. But the "there is no karma lost" thing also goes for users who are getting downbears for whatever reason, right?
If that one user that keeps coming back after bans with another number added to their name can do it, I'm sure these posters will too.
How do you possibly make that many post, like that's hours of posting a day
Well, a good chunk of my posts are from the debate megathreads, and are just reactions to the insanity that went on quite a few times. I'd not be surprised if it was the case for several users.
Damn, I'm hammered but it's shitty to hear that some of the posters I've historically liked were reactionary on lgbtqia+ issues :/ hope there is a misunderstanding, be gay do crime bitches
@90u9y8gb9t86vytv97g had a terrible take just about every day. I figured they'd get the hammer eventually.
I figured they’d get the hammer eventually.
Same. I don't have time for this shit now. But if nobody else is going to stand up for them, then I'm leaving.
Wait they got him? That's a shame, one of the few posters on here I regularly recognize
Haha sweet I've got 1,500+ comments I guess that's makes me a frequent user!
(I signed up on like day 2 so it's more just accumulating comments over time I guess)