shit am i using too many abbreviations does this look like a teenager texting but also am i writing too seriously/clinically for a lighthearted shitposting site am i using too many big fancy words even though that’s literally just how i talk and think in real life oh god now i sound like a smartass redditor but then if i start purposely using simpler language will i look condescending and will i be able to get my points across as effectively and whats the right amount of ironic distance to put in this comment so it fits my persona but also isnt so completely out there that no one takes me seriously god please just take me seriously im so alone its 12 am i want yogurt
fucking mood
re-reading your own comments x10 times before posting and then editing right after posting gang
Big mood. Overexplaining myself or being confused if someone is being genuine or condescending (especially on this site sometimes) c an be so difficulf.
> When corona rolls up but you already been masking since middle school :agony-yehaw:
I know what you feel. Feel completely alien sometimes trying to communicate with others.
yeah, same here. i mostly worry about sounding like a smug redd*tor, someone please slap some sense into me if i ever do
Yeah, that's one of the various reasons I usually stay out of struggle sessions here.
I'm autistic with untreated anxiety too, and I've certainly posted enough cringe in my 20's to last a lifetime.
I'm also a bit of a doomer so I try to be comforting or at least nice when I post here. Well... minus the shitposts. :soviet-bashful:
honestly, turning off downvotes is the best thing that happened to me at the moment
I am sorry my natural mode is rude sarcasm. It's not personal.
Honestly, your best bet is to put dril's entire tweet history into a deep ai and just copy & paste the output
I feel this so much. Currently second guessing everything as I type it
Just make posting in proper grammar your posting gimmick. It makes you sound important, and also deadpan, which lends a level of dry humor to your posts.
Jesus fucking christ
The redditor levels
Off the goddamn charts
Does it also make you sound euphoric and enlightened by your own intelligence?
Kys redditor