October 14, 1962 is usually considered as the beginning of the "Cuban Missile Crisis," even in some Russian media like Sputnik today. Because on that date a US Air Force U-2 spy plane took pictures confirming the deployment of Soviet R-12 missiles on Cuba.
But why were the missiles deployed? In the United States it is presented as another act of "aggression" from the USSR, omitting the fact that a year earlier, in 1961, the United States began deploying its PGM-19 Jupiter nuclear tipped medium-range ballistic missiles in Turkey that were able to reach Moscow, to say nothing of the Eastern European parts of the USSR. The USSR realized they were defenseless against those unless they achieved nuclear parity by deploying missiles in Cuba. But of course the real beginning of this missile crisis dates back not only to the beginning of the Cold War, but to the creation of the USSR and, way before that, to the Big Bang Theory, when history and maths were created out of nothing by Christian God. Hegel spoke of the "slaughter-bench of history." It is. Shit's nasty. The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles, so what do you expect, really?
In Cuba, the entire event is called The October Crisis (Crisis de Octubre), in Russia, the Carribean Crisis (Карибский кризис).
Comprehensive list of resources for those in need of an abortion :feminism:
Resources for Palestine :palestine-heart:
Here are some resourses on Prison Abolition :brick-police:
Foundations of Leninism :USSR:
:lenin-shining: :unity: :kropotkin-shining:
Anarchism and Other Essays :ancom:
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Things seem to have changed a bit and Russia is about 10 years ahead in their supersonic missiles technology. Another "missile crisis" for the US, if you will. And it will be forgotten, again, which non-proliferation treaties the US had left before that happened.
@aaaaaaadjsf @Abraxiel @AlephNull @Arahnya @bbnh69420 @CARCOSA @CDommunist @ClathrateG @ClimateChangeAnxiety @clover @comi @ComradeCmdrPiggy @CopsDyingIsGood @crime @DashEightMate @DasKarlBarx @DeathToBritain @Dirt_Owl @Eco @Edelgard @ella @el_principito @EmmaGoldman @FunkyStuff @GalaxyBrain @Grownbravy @inshallah2 @JamesConeZone @Kanna @Koa_lala @LeftistJerrySeinfeld @Lenins2ndAccount @LeninWeave @Lil_Revolitionary @marxisthayaca @MaybeNickCage @Ossay @plantifa @PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS @PorkrollPosadist @PurrLure @Redcuban1959 @REallyN @Rem @renamon @riffraff_diktat @RoseColoredVoid @Sandinband @Shitbird @SorosFootSoldier @TheGhostOfTomJoad @TrollBoy @viva_la_juche @Wmill @wtypstanaccount04 @Zoift
Weird I got tagged but it's not coming up as clickable :what:
i just copy-pasted the list from the previous megathread. no idea who's running this place anymore (and that's the way i like it)
edit: i see what you meant now, it has stopped being clickable for me as well?
@aaaaaaadjsf @Abraxiel @Antilope @Arahnya @bbnh69420 @CARCOSA @CDommunist @ClathrateG @ClimateChangeAnxiety @clover @comi @ComradeCmdrPiggy @CopsDyingIsGood @crime @DashEightMate @DasKarlBarx @DeathToBritain @Dirt_Owl @Eco @ella @el_principito @EmmaGoldman @FunkyStuff @GalaxyBrain @Grownbravy @inshallah2 @JamesConeZone @Kanna @Koa_lala @LeftistJerrySeinfeld @Lenins2ndAccount @LeninWeave @marxisthayaca @MaybeNickCage @plantifa @PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS @PorkrollPosadist @PurrLure @Redcuban1959 @REallyN @Rem @renamon @riffraff_diktat @RoseColoredVoid @Sandinband @Shitbird @SorosFootSoldier @TheGhostOfTomJoad @TrollBoy @ultraviolet @viva_la_juche @Wmill @wtypstanaccount04 @Zoift
@Lydia @thelastaxolotl @WhoaSlowDownMaurice
I got you @Yanqui_UXO :comfy-cool:
Glad you liked it :comfy:
And thanks for sticking around to the whole way through to the end :crush:
Twitch. This is his channel: https://www.twitch.tv/wowspeedupmaurice
Yes I did that once, fake tagging everyone without making it a link as a bit but it brought everyone anyway
Didn't seem to work on the previous one though, odd
I remember tagging everyone inside an emote once, but it glitched out and no one knew what was going on lol
it's been very slow posting today, megathread dated two days ago. sorry if i stepped on anyone's toes
I didn't make it, someone else, did idk what's happening
When LinkedIn asks if I know someone I tell them no. I'm not a snitch.
Bit idea: using "gender neutral" in cases where it's completely unnecessary. Sitting on a gender neutral chair. Riding a gender neutral bus. Buying a loaf of gender neutral bread to make gender neutral sandwiches. Watching a gender neutral sunrise out of a gender neutral window.
Harmlessly scratched my neck earlier and now I have bumps all over the area I scratched and because theyre red people are gonna think theyre hickies :angry-hex:
Ouch :yikes-1::yikes-3:
Allergic reaction to something?
I guess but I dont know what it would be. The only thing I can think of is if I had something under my nails that went in my skin as I scratched but I feel like my hands would have been itchy then?
What an odd situation :bean-think:
Sorry about your neck tho
idk how I ended up there but somehow I found myself on the "demographics of Palestine" wikipedia page
I see all this goofy stuff about Israelis being indigenous to the region as if it justifies all the awful shit they do out there and like
Should we make France give Normandy to the UK? Send the English back to Normandy? Push the whole of Europe back to wherever the hell their tribes came from? Or how bout this, why don't we make Cordoba Muslim again?
there are native Jews to the area, but most all of the colonists are like 2nd and 3rd generation Europeans who have been there 70 years. they're as native to Israel as I am to Africa because of ape ancestors
Or how bout this, why don’t we make Cordoba Muslim again?
My professor repeated several times in the instructions that she wanted active hyperlinks to cited sources in the captions of the presentation.
The problem with that is it’s literally not a function that the software she made us use has. It’s just not possible. It’s not a thing that exists.
I think all protest is a direct action against car culture.
Think about it, before the interstate system, the main form of protest is the strike, the armed rebellion, machine breaking, even illegal hiking
But post suburbanization and post interstate you start to see more street protests, road barricades, occupations of public squares and streets like CHOP.
It's like when people dream of another world, even if they can't articulate it, it's a world of community in the streets, of pedestrians, and their actions reflect it.
Got up out of bed to go use the bathroom before I fell asleep last night and I felt something on my leg, it felt like there was a piece of string hanging off my underwear. Went to grab it, it was a HUGE house centipede :agony-consuming: like an inch and a half long