Don't threaten me with a good time, lol
this thread is the most :volcel-kamala: warranting thread I've seen in the site for a while
I've always had a major crush on this woman, please tell me she's single.
Gonna have to have a talk with my wife
The episode where they're scaring goats to make them faint and she flashes Tory lived rented free in my head for a long time
:volcel-judge: take me away
Apparently my brain locked that one away from me a while ago, I remember being fucking floored when that happened
I've heard people say that it wasn't real - either she was wearing clothes under or it was a double, cos if you look at the video they don't actually show her face
I thought she was the one who died tragically young so I was super confused for a minute
This comment is how I found out that Grant is dead
R.I.P. Kind robo mythbuster
Well to be fair she is 47 which is quite a bit above the average age of most users on most websites but I get what you are saying.
And im in my early 30s which seems old on some websites like Tik-Tok.
It’s the only site I really use much anymore besides this one. It mostly shows me things that don’t make me miserable.
I mean sure, but relating everything to yourself personally is some real solipsism shit. Like, "dame judy dench looks good" doesn't need to be responded with by saying "I WOULDN'T FUCK HER SHE'S TOO OLD", y'know?
Since it seems to be a tradcath I'm guessing the implication is the (((urban elites))) are tricking us into being attracted to women who are too old to have children, or some shit.
wait but I thought physiognomy applied and that everyone who looks good is good and every woman who looks hot is fertile and can make babies
I mean isn't that Kari from Mythbusters? I bet there are thousands of people who had a crush on her while it was airing
She's also creative and good at what she does.
You'd obviously need to be some sorta weirdo to find that attractive, amirite my fellow redditeurs?
Imagine getting tingles in your peepee from competent feeeeemales.
I semi agree? Like hot redheads are always out of this world, but there are some That just fall on the opposite side of the scale. But we need to hush before :volcel-judge: catches us talking about hot people.
Volcel pigs come as they may, I already have and I’m ready for them :brace-dark-cowboy:
I'm not too into redheads, but she and Claudia from Warehouse 13 definitely had me agreeing with you as an adolescent.
I bet there are thousands of people who had a crush on her while it was airing
What no, I'm sure not :side-eye-1:
Cool woman on TV blow thing up. If your into women, that's as good as it gets, especially if you watch her like ever day after school because you ran out of star trek tapes and don't have friends to hang out with. There's just about a thirty year age gap but I'd still shoot my shot if I saw her on tinder or whatever.
Thousands seems like a very conservative estimate tbh. The show had millions of viewers and she was on it for over a decade, and it's worth noting that most of it was before Nexflix and Marvel stuff took off, so the selection of nerdy shows was a lot more limited. I'm a little biased :hyperflush:, but ask a group of nerds in 2010 to name a woman on TV that they're into and I could almost promise her name would come up.
:stalin-approval: couldn't be more right comrade. I wish more of the content around milfs or more mature women in general wasn't incestuous or pedophilic.
There is no way this woman is 47 in those pictures no fucking way
Some people just age graceful. Ming-Na Wen is 58 and looks pretty good for that age.
My parents are like that. Both in their mid 50's but look like they could be my older brother and sister.
Also Shohreh Aghdashloo, who's old enough to be my grandmother and :hyperflush:
Dat smokey voice.
I just want to find every Expanse clip of her saying "fuck" and play them all on repeat.
She's in two of the best star treks, Orville and DS9, so that's just good taste
Yeah, it was a nice bow on top of everything.
It also reminded me of the traditional difference between a tragedy and a comedy: a tragedy ends with a funeral, a comedy ends with a wedding.
I'm like half her age and wish I was even half as beautiful as she is :cri:
I don’t know what you look like, but you’re a beautiful poster. :owl-wink:
fuck this guy. :soviet-heart: for Kari. i also liked Scottie when she was on. tattooed pierced muscle metalworking woman did things for my lesbian heart
Sometimes it's like chuds look at my idealized life and it gives them a panic attack. I'd eat an anthill on a date with her.
She's probably old enough to be the mom of most of the people posting on Hexbear lmao
I mean all the more power to you, but I wouldn't be able to date someone that old
Thank you for this normal response to me have different standards and ideas about relationships. This isn't sarcasm, there's a whole thread of inane garbage beneath this.
I just saw that and uhh wtf.
It seems whenever certain subjects are brought up some people lose it
I know. Between that and another argument I just decided to take a break for a few days, people spend too long online and it messes with their perception of what's appropriate.
Standard Creepiness Rule: ½ (your age) + 7.
Free calculator:
I think you're forgetting that she is famous, and therefore normal rules don't apply.
They still apply to YOU, and it is still creepy to be in your 20s and date a woman old enough to have kids in college.
Why? I'm curious in particular about your choice of the word creepy. I can understand why it might be a bad idea, power imbalance in the relationship, the much older half has social power and experience i just lack. It might also be a bad idea long term because the older member will reach old age long before I will, or there might be a very narrow/non-existent window to have kids if I want that with them. But you chose the word creepy, and I'm curious about that.
Look man I'm not explaining to you why old men fucking young girls is creepy. If you can't see it then you're a crypto-libertarian. Your "just asking questions bro" attitude is repugnant.
I'm asking what's creepy about the younger party being attracted to the older, not the other way around. And I think my specific questions made that clear. I also find it telling you default to old man and young woman when the context of our discussion was young men, as well as women and I think some other gender expressions, being into a middle aged woman. If you don't want to talk about that topic that's fine, you can just find it icky and that's the end of the discussion. But "you're advocating pedophilia if you find a 50 year old hot when you're under 40" is not a good argument.
what's wrong with this country?! can't a man walk down the street anymore without hot milfs wanting to bone him down?!
:volcel-judge: can take me away, Kari is responsible for my love of redheads