The virgin TERF: Pissing myself
The chad trans: I can control my pee
Not shit I was drunk last week and giggling to myself about someone making a :yes-chad: meme about pissing yourself. Sorry comrades, if I new it was my turn on the lathe that day I'd've come up with something useful
Wait, do we know this person is a terf and not just going "lol having a uterus sucks, why would anyone inflict this on themselves?"
IDK how I missed that.
I guess it was so stupid my mind blocked it out.
OK, if I just saw that profile and no context I'd assume they were mocking transphobes.
This person has dedicated their life to 1 thing, and still broadcasts a middle-school understanding of that thing.
So the argument from this supposed feminist is that women are only women if they are birthing machines
I drank 3 gallons of milk today.
I have to waddle around like a duck to keep from shitting myself. I wear a diaper going out with my friends because I know I'm gonna shit myself laughing for 4 hours straight. LITERALLY, shit myself laughing. Actual shit. Not PMSL. Actual shit. I should wear those fancy paper pants, but I refuse to do that until I'm over 60.
Does that trigger vegans?
Peeing your pants, the most sacred and inviolable feminine ritual
:anarchista-chad: Hey anti-natalist gang, are you tired of winning?
I heard that pelvic floor therapy helps to remedy this, but it's usually only offered in countries other than America and thus you get these sad "jokes" about pissing yourself in America but not elsewhere. Does this have any merit or was someone just bullshitting on the internet again?
I assume it is, too, I've never given birth to a goblin of crotch but still have trouble doing some activities if my bladder is not empty.
I wouldn't pretend this is some kind of "gotcha", but I've seen plenty of people posting their Ls as if they were genius debate points. And Poe's Law, etc..
It's not a bit.
This can't be real, it's someone taking the piss out of TERFs, right?
The name "little miss farty pants" makes me think this is a bit, but it's fully encapsulated in Poe's Law so I can't say for sure.
This is so funny because so many trans girls I know use Spironolactone and have the same issue