that being said, sonic three and knuckles is the best sonic
I kinda liked Sonic Adventure.
To be honest I don't find any of the Sonic games well designed whenever I go back and try them. His whole thing is speed, so things gotta move fast. Then there also has to be a challenge, so there's suddenly some obstacle the player has to react to, like a monster or spikes, but you're moving so fast that you don't really have time to react. Idk maybe I'm just too old and slow nowadays.
This is extremely tired and untrue. Your generation cohort has significant simpsons episode overlap with you.
I would simply never watch any Simpsons episode if I was born after 1998.
I dunno, the :grill::train-shining: did a lot to redeem them in my eyes
libs: the french suck because they surrendered to nazis
also libs: let's send all our tax dollars to nazis
Christ yes. I remember thinking it was performative stupidity and i hope that's how i felt bc if a time traveller comes and tells me i was in to it i will disintegrate. I did stop making le surrender jokes at some point but i don't remember when.
I remember my dad and my sister staring out the observation deck of the Twin Towers while I was plastered to the back wall because it was swaying so much.
9/11 was a hoax. Those towers fell down on their own. Nobody will convince me otherwise.
I'm one of the good millennials, ya know the ones old enough to know what 9/11 was but too young to experience the OJ Trial.
Lol I remember my gym teacher yelling, "Guess what? OJ Simpson was innocent!" after the verdict. We were in like 3rd grade.
One of my earliest memories is seeing a man on TV in a windbreaker hitting concrete with a sledgehammer and thinking "why does that man hate those rocks". About 15 years later I realized I was watching the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Remember how the wall coming down was treated like the second coming of christ for years? Kinda funny when you find out that the fourth reich overran the drg, stole everything, destroyed everything they couldn't steal, and left east germany desisture and miserable, while being forced to adopt some of east germanys laws because it would be too embarassing to take away rights from women.
I'm a communist because I think brutalism is cute and I don't want to make the buildings sad
In my kindergarten class the teacher had some freak come in and they wheeled in a TV and we watched the OJ trial verdict live. She said we were watching history happen or some shit. That's all I remember, but I do remember telling my parents and getting switched to a different school pretty quick after.
Holy shit that's crazy to expose a kindergartner to a murder trial. I think Princess Diana's death was the first big adult topic my parents talked to me about and that didn't make any sense to my undeveloped brain.
Your refrigerator needs to run a lot or else the juice will get loose. It's what the kids on the bus told me.
The only bit of it I remember is my school announcing the verdict over the intercom, I think I was coming back from the bathroom
:farquaad-point: this guy thinks there's 'good' millenials. Lol. Lmao even.
We're a uh... smart, capable generation and we're gonna change the world if you believe in us. :obama-socialism:
it won't let me respond with a gif of an outdated reference, how are you supposed to know I'm a millennial?
Don’t put all that responsibility on the shoulders of the youngest adults with the least power in our entire society. The elders should lead. They have the most experience. Burdening the young with “saving” All of us is pretty unfair. I used to hate it when boomers and gen x would say that shit to millennials. It’s like, uh hey, we JUST became adults. How about YOU fix things?
I know very little and have even less power to do anything about these problems
Anyone here remember koosh balls? They were like little balls with rubber strings all over them. I remember seeing them at stores when I was a kid.
When I was a little kid I was playing catch in our bedroom with my older sister. She threw a koosh ball hard at me, I dodged it, but it hit the window and made a loud bang. My dad ran into the room, yanked my arm, and smacked my sister. I think the koosh ball was ok
Been thinking of restarting my daily ska posts, I was just getting a little burnt out. There's still great material being made but most of it is from Japan nowadays.
Don't think I saw you post Streetlight or Catch 22 or Suicide Machines or Flaming Tsunamis. There's still tons of ska to cover
I've posted a few Streetlight and know I did at least Keasby Nights by Catch 22 when I first started. Never listened to Flaming Tsunamis though. Didn't say that there's not more music, I do try and keep it varied though and would sometimes stress a little over what to post.
I should do a ska side project and call it Reel Big Disappointment
They were really good, but you set your condition and you stuck to it, and I can only respect that.
:kim-salute: Been appreciating you carrying the torch.
:geordi-no: Being a fedora guy in your youth because you're a New Atheist
:geordi-yes: Being a fedora and suit guy in your youth because you're really into Ska
Both are incredibly cringe :stuff:
Hard disagree, but good for you. We should all have something we should be ashamed of.
Gen X'er, here.
Hey ho, duderinos. Who here is totally
epicbased like me?Also, get the fuck off my lawn.
Hey now, Jack. Respect your elders and eat your 4 food groups. Also, stop being lazy and do something with your hands. But not Lego because that's for sissies, and not masturbating because that upsets Jesus. I'm talking real shit, like woodworking and beating your kids.
You picking up what I'm laying down?
Damn, my first deck was a flameboy. Came with a dope Daewon Song poster.
It's honestly unreal. He's nearly 50 and still has some of the best steez in the game. Absolute legend, that man.
:frothingfash: My Legal Person Is Not Bound By Admiralty Law :bunny-cop:
I think you're talking juice and I'm talking card board circles that you throw a heavy metal circle onto.
The original cardboard pogs were pieces of cardboard used in the caps of milk containers in Hawaii. That's where they originated from. Somehow some marketer decided this was the cool new way to sell cardboard to kids ant massive markups and that's when they went national. The wiki says the game might go back to the '20s, but blew up nationally in '91
Remember the Challenger shuttle disaster?
Edit: Oooh, or how about David Duke and Pat Buchanan as Republican presidential candidates in the Weekly Reader? I distinctly remember pointing out to my teacher that Donald Trump should have been in there, because he had announced his candidacy and I'd heard about it on the news while riding in the car with my mom a few days before, and she flatly denied that such a thing could be possible because Trump was just some casino owner. Oh, how the turntables.
Do you want people to start Bob Kerreyposting? Because that's how you get Bob Kerreyposters.
Remember the Challenger shuttle disaster?
I was three and my mom started screaming and I had no idea why, because I was used to watching shows where things blew up on screen.
Ok old man. Have fun rewinding your tapes and paying for wow classic