or sad bits idc
I liked the part where Biden was talking about how a Green New Deal would pay for itself, and then the moderator had to remind him that he doesn’t actually support the green new deal.
Oh that makes no sense in context I think Biden just stroked out again
I thought it makes sense, Trump says soon, Biden says if God wills it.
he totally did but still wanted the original meme clip to be shown lol
what was that song it slapped harder than my nana when she starts talking about how she was a union worker and proud of it
Straight up told my chud uncle in law he was a stupid motherfucker at thanksgiving last year after we'd all been drinking. Chud Unc tried to argue more and she shut it down by threatening to "hose him down like a stray dog".
Anyway I love my nana and should post stories about her more often.
WAIT THATS WHAT THAT WAS? I thought I was hearing things, oh man. Mashallah.
I don't think so. Trump I think said Pocahontas, but I don't even remember what the fuck they were talking about.
The only mildly interesting part is that Trump was seemingly trying to goad Biden into saying things that would piss off the left and acknowledging it.
Just shit like, "wow, you don't support the green new deal. You're going to lose the radical left supporters." kind of interesting, but it was the largely incoherent, babbling death rattle of an empire, may it rest in piss.
Trump was saying Joe had a socialist agenda (lol) and Biden pointed out that he beat the socialist. Trump said not by much. If Pocahontas had dropped out of the race two days sooner Joe would have lost. So I guess Trump’s point is even if Joe won the nomination, there are a lot of “socialist” dem voters.
Honestly baiting Biden into disavowing the left and popular policies is pretty clever. Whoever preps Trump did a great job. The DNC as usual tried nothing and were all out of ideas.
It's sharp as fuck. I wish these fucking bastards were leftists and not evil because they're really damn good at this.
biden had a numbered list of items, and he just skipped over whatever the 2nd item was, but still numbered them. it was a weird fuckup. like he said "ok that's number one. number 2. number three bla bla bla" and trump goes "what happened to number 2 joe?" idk I laughed
Yea was a good one, the look on bidens gave after trump.said "you are on #2 joe" was hilarious like a flash of confusion as if to say oh wow thanks jack I'm on 2
I laughed at the straight up brazenness of Trump's answer on releasing tax returns - "you'll see it as soon as it's ready", i.e. the answer he's given for 5 years straight.
Biden had some word salad moments early on, ~"out of 200 mil- thousand dead from Covid, out of those how many survived? seven?"
The moderator yelling at them to shut up and Trump interrupting anyway like the bad kid in class was mildly amusing. No truly hilarious moment, but the contrast of PrEsIdEnTiAl DeBaTe and the childish shitshow in front of you was funny.
Honestly I found a lot of it really hilarious. The moderator trying to be a babysitter, failing, and then basically pointing out that these babies were unsittable was a really funny shitshow decline for me.
Also the fact that they just kept arguing with the moderator seriously cracked me up. It was a 1v2 debate by the moderator against the candidates
There were a few moments where Trump accused Biden of wanting to do something wildly popular among the people who might consider voting Biden, like Green New Deal, Abolishing Police, cutting the military budget, taxing "job creators", following a "socialist agenda", or free healthcare, which Biden immediately denied.
Trump implied Biden stole the nomination from Sanders and then correctly pointed out Biden needed Bernie's supporters to win so he shouldn't shit on us publicly.
I want Trump publicly hanged as a war criminal following a people's trial, but that sack of shit understands how to keep his base happy.
Biden denied all of this and punched left, shitting on us publicly. Good luck Joe.
I was listening at work unfortunately, there weren’t any stand out moments in terms of enjoyment. Trump savaging Biden’s kids was funny, but he didn’t react in a funny way. I did definitely notice Biden having minor dementia moments and lots of stumbling for words. He did mention packing a car full of a multiracial soccer team, and if you listen to E1 you would also question how long the car is.
That was such a good tim and eric bit, I can't believe Biden agreed to film it with them.
"biggest mask I've ever seen"
Just pure nonsense that still surprised me
And he pulled a little mask out of his pocket and said "look I've got a mask right here!" for seemingly no reason
That was a great one! (Trump said he wears a mask when needed, but made fun of Biden for wearing one all the time and wearing the biggest mask... which makes no sense.)
Trump kept saying "[most] you've ever seen" and "like you've never seen" throughout the debate. Like boasting of appointing so many Supreme Court justices "like almost no one has seen" or something.
Trump saying protesters are "killing ppl all over the place" had me dying
They are. !guns@hexbear.net to learn how to get strapped.
If you can, get involved in your community to build solidarity wth your neighbors now before even more shit hits the fan.
Biden's description of white nationalists as having "throbbing veins"
I will domm all of them at the same time. My socialist gang bang powers will teach them dialectics. This is how we win.
chris wallace shit talking both candidates for not shutting the fuck up was great.