• Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Emasculating fascists is the easiest way to get them to fuck off. It's fun as fuck. My ex gf and I used to work with this little pol Nazi at my old job and we would constantly emasculate him. She was a tough blue collar black woman and he was a scrawny suburban aryan chud who had no business working physical labor. One time I took him up on a scissor lift (he wasn't certified to drive one) and at like 25' I started shaking it and he almost pissed himself in terror. The best one though was when we had a bunch of downtime and so we're helping another contractor break down a bunch of wooden tables and fixtures without any real tools. We kept trying to get him to break boards by jumping or stomping on them and he kept just bouncing lmao. We made it kind of into a competition where we would see if everyone could break this piece this way and he kept failing over and over and at some point fell on the ground after trying to jump on a thick board to break it lmao. He couldn't stop humiliating himself because he didn't want to be a coward. Probably the most defeated he ever looked was when we told him to break these particle board planks with his knee but he couldn't do it. Then my gf broke it first try and I snapped it in half with just my hands. "If leftists are weak cucks, what does that make you".

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      4 years ago

      As a liberal, I am literally shaking rn because you and your gf didn't do the civil thing and reach a bipartisan agreement with the Nazi to exterminate only 3/5ths of the non-white subhumans.

      Sir. Have you no shame, sir?

    • CommieElon [he/him]
      4 years ago

      There’s this fashy family friend of ours who made me feel like shit on multiple occasions. He’s 50 years old and is a dough boy miserable with his life. I used to fight with him often when I was still a lib. I tried to be civil but he wouldn’t back off and made it personal. So now whenever he starts something (on Facebook because he’s a coward) I bully him now. I was just regretting sending him messages of how I saw “20 Qs in the wild and all 20 of them have shown how strong the movement has become.” This reminded me I shouldn’t be a lib and bully him mercilessly because I think he’s moved onto making fun of my brother because my brother has been posting anti trump and anti Q anon posts lately.

    • BeamBrain [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Huh. I was always under the impression that /pol/ Nazis were too cowardly to out themselves in real life. Was this guy dumb enough to start talking about "lesser races" in front of a black woman or what?

      • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
        4 years ago

        He acted like the Nazi shit was ironic and he wouldn't say other races are lesser but would say shit like straight white men are the most oppressed group lmao

  • posadism [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    So /pol/'s leftist counterpart, leftypol, created a wojak based on the right-wing mass El-Paso shooter and it's been spreading like wildfire throughout 4chan. /pol/ cannot handle the meme and keeps trying (and failing) to subvert it, ranging from calling him a registered democrat ( which has been quickly debunked ), to claiming he's not white, to trying pull a NO U, and finally trying to claim him as their mascot. The cope is real.

    • eduardog3000 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      lol they're too stupid to write "Democratic" when faking records.

      • Washburn [she/her]
        4 years ago

        They love "Democrat" instead of "Democratic" because it ends in "Rat."

        • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
          4 years ago

          IIRC it started around the Reagan/rw talk radio era because they wanted to avoid referencing a good word like "democratic" when talking about their enemies.

          It sorta sucks that it got poisoned like that because "democrat" just sounds like the noun version of "democracy supporter"

      • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I think at this point a lot of them don't even realize that democratic is the proper way to say it because they've only ever seen rw propaganda

      • joshieecs [he/him,any]
        4 years ago

        yep you can immediately tell a normal person from a brain-wormed conservative because they never say "democratic" like "the democratic party" no it's always "the democrat party" it's pathological.

        gonna start calling 'em the republic party

          • uwu [she/her]
            4 years ago

            "Tr​anny" is 4chan's new favorite homophobic slur. It used to be "fa​g" for the majority of 4chan's lifetime, but I guess nothing lasts forever.

            (Mods I am trans so I'm allowed to say these words pls no ban.)

              • uwu [she/her]
                4 years ago

                That's why I said "favorite," not "only."

              • uwu [she/her]
                4 years ago

                No I just have a trick to get around them :^)

                I agree that, while well intentioned, the automatic word filter can be irritating and take away the weight of words we use to talk about our experiences.

              • unperson [he/him]
                4 years ago

                Leftypol is full of slurs but I love their word filters. Instead of replacing it with removed they replace several varieties of the t word to 'transhumanist', seethe, dilate, and so on to 'I agree' and 'I concede that point', the n word to 'uygur', and when there's a raid it's hilarious.

          • RamrodBaguette [comrade/them, he/him]
            4 years ago

            I remember when a Nazi chud was saying Nazi shit, got called out en masse, and told all of them to “dilate”.

            It’s not like they’d distinguish between “degenerate” straight whites and sexual/racial/religious minorities when le Day of the Rope comes so it makes sense that they’d conflate all of us.

  • Circra [he/him]
    4 years ago

    This is funny but what really freaks me out is how full of hate they are for people so young.

    I'm not even going to try to pretend I was one of the ultra popular kids but when I was that age, I really wasn't but I was doing stuff you know? Going to parties, getting drunk/stoned with friends, general messing about etc.

    What do these kids do? What happens to someone so that they just spend their lives online pouring out hate until one day something snaps and they do a spree shooting?

    I just keep thinking about the people in my year when I was their age. I just can't picture even the most ostracised outsiders doing stuff like that. I dunno, I am not absolving them at all of their shitty, evil behaviour but I am certain there must be some deeply evil and manipulative fucks who are getting their claws into kids like this really early on.

      • Circra [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Yeah, I get that. I've never had the stomach for spending too long having a look at places like that but yeah, they do all seem to have that very insular, almost incestious feel to their communities.

        And yeah, I do like how this place focuses on making a real, concrete difference to people around you in the real world.

    • RamrodBaguette [comrade/them, he/him]
      4 years ago

      As a “recluse” who wasn’t doing stuff up til the early half of college, I never thought it was acceptable to join an internet nazi meme cult and punch down on vulnerable groups. So while these people are definitely influenced by outside actors, they ultimately chose to become who they are.

      Not that I think they can’t change.

      • Circra [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Oh yeah that's for certain. I never meant to imply that it was out of their control. As you point out plenty of people go through social isolation without becoming nazis. ScreamoBMO bought up patterns of abuse and of course plenty of people who are abused also don't do shit like that. They're responsible for their actions but the outside actors are also utter peices of shit who deliberately target vulnerable young men.

    • FieriDepthsofHell [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      They're probably out at parties and shit too - the persecution complex is divorced from real life (or related to one person not fucking them).

      I think I had a pretty normal high school experience - but as the Chris Rock joke goes, if you look at the Columbine shooters they had more 'friends' than me.

      • Circra [he/him]
        4 years ago

        You might be right. I guess they're perhaps aware enough that their views are abhorrent to the vast majority of people who they interact with offline to not spout them without being aware enough to really question why.

      • Circra [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Oh I imagine so. And I do absolutely understand that these pricks would murder me and my family if they could do it without any consequences.

        It's just so depressing though. I don't think anyone is born evil so each of them kinda represents a wasted life. I'm not about to excuse them, as I said before, or waste more time wringing my hands over them than, for instance, their victims but it does just hit home sometimes how pathetic and wasteful it is.

    • kristina [she/her]
      4 years ago

      i was pretty full of hate (i got sexually assaulted a lot) when i was younger but hrt fixed me up to some degree. i started out being a socialist and the hatred just made me apathetic for a time period until i went back to being a socialist when i got my shit somewhat sorted.

      getting assaulted by many random strangers made me stop feeling socialist things because i no longer gave a shit about any other random person. talking about it helped me get out of that mindset

    • Alaskaball [comrade/them]MA
      4 years ago

      I CAN'T BREED.

      That line fucking got me. Had a full jokerfied laugh for a solid minute. Bruh this was cathartic as fuck

  • CallMeALibItsAllGood [none/use name]
    4 years ago



    This one got me.

    • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Telling people to post their wrists is a great one because they're all either morbidly obese or frail diabetics. Plus you literally can't make your wrists bigger or hide them with hair so they fucking seethe lmao