Lol they actually mention, not just masking, but respirators.
I know someone with a child under 2 years old that has been sick pretty much constantly since birth. Not one specific illness continuously, but getting sick with various things almost back to back, including COVID multiple times. All I can think about is how that kid is starting out with their foot in the fucking grave... It's so fucking depressing.
The editorial cites several robust analyses and concludes that, while uncertainty remains, long COVID symptoms appear to occur after about 10 percent to 20 percent of pediatric infections.
To this day I still ponder just giving up precautions. But then I read stuff like this, studies showing kids after vaccinations. And then I just wonder "how the fuck do people let this happen to themselves and their kids?"
I definitely get a bit
every time I remember about the all of the "Stop masking our children!" signs people put out when that was still a thing
Yeah fuck it I'm with Alexander Lazarevich at this point. Let's all just wear spacesuits. I'm sure the kids will think they're cool.
“Meanwhile, living conditions in Russia are not so different from living conditions on the Moon . . . Life in Russia differs from life in future colonies on the Moon only in that in Russia almost every year there is summer, a short period of time when you can go outside without a protective suit . . .”
Climate change has taken away another beautiful vision of communist optimism.
I mean you could just change it to this:
Life in the subtropics differs from life in future colonies on Mercury only in that in Florida almost every year there is winter, a short period of time when you can go outside without a protective suit
Like, there's definitely a use case for a "space" suit that dehumidifies and cools you. They already make silly outfits with integrated fans in them.
in the 40°C hot-bright future of post-america, school kids wear space suits that are rad as fuck
I go through the same though the same thought process, I just don't understand it either... It is the purest form of ignorance I have honestly ever seen.
man, imagine having brain fog or oost-exertional malaisefor several years during your important period of brain development. that can't be good.
Every Covid-minimizing parent I know was in love with that error-ridden study that's been retracted. I can't wait for them to not incorporate the correction into their worldview.
Finally, we can implement fantastic new engineered indoor air quality standards designed to greatly reduce the spread of germs. Clean indoor air should be expected as a right, like clean water. The cost of providing cleaner indoor air is low relative to the economic benefits, which even when conservatively modeled are in the tens of billions annually in the U.S. and more than ten times the costs. These costs are also small compared to the price children and their families would pay in suffering as a result of preventable long-term impairment.
Fighting air inequality should be a rallying cry and should be a major component of any "infrastructure bill". But I hate to break it to the author here that clean water can no longer be expected in this country, either.
In Stephen King's Running Man (first published under Bachman) a major plot point was that rich people were walking around with air filters in their noses and the kids on the street were building their own because so many of them were dying of cancer and shit from pollution. This was published in 1982.
Since parents don't want to believe they harmed their children, they will never admit that covid might be the cause of anything going on with their kids.
But I was told kids don’t need masks because Covid complications only happen to people at least fifty five years old.
Considering theres good evidence that covid weakens the blood brain barrier, and with how things are going in the world....teenagers might be middle aged at this point.
My nephew was over recently and his dad complained about his friend who was constantly coughing like "he smoked 6 packs a day." I don't know the exact point but I also eventually realized my nephew was also constantly coughing year round.