Coomer artists, please get to work
oh that poster was hilarious! also all the yelling about how the art was 'horny' or 'suggestive'
I mean, the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of ass struggles.
That was probably me. I realise that I overreacted or hyperbolised it, and that some of my sentiment was probably just a wider anti-anime sentiment. I came down too heavy on one side and had a puritanical take.
However, looking at the images once more, and some of the images posted in this thread (by the same artist) and people's reactions to them - is it really that puritanical to suggest that the artist intended them to be sexually attractive?
was that a struggle session or what? 4 months later we still got some coals glowing! good times
but like nobody disagreed with that, just the idea it deserved to be called 'horny' and the idea similar content shouldn't be allowed. which might not have been your actual suggestion, but on a forum with lots of rules about horny-posting & nsfw stuff applying a label like 'horny' will get people defensive if it's something they consider acceptable. and why it got so passionate is i think a lot of people would see themselves in the [extremely broad] context of looking good + posing, so saying/implying that wouldn't fly here (though no-one should post personal photos here) provokes a hard reaction.
also no one disagrees that a reddit-tier comment ad-libbing a sexual fantasy about some person depicted on a post would be unacceptable either, the disagreement there was blaming that on the OP---because gross stuff like that can happen in a perfectly sanitized post about something a nasty person finds hot
Yeah, that's true. I would agree that calling to ban it was what made it such an incendiary issue.
I see what you mean on the second part, but to anyone who feels that way, I'll clarify that in my opinion, by nature of being drawn from imagination means there's an added implication of a voyeuristic relationship to the viewer, that they've been created for the viewer? I don't know, that wording sounds too harsh for what I mean. I think if the image was of real people it wouldn't have the same implications. It would just be humans posing for a fun picture. They'd look and feel human rather than as a stylised and accentuated version of a human created for consumption.
Consumption by backwater internet forums too, I'd imagine. That has its own set of implications, which relate more to your last point about how it's not really the artists fault. Again, I mostly agree, but the artists general output of content does cater to a certain audience.
I read that posts and honestly agreed with what you initially said there fully
i just dont like it because the drawings are shitty and getting excited over brics in this way is weird and feels very white
i was born in the wrong decade, i absolutely would have been besties with marx and engels gggg
Oh my god, you still remember that? yes and that illustration is supposed to be a pornographic image, don't forget it as well.
I always take the bait. I don't want to relitigate this, but just so my stance is clear, that came from me speaking carelessly and the radlib pricks here exaggerating my claim. Here is the claim, which I have no interest in persuading anyone on, but just so you can make fun of me accurately (by means other than replying to this comment).
If you are doing personification of countries, you generally are either using common features or those of the leaders of the country. The most common hair color in Russia is brown (it's blonde in a handful of other countries, like Finland). To make your waifu blonde (with blue eyes and white skin, though those features are appropriate) in contradiction to the general logic of the representation for seemingly no reason other than aesthetic preference is an artifact of the racial ideology privileging "Aryans". I have no stance on the author's personal politics and frankly don't care.
Elsewhere a user shared her portrait of Western Bloc states and having the US be blonde makes sense there to represent a white supremacist state that is obsessed with blondes and has young white women dying their hair blonde left and right.
If a Finland waifu was included, it would make the most sense for her to be blonde, but having Russia be blonde is like having China be Tibetan. China does have Tibetans, but they are clearly not the majority politically or by population.
Also obviously the work is objectifying and gross and laundering that through "oh, the artist is lesbian, are you attacking a lesbian's sexual expression?" is deeply reactionary radlib bullshit to score points and not question your assumptions about media. Since radlibs can do nothing but identity-based laundering of their personal preferences, I will mention that one of my best friends is a lesbian and she also thinks that this is objectifying and gross. She says this because it obviously is and anyone denying it is engaged in motivated reasoning to a pathetic degree.
None of this is to persuade you (the "you" used here was general, not specifically you, bagend). If you disagree with any of what I wrote, then that thing I wrote is wrong. If someone is curious about media criticism I can explain more, but I mostly just hate myself being made fun of for things that don't represent my stance. Fire away, just elsewhere in the thread and without tagging me so I'm not here all day.
Are you really relitigating a struggle session you were a part of on a Saturday?
I hope not. I'll go block the radlib who is the biggest problem in that respect, now that you mention it. There is nothing to be gained from interacting with that user's bullshit if said bullshit does end up getting turned on me again.
I'm trying to find it again but all I'm getting are endless parody posts lol
Not quite the original thread, but it's the post that went up to say that the original post was in poor taste, which is the mark of any good struggle session anyway.
It can be hard to find stuff around here because The Creator likes to do a lot of deleting.
I'm sad I dismissed this as a weird objectifying post by some weeb and am sad I missed out on the fun.
It's Indigenous People's Day/Italian Heritage Day in New York now lmao
I take it that you're from the USA and have never seen Italian people
No they aren't. Do you really think something with marinara for blood could exist?
I love that the US background is literally the Russian flag
If I comment my thoughts on what I want the German girl to do to me I would instantly get banned from this site by the
Also for the record I didn't make the incredibly obvious "she always stays on top" joke I could of made because I have some small measure of personal restraint
An erotic retelling of D-Day that’s Germany and the US wrestling in the sand on the beach
welp, more trans goals just dropped
i have the height and hair colour to be germany
tbh this feels like another flavor of hetalia/countryballs. taking the stereotypical characteristics of a country and personifying them
Countries being personified as women goes back to at least ancient Rome.
Most countries do it. I've always thought it's kinda weird and horny though.
the reason why this sort of shit is so popular is because nation-states have some level of "personhood", so to speak. someone here posted an essay about how arguably nation-states are a type of consciousness of sorts, but for my life i can't find it
this thread show what happens when we try to dial back on use of the volcel police
sorry but...
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نحن شرطة VolCel.بناءا على تعليمات الهيئة لترويج لألعاب الفيديو و النهي عن الجنس نرجوا الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة حتى يوم الحساب. اتقوا الله، إنك لا تراه لكنه يراك.
the nice, kind and cooperative hexbears are gone. and WE'RE BACK
the needlessly aggressive and puritanical people unaccountably argumentative about cartoon illustrations
i deliberately entered a thread full of things i do not like, and now i am upset. how could this have happened?
This is fun and thought terminating. Care to elaborate what makes the art "mid"?
Deviant art aesthetic that you can place when you've consumed a lot of it. For me it's defined by it's reliance on artistic crutches for lack of ability and imagination. Less "my style" from informed study and more this is all I know how to do well. For example, look at the mouths, the same angle on everyone of faces and the hiding of hands so they don't have to draw them. It's something I personally dislike immensely so this part is just me.
I guess I don't see the hand complaint here, looks like they're dynamic enough when the pose calls for it. I'm just apprehensive about reducing art in a vacuum, especially when it's more than serviceable. It seems like this artist is problematic for other reasons, so stigma aside I'd rather appreciate it for being fun after some stereotypes are addressed.
Again, I personally don't like it, that's just me. But I also find the fetishization and nerdiness of it off putting
Certainly, I'm not here for that aspect of the struggle session.
Are we allowed to be horny over Lukashenko's mustache though? 🤔
I still don't get why the hornyposters and the puritans alike get so weird about this. Yeah they're attractive but there's nothing remotely sexual about them, it's perfectly SFW. Everybody needs to chill imo.
if that becomes an actual struggle session, i'm finding the server room and running through it with a big magnet
Right. These women are being portrayed in an intentionally sexualized manner though. It's not extreme, but they're attractive, have flushed faces, and are posed suggestively on purpose.
But like, big deal? People are going to draw people looking hot, as they have for thousands of years.
The easiest to break down is probably Russia.
She is posed coyly, regarding the viewer without facing them directly. This may be in part because it's a reliable head shape to draw, (as we see it repeated in the rest of the figures,) but it's also definitely within typical body language for flirtation. There is within the piece a general attitude of playful contempt toward the viewer. The composition places the figures to look down at the viewer, India even bends to look at us at our level with a scolding finger, juxtaposed with a smile and heavy-lidded eyes. This is intended to make the figures more desirable, to create in the viewer the feeling of wanting their approval. It's a common enough sexual dynamic that I hope I don't have to explain further.
The placement of Russia's right arm beneath her bust both creates a barrier between the viewer and the figure and, along with her other arm, frames her breasts, which are pushed up. Both the shading (also note the little line between the breasts) and the distortion of the lettering on the shirt serve to highlight the shape. Similarly the shadows on her skirt are applied such that they mirror the pubic region and provide several lines for the eye to follow there. The bite out of this shape even seems to suggest a pubic mound. Around the edges, too we see come into shape the lighter region of the skirt as suggestive of the legs and abdomen beneath it.
You can take a lot of this stuff independently and explain it as something else, but we have to understand that this is being drawn by a person who communicates in this medium either professionally or as a serious hobby. Artists spend a lot of time making these; the composition, poses, etc. are considered and intended for effect. The artist of this piece intended for it to be somewhat erotic and applied a number of techniques in pursuit of that.
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Contrast it with this art comrade. It's soviet art depicting attractive women of many races in a neutral context, so it's a great contrast compared to the sexualized BRICS image.
I'm okay with comrades having sexualized media as a treat, but we must take care to see it for what it is.The BRICS image is not "sexualized." There is not a single thing sexual about it.
All the women in your image are scandolously showing off their ankles, so maybe your image is "sexualized" too.
Women's bodies aren't sexual if that's what you mean. You have some learning to do.
That's literally what I'm saying lol. Women's bodies aren't sexual, not in your image and not in OP either.
Another poster already made an extensive comment about exactly how it is sexualized.
You know, I suddenly don't mind anymore that libs said I'm a Russia-China shill.
I'm now a proud a Russia-China simp. 🥵