The worst part about Trump not being president is how disengaged everyone will now become. Irs sickening.
People really be out here acting like the US isn't setting record numbers of new COVID cases/deaths daily, huh?
i really do not understand this antivax rhetoric going around across the political spectrum lately
they're not going to push a "deadly" vaccine on us lmao good lord
I'm not anti-vax. I'm anti rushed vax. Vaccines take time to get right for a reason.
I'm anti-capitalist-vax. Back in the 80s and 90s, my generation got free vaccination from Cuba. The nurses went house by house and vaccinated every baby. It was free, convenient, reliable and high quality.
Now vaccines are expensive, ineffective, with high risk of complications (quite a few deaths) and a complicated, inconvenient process of administration. The belief that privatization improves the quality of product/service is just delusional.
This is Vietnam by the way.I’m anti rushed vax.
I get this sentiment, but do you personally know how long it takes to make a vaccine, or how that process can be expedited versus other vaccines that were in the pipe works? Or are you just going to ballpark a length of time that feels right?
Most sources cite that It usually takes 2-5 years to develop a vaccine, some say 10-15. No sources state that it takes less than a year, and a vaccine for a virus that everyone wants magically being ready with less then a year of development time is risky at best.
If you can find a reliable source that gives less then a year development time for a virus similar to COVID, be my guest
a vaccine for a virus that everyone wants magically being ready with less then a year of development time is risky at best.
I think this is the key here. Trump kept blathering about having a vaccine ready to go by the end of this year, but as far as I'm concerned the experts are saying that it won't be ready until Summer at the earliest, if even that. At that point it will have been nearly 1.5 years of R&D, not that far off of that 2 year mark, especially considering that this has been a global all hands on deck effort. And that's at the earliest, it may not even be until late next year. The 10-15 year development cycle is for things that are a lot more complex than just a coronavirus, in terms of virology.
I think what's just rubbing my goat wrong here is that yelling about how skeptical you are of the vaccine well before said vaccine is anywhere even near market is basically just counting your chickens before they hatch. I'm skeptical of a rushed vaccine as well, but I'm going to wait until they actually decide "okay, here is the vaccine we are going to push" before I start looking into the development process it faced.
I know lol. My point was the time it takes varies depending on the type of virus. 2-5 years is another time period thats commonly cited. I think 2 years is fine, it's less then 12 months that makes me go "uuh".
"I don't trust this vaccine which will hypothetically come out sometime in the future because it will be rushed[citation needed]" is covert antivax bullshit
Vaccines aren't safe because they're vaccines.
They're safe because the process they went though was rigorous.
If there's evidence that the process has been changed to be less rigorous, it's fair to be uncomfortable about them.
He obviously wasn't, but if Trump was able to get the vaccines out before election day, like he claimed, I wouldn't have taken them.
If there’s evidence that the process has been changed to be less rigorous
alright dipshit show the evidence
Not gonna look for articles if you call me a dipshit, dipshit.
There was talk from the FDA that they were going to effectively cancel third stage testing, to get vaccines out on time. That didn't happen. If one of the promising vaccines didn't have patients with unexplained illnesses, they might have.
I haven't been keeping track of the vaccines lately, as in, in the last month. If it goes through the trials, I'll take it. But if it looks like they removed some important steps to get it to market faster, I won't.
Simple as that.
I'm not anti-vax, lol I've many in my lifetime. Just none that were rushed for political and economic reasons.
thats the thing though, if they wanted to push a "fake" vaccine that just kills people and doesnt work properly, they'd have done it already. why do you think they're going through test trials and stuff in the first place?
it's so they can figure out what works and what doesn't, and what's safe and what isn't
being "skeptical" about it once all that is over and a proper vaccine is figured out is absolutely antivax bullshit
Antivaxxers don’t get vaccinated and advocate for never getting vaccinated. Where did I advocate for that
oh come on
you don't need to specifically, explicitly advocate every part of a specific worldview in order to advance that worldview's agenda. 99% of the people we call fascists on this website aren't advocating the ideology of fascism openly and explicitly, they are advancing one or more aspects conducive to a fascist worldview. just like you're doing with an antivax worldview.
No, they don't -want- to kill people but if it causes complications in few they won't care as long as it cures enough people to keep the gravy train rolling.
It’s not anti vax to be skeptical about a profit driven vaccine that’s being rushed when we don’t know enough about the virus.
True, but
Several people have been sick from the test trials.
tbf this happens in nearly all vaccine trials. Not exactly the most solid ground to accuse all potential vaccines of being dangerous.
I’ll get it once it shows that the majority of people don’t get any threatening side effects.
But isn't that what the vaccine trials are doing though? I don't really understand your thought process in this, and I have a feeling you aren't the only person that thinks this way, hence why I'm interested in the reasoning behind it.
He doesn't trust trials that are motivated to give a specific answer via massive financial and political pressure.
I get the point, idk where I stand on it. I'm a bit wary as well. If the hypothetical trials for the hypothetical vaccine are very transparent and I can somehow be sure it isn't just propaganda then I'd take one lol
Even barring that I'm just wondering what's going to happen when a large portion of the country just flat out refuses to get the vaccine, whether it truly is effective and/or safe or not. Will COVID 19 just continue to bounce around the US? Will it eventually mutate to a form that the vaccine doesn't cover and reinfect the entire world? Or will it go the way of SARS and just kind of disappear?
When someone breaks records each and every day eventually you realize they were sandbagging and it stops being impressive
Oh? Well that's some good news, I suppose. Cause I know for a while that we were. Who's leading the black parade now, Brazil?
I meant, we still lead, but the rate has been pretty flat since the initial spike in April-May.
Oh, I see what ya mean. Sorry, it's just about bedtime for me lol. Late night Chapo can be a dangerous game
However, cases are rising, so we'll see if there is a spike here. Europe appears to be having a spike in deaths right now.
Oh absolutely. Cases are rising, Winter looms, tons of places will refuse to shut down; dark days ahead for sure.
I think the “excitement” of this election has people forgetting about it tbh lol. The first time in months where COVID hasn’t been brought up at LEAST once during dinners here
thank god an aging arena rock band composed of a bunch of graying 60 year old men in british schoolboy uniforms is releasing an album. boomers really refuse to go peacefully
AC/DC should've bowed out when Malcolm Young passed. He wrote all their songs back in their prime.
one day bon scott will arise from the dead and vaporize them all like that one hot chip video
Growing up, I always asummed that icons of the past would clear out for the creation of new icons, as is the way of things and the prevailing narrative in coming of age/heroes journey stories. Little did I know that all the same artists, all the same politicians (that architectured US interventions abroad), all the same video game characters, all the same movies, and all the same brands would stick around until the rigor mortis from the grip of the boomers gives way to the decay of flesh.
Dare I say all of it is late stage capitalism? The same artists get stage time because they're a safe bet. Good video games turn to garbage because of their release dates (and the fucking crunches are insane). The politicians, Disney, and Hollywood need no introduction.
Say what you will about youtbe and twtch - despite their intense and massive flaws which continue to propagate, the low barrier to entry for talent is a breath a fresh air compared to the shit Marvel cranks out. Nobody needs to decide what is good enough/appropriate for an audience to see and that's special. That's the kind of creative freedom that should be celebrated and developed in any society that values the individual.
jesus yeah this is exactly how i feel. we're all just watching the same stories, listening to the same music, ruled by the same people. I really hold no hate for AC/DC, but I just remember being in middle school (and they were fucking old then) and having all these old bands like AC/DC shoved down my throat by boomer suburban parents and my racist middle school friends as "real music." Like anything new was worse than music made 30 (or more) years ago, just on account of it being new. My dad asking me i know you like this [rap, electronic, even rock music that didn't sound like the old shit], but you don't really think it's better than a band like the GRATEFUL DEAD do you? I guess it makes sense though, Americans are still clutching to a 200 year old document and somehow believe that that makes them better than the rest of the world.
What gets me is, my dad too but not just him, when they say "they don't make it like this anymore." Yes they fucking do. People still make classical music. They make 80s sounding music. They make folk music. They make jazz, rock, metal, soul, blue grass, R&B, and everything else still. It's in crystal clear fidelity. You just don't look for new artists in even a single Google search because you don't actually give a fuck about the music. You just want stadiums to blast it during a time out at sportsball. You're upset about some other status symbol of music, because multi-millionaires have 8 songs they cycle through for high profile events and your favorite jingles only account for 2 of them now, 40-50 years later.
What I really don’t understand is people my own age having the same purist ideas of music as old white boomers. I like a lot of classic rock and shit, but the purist ideas that I’ve heard espoused by peers in middle school, high school, even college, about rock music from the 60s, 70s and 80s having some vague quality which makes it superior and more “real” is so surreal. Like, y’all didn’t even grow up with this shit, it was made at the least like 10 years before you were born. I know there’s definitely some racism and homophobia that goes into these opinions, especially for certain genres. But there’s definitely more to it. They wanna be suburban dads so bad.
you don’t really think it’s better than a band like the GRATEFUL DEAD
Flaming Lips > Phish
I actually wish my dad still loved the dead. He has now decided that the Grateful Dead is “black music” and listens exclusively to medieval and Renaissance music and Gregorian chants. So fucking weird
Oh cool, those things make me feel much better, thanks.
Don't worry, just consoom.
/r/consoom was a fash community who bitched about the consumerist culture we live in, but unsurprisingly blamed it on an elite Jewish conspiracy.
I just like when the left co-opts it, because consumerism is a fuck
"Anti-Consumerism" is just watered down Anti-Capitalism for Gen-Xers lacking real class consciousness. The problem isn't pop radio or having 10 different kinds of potato chips, it's the capitalist mode of production.
THANK you, more people need to say this shit. I swear like a solid 75% of internet 'leftists' just wanna feel morally superior for not liking marvel movies.
“Anti-Consumerism” is just watered down Anti-Capitalism
If you try to solve the contradictions of capitalism by blaming regular working class people who are just trying to survive, you're a fascist
These idiots dont realize 2020 will be the best year of this decade...Its only gonna get worse.
when Obama became president, people were overjoyed and thought the world would change forever, but even under him people were pretty disappointed by his second term. This time, like half of Biden's voter base is already disillusioned with him. We have around a year where everything is magically better now, but "he's not trump" can only last so long, especially if unemployment is 20-30% after an eventual economic crash
This is why you do vanguard parties. Not everyone will be constantly checked in.
Too bad most leftist these days are anarchists and prefet to splinter off into a dozen different political groups constantly tone policing each other over a vanguard.
I have mixed options of tone policing. There are some valid things like not using slurs, but you don't need to go crazy with it and take up an hour of debate.
I begrudgingly like a few AC/DC songs. Not the best band from Australia (King Gizz), but the Bon Scott era was awesome.
Everyone that doesn't like at least a few AC/DC songs is lying to themselves.
This is Silverchair erasure!
Also yeah. AC/DC played all their songs with the same 3 chords, but damn if they weren't good at it. Ride On is a great song from the Bon Scott era.
GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! The bread and circuses are improving soon!
I've been saying it a lot, the people who plan on grilling/brunching the minute Trump is out probably weren't going to be the stuff of a successful mass political movement. The best connections happen when you log off (easier said than done).
All AC/DC songs are "hell yeah I love rock, rock kicks ass" and they're all awesome
Nice I get to pay like half a grand for something that barely improves on an item I already paid like half a grand for and a super old, shitty rock band that fell out of relevance 40 years ago is putting out a cash grab album. This is sick.
new console generation
Remember when PC gaming was notorious for being overly expensive?
One of the annoying things this election was seeing liberals say someone was likely white and privileged if they said nothing really changes whether biden or trump is president. when in reality, once biden wins, those liberals turn their back on those who will still be immensely suffering. that’s the real privilege i guess.