genuinely so fucked up about this rn, he's such a massive figure that this just doesn't feel real. truly the end of an era
I feel like I did this because literally today I said
"man can you believe they wokeified DBZ? they gave Piccolo a super saiyan form, akira toriyama is rolling in his grave" AS A JOKE
The cartoon has become the creator
Life is ruled by art
Oh wow, Rest in peace
i remember when i was a kid and here in Mexico there was like 4 national channels with only one having kids show during the afternoon and they would play a 1-2 hour block of Dragon ball z, it was also one of the forst animes i watched too even if it wasnt my favorite back then i think i did have a bunch of influence the shows i like nowdays.
Whoa, holy shit, I wasn't ready for that. Dude was still pretty young. Dragon Ball's gonna look very different with Toyotarou unsupervised.
yea its young for the average japanese life expectancy, probably the old mangaka working conditions had an effect on his health
the highs i felt when goku fought frieza, cell, buu, etc will probably forever be unmmatched by another show
nah, one piece hits a completely different way. dragon ball managed to tap into some primal thing that nothing else comes close to
I feel that. For me, that struggle to overcome and push harder was something primal and I suspect is what you're talking about. You need to push the energy beam or you need to punch so incredibly hard.
Damn wtf, I am so saddened by this, always loved his work. Rest in peace, Toriyama. This was definitely not on my 2024 bingo card...
Let's have a thread here with favorite DBZ/DB moments.
I'll start with this classic. Dubbed, but I don't care.
As an adult it seems ridiculous but as a kid this would have put me over the edge. So awesome lol
yeah i can assure you that watching this as a kid after school it was hype as fuck
the pacing of dbz was never wonderful but it did its Big Moments a service in that way, because you were legitimately waiting through so much hype that once you got there nothing felt over the top. it just felt satisfying.
ugh the more i process this the sadder i am about it
To be fair the pacing was worse when we were kids because the localizers padded the episodes with filler (powering up for minutes, flying places, ect) to stretch the show out longer
Piccolo and 17 are both so goddamn cool, just having them on screen together is badass.
Trunks appearing out of nowhere and mercing Frieza was the coolest shit i'd ever seen as a kid, i have legit never forgotten that scene lmao
the way the shot splits in two from frieza's POV, the fuckn drama dude iconic
It's hard to pick one
Sure there's a bunch of extremely hype action scenes to pick from but I think I love the little moments of brevity and comedy the most, things like Yajarobe slacking off and having a snack while everyone else is training
when my grandmother died my mom came in the room crying and my sociopathic 7 year old brain was annoyed that she was interrupting Goku vs perfect cell lmfao.
Mom comes into room crying about stupid grandma dying or something
Tell her to fuck off
Continue watching the hype Goku vs Perfect Cell fight
Looks like Goku is getting beaten up. Can't wait for him to power and beat Cells ass
He gives up? The fuck?
Oh he wants Gohan to fight. Fair deal since they've managed to exhaust cell to a point where Gohan can take him.
He gives Cell a Senzu Bean
Showand then an eagle named 'small government' landed on the mom
Every few months I find out that yet another iconic video game / anime design was actually Akira Toriyama. Which I guess will continue regardless, so that's nice.
I never got into Dragon Ball, but I know a legend. He genuinely influenced so many people around the world and defined a medium. It's rare you find someone like that.
They had to flex and scream for six days to gather the power for this tweet
RIP to a legend