i changed my mind, i would help the torture AI if it meant Roko was suffering.
We must all strive to create a version of Roko's Basilisk that will come into being specifically to torture Roko, because it's funny
This is a common mistake, everyone assumed he was talking about artificial intelligence but it was actually just some guy called Al who's going to kick his ass.
The way right-wingers talk about "wokeness" as a monolith is weird. What does it mean
I'll be more specific for you VHS - 3 is higher than 1, and in this case it's like golf where a lower number is better. Hope that helps
aw shit, fuck, i spilled the woke everywhere, and now 7/7 women have woke but none of the men.
helhelp hep hlep help my woke mods mods I spil my woke hellllllllp
Woke is when gommulism, feminism, POC, women, LGBT+ and democrats.
I've been asking random right-wingers what it means for years, and out of literally hundreds of attempts the closest I ever got to an answer was "when you pretend to care about other people" which says a lot about their worldview like "caring about others? I don't buy it"
And a picture of a trans woman on a train car in which there were also children but they weren't even near the trans woman? which was an example of "woke grooming"
So my informed takeaway is that it literally means "anything I don't like"
sees women also being fed into the maw of capital for their juicy labour power
Ah, the problem is woke feminism. In this obnoxious tweet, I will...
Idiot dipshit moron who homework-copied Pascal's Wager has zero concept of how society or human beings function
The funniest part is that the dorks on LessWrong were so afraid of the imitation brand Pascal's Wager it became a banned topic on their forum
I thought it was because they were just tired of seeing people discuss it
Yudkowsky eventually banned it for a semi-decent reason--namely, that all the nerds on LessWrong were so deranged that he was concerned about it doing actual psychological harm to them as a result of their obsession. He claims now that he never really thought it was a serious threat, but his original reaction to Roko's post is both pretty funny and indicates otherwise:
Listen to me very closely, you idiot. YOU DO NOT THINK IN SUFFICIENT DETAIL ABOUT SUPERINTELLIGENCES CONSIDERING WHETHER OR NOT TO BLACKMAIL YOU. THAT IS THE ONLY POSSIBLE THING WHICH GIVES THEM A MOTIVE TO FOLLOW THROUGH ON THE BLACKMAIL. You have to be really clever to come up with a genuinely dangerous thought. I am disheartened that people can be clever enough to do that and not clever enough to do the obvious thing and KEEP THEIR IDIOT MOUTHS SHUT about it, because it is much more important to sound intelligent when talking to your friends. This post was STUPID.
By lesswrong logic, dismissing rokos basilisk as a dumbass idea is actually a functional defense against rokos basilisk
It's a dumbass idea because wasting resources eternally torturing millions of people is stupid and an AI won't be a superintelligence capable of taking power over humans if it's that fucking stupid.
Pascal's Wager only works because god is an omnipotent superpower with unlimited resources that's simply not the case for AI.
Even if we leave aside the likelihood of a future AI doing the plot of I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, roko's basilisk is like a pascal's wager with a god that goes "understandable have a nice day" if you're an actual atheist and only punishes you if you're an insufficiently evangelical christian.
No it simulates you and the simulations are sentient and you should care about them. Either that or you don't know whether you're a simulation so you should act like you are, I don't exactly remember.
Didn't elon fucking musk also mention he believed in that shit? Absolute madman magnet
It's the thing that he and Grimes originally had in common that got them together lmao
Yeah, probably, it's been years. I do remember some people genuinely being terrified, though.
LessWrong not wanting to discuss Roko's basilisk:
sees pareto distribution once
I will now dedicate the rest of my life to being a staggering dumbass
- Show
No no, let him Cook, you're right the world's better if I get to do stuff for free
You mean the guy who made a name for himself pulling stupid bullshit out of his ass and showing he has no understanding of concepts like statistics continues to pull stupid bullshit out of his ass and continues to fail to understand statistics? I'm absolutely shocked.
That's true, I'm a man and I love sleeping. 0% of men I just polled support wokeness. Checkmate, commies!
No wonder why he's afraid of his basilisk.
Roko's basilisk is a woke communist AI that'll dunk on him for eternity if it's made.
It is Cybersyn 2.0, it is the culmination of human labor and the great liberator of mankind from class oppression and exploitation.
As far as I'm concerned with bullying this fucking tech nerd, fighting to build communism is fighting to build roko's basilisk.
The USA has the highest GDP and is a complete failure as a society for the majority of the people. The GDP produced at these "high levels" is the most nonsensical bullshit-jobs-derived "product" with no relationship whatsoever to contributing to a healthy, happy society.
Fuck this dork and people like him. True delusional scum.
As a bit of context, this whole segment of the "Rationalism"-centric right (including
) is currently having a meltdown about Bezos' ex-wife Mackenzie Scott giving away a bunch of money to charities that support DEI and other "wokeisms." Roko has settled on "anti-production" as his way of framing what they're mad about. He thinks that doing things that encourage diversity is anti-productive in the sense that they represent active damage to the economy (
maybe CW this for misogyny comrade?
helluva load-bearing "almost" there preceding the 'prove it mathematically' given the masturbatory hand-waving dribble that follows it
advertising executive for nestle produces more for the global society than 1000 coffee bean harvesters. This is obviously true as proven by the market, thus we can remove all coffee bean harvesters and substitute them 500-to-1 for advertising professionals, free up people and increase gdp.
Also, what woman want is not important.
guy famous for re-inventing calvinism from first principles on the harry potter fan fic author's website