Tbh people who “do not get/understand sports” always set off a giant red flag to me. Like I totally understand not liking it and not participating, but people who pretend like it’s hard to understand why some might enjoy organized sports always seem to be the most insufferable type
I think a decent chunk of the time its a reaction to the average sports guy aggressively not understanding why you would like shit that isnt sports, and yeah whatever get over high school and all that shit but its fun to mentally get back at dickheads like that.
Fucking for real with that. If it wasnt for getting that reaction from average sports guy a million times i wouldnt have any kind of hostile reaction to sports. I think thats where the whole "sportsball" thing started.
Also, its annoying growing up as cis male kid, and being asked if you like baseball/football by every doctor/adult you have to intetact with for years of your life and being treated like a freak if you don't, cause now they have no small talk options
Do doctors still ask kids that? I jist remember hating that so much as a kid
I honestly feel like "get over highschool" is a shitty thing to tell people and I hate how normalized its become. Like bullying is traumatic. I personally have forgiven my bullies because they were kids when it happened*, and also because Senior year I got to know some of the "popular kids" and realized they were human and many of them quiet nice and also realized that my friend group of nerds had a lot of asshole qualities between us, and for a long time I thought that was the "right thing to do". Then I tried sharing that opinion in a room of people with bullying trauma and got fucking verbally destroyed for it and realized like, trauma is real and telling people to just get over it is fucked up.
*AND because I spent my young adulthood on a Survivor forum where my opinions on the contestants being colored by my highschool experience was something that got me bullied on THERE for, plus contestants that brought up their highschool trauma were shit on, so it was very uncool to still care about highshool so I adapted because autism.
There was a period of time when, if I was just out walking alone, I'd be TERRIFIED of seeing kids my age, just minding their own business. We don't talk enough about how victims of bullying have a lot in common with victims of child abuse.
"Bullying neurodiverse people is justifed because of gamergate" is a terrible take.
nah i was a sports kid and the way sports fans get about sports is weird, gross, and bad. It's like console wars but we've been doing it for over 100 years so it's acceptable and nobody critically examines the practices.
:this: sports fans are mostly defended soley because its normalized. Sports fans do indeed get weird. Its cool if youre into it, im into different shit and i don't have to "get" your intrest for it to valid, etc obviously
Sports as a concept are fine, the NFL deserves contempt, NFL fans probably a little contempt as a treat
Yeah, watching other people play sports on TV is at best neutral. But playing sports is definitely a cool thing to do.
"Imagine caring about sportsball. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna watch a cartoon aimed at 6 year olds."
Seems like a pretty common warning sign for "I've completely internalized my capitalist alienation, please do not try to relate to me."
I understand wanting to play sports, it's the sports fandom which annoys me... especially when the grifters show up with "fantasy football" gambling and stuff.
we must fight because my regional team is playing against your regional team, and we are therefore adversaries
The only thing preventing civil war between Ohio and Michigan is college football
other people earnestly seem to think this kind of thing is an own
not everything is an "own" wtf
it was just a jokey comment playing into the sportsball cringe thing i replied to
I get what sportsball jokes are considered gauche but like in my experience people who make them are largely people who went through some serious bully trauma in school at the hands of athletes who were worshiped and sided with by teachers and admin for being athletes. I have a few close friends like that. And like I said in another post the "Get over highschool" attitude actually kind of sucks ass because its usually telling people to just "get over" their bullying trauma. I feel like being dismissive of and looking down on sports is kind of just a trauma response in a lot of cases.
sports culture is so dominant that you're offended by someone making fun of it.
fragility moment.
look how fucking fragile you are at the tiniest blasphemy against your holy sportsball
toxic masculinity is a helluva drug
sports culture is bad and you should get over yourself instead of whatever this is
I had expected the Cheesecake Factory to show me the cakes being made on a conveyor belt like Krispy Kreme does, but instead they seem to want us to assume the cakes are made by a wizard. Where's the damn factory?
They're made in an assembly line staffed by oil-stained operators using powertools and heavy machinery.
complaining about people publicly enjoying things is actually not vaguely annoying, it's just annoying
also all the other things this turbonerd listed are either not specifically American pastimes or suck shit
On the one hand the demographic of people who have "I support football club" as their personality is producing a disproportionately large number of chuds and outright Nazis. On the other hand supporting a team is a completely normal working class pastime and being a killjoy about it won't achieve anything, it will just makes you come off as an insufferable nerd.
Let people have their fun.
I don't approve of any past times at all. Swirling vortex of anhedonia gang
People who turn their lack of interest in sport into a personality trait are so lame. Bonus points for unironic use of “sportsball”.
That being said there is a point to make about CTE, the exploitation of these young players, lack of preparation for life after their brief careers, on and on. I’m not particularly an NFL guy.
and people who turn their obsession with the performance of a sports team they do not play on or administer into a personality trait are... ?
“Finding a single crumb of joy and sense of community in our alienated society is bad actually”
I didn’t say everyone has to like sport. But pretending it is completely valueless is weird. People want to belong to something and in the grand scheme of things, cheering for the local team is a pretty harmless expression of that compared to say, joining your local racism club or whatever other alternative they have in America.
There’s also this weird thing called “playing sport” where you join a team, working with others towards a common goal and engaging in competition with others doing the same. Forming bonds of friendship, improving your physical and mental well being.
But yeh muh sportsball bad.
community built around consumerism and hating the other is not good community.
Sport, famously a massive part of life in the apparently consumerist and xenophobic USSR
sport yes, sports fandom certainly not in the horrific way it occurs under capitalism.
and if the people from one SSR hated the people from the neighboring one over sports then those people should've been reeducated into not being like that.
Being a fan of a sports team is the most direct form of a sense of community that people have left, so I won’t begrudge them for it
If it's a local team or one you have a genuine connection to, sure. But 95% of sports team fans are basically just fanboys of football team corporation #56 Ltd.
and rival team fans hate eachother for no reason instead of building class solidarity.
I think local sports team tribalism is pretty far down the list of things undermining intra-class solidarity.
is it? or is it part of the indoctrination against empathy and a reinforcement of the same garbage in-group/ out-group mentality of racism and every other bigotry?
fans don't play
or if you mean the ritualistic hatred of the other is "for fun lol" I don't think it makes that aspect of american sports fandom any less contemptable
I mean they don't hate each other and the antagonism is part of a social game they have agreed to play and they don't actually bear each other any ill will
sit down and have a think about how healthy it is for a society to have a bunch of people recreationally pretending to hate one another, and then do some more thinking about all the times where some shithead acts on that supposedly fake hatred.
the sports dork because a bunch of people who should have thought critically about our cultural practices and normative rituals are in here defending it, on top of being normalized and unquestioned in society at large.
the cultural slop I enjoy doesn't encourage me to hate other people who wear a different shirt. I am also far far more critical of the business practices of the companies involved than i have ever seen from the typical privileged-interest american sportsfan
the petty hatred i saw growing up in sports culture seemed pretty fucking harmful to society and solidarity
Still less cringey than people who obsess over Harry Potter or any other generic fandom because at least athletes are real people and not drawings or a fictional world. I would rather have people obsess over real people doing real things than obsess over make-believe and pretend.
i don't find it very worthwhile to differentiate obsessive fandom, but I do find ritualistic hatred of the other more offensive than simple consumerism
Some weeks, quadruply so as male-presenting, it's like every fucking hour or conversation or literally just looking in a direction will have an ad that is either assuming or urging me to watch sports and spend money on sports and care about fucking sports and I do not. Making a point of not liking sports isn't the coolest, but it's also understandable to make a point of complaining when you've spent a significant amount of life being told that you obviously must like it and follow it and support a team and etc.
I’m still hungover from “going outside is reactionary”
this didn't happen, people just got upset that others on hexbear were minimizing the risks/difficulties of socializing in the COVID era/more generally
He just called voting and going to church cooler than watching athletes compete, what
What do you do for fun around here ? I love to immigrate in my spare time.
I demand that all US high schools require at least one semester in a class on how to not be insufferable.
I love that 3 of his examples are just things to be consumed.
The AI that I have been interacting with had less brain worms than this.
Being in Philly listing all those dairy products but missing cheese steaks has to be a bit