I predict that there will be a movie where the characters wear masks and socially distance. It'll be like an artsy indie movie about how we live in a society and you'll watch it because everyone will be sharing their takes and you don't wanna be out of the loop and the movie will be ok.
Initial COVID vaccines will be rushed to market, but the rollout will be a disaster with large neoliberal nations falling way behind smaller, poorer ones in the proportion of the population vaccinated.
A superior vaccine will be blocked by US/UK governments due to political considerations under the guise of safety or trade considerations.
Several major retail chains will declare bankruptcy or close altogether.
Governments will tout flat or only mild increases in unemployment numbers despite mass unemployment due to the masking effect from a massive increase in part-time unlivable-wage gig economy jobs.
Boris Johnson will resign as PM and the fawning media coverage of Kier Starmer will swing back to the new 'sensible' Tory ghoul who takes his place.
A major festival will return in socially distanced form and will either be a financial or logistical disaster.
A single new blockbuster movie will release on a streaming service at no extra cost, causing a massive increase in subscriptions. Following large movies will return to having an additional charge however as it's deemed no economically viable.
Cyberpunk 2077 will release to mixed reviews settling on a good but slightly meh average score around 80/100.
It will be the final production year for many small petrol cars, with them either going electric or being removed from manufacturer lineups all together for 2022.
A major country with industrialised agriculture will start restricting pesticide use to address plumeting bee populations. Most won't.
There will be a major push in Europe for open source science papers and journals with limited success.
Space X will see more competition in the private space flight industry, with more private rocket launches than ever before.
There will be more workplace shootings as people lose their jobs and homes.
A new animal will be discovered, but will be immediately endangered due to deforestation or dwindling sea life numbers.
You'll make a new friend and they'll be cool and nice. :heart-sickle:
- The vaccine will have nasty side effects due to being fast tracked and anti-vaxxers will become very commonplace, causing the vaccine to be nonmandatory
Libs were flirting with being openly anti-vaxx when it looked like Trump had a lock on the election. I think people reallly underestimate how skeptical libs are of vaccines when it comes down to the nitty gritty of distributing em. I think you'll see a lot of problems in conservative states.
The government is already willing to do so many awful things to people, I can see why you'd maybe feel a little worried by the Trump admin saying "here, inject this into your body, it's good for you".
I'm personally not anti-vax though am maybe a bit skeptical because when your country is willing to give medical personnel bin bags as PPE then you might wonder about the quality of the vaccine. Definitely still take it when it's available but there will be that voice in my head who's not so sure.
Anti-vax in general seems to be misplaced anger anyway. Anger that your kid has some kind of disability, anger at big pharma, anger at the government etc.
Yeah, I'm also a huge proponent of vaccines in general but what skeeves me out about the American vaccine candidates is that they're new kinds of vaccines that haven't been used in humans before, which is itself fine (kind of cool even) but mixed with the rush to market and FDA fast-tracking it makes me super nervous.
Really hope I'll be able to get the Chinese vaccine which uses a pretty tried-and-true method of invoking an immune response for a vaccine and seems to be performing well in its trials.
I'm pretty privileged in that I don't need the vaccine immediately since I rarely go out into the world these days, so I'm gonna hold off for awhile.
but mixed with the rush to market and FDA fast-tracking it makes me super nervous
This is reasonable tbh. I'm fine with a vaccine, but there's not a lot of data and absolutely no data on potential long term effects (especially that new type of vaccine).
There's a ocean of difference between being an anti-vax weirdo and being cautious.
There’s a ocean of difference between being an anti-vax weirdo and being cautious.
Agree, but what happens is anti-vaxxers exploit that window of reasonability to push their agenda and the vax side demands complete party loyalty, or they characterize you as an anti-vaxxer loon
This is how I feel about 5g. I don't think the RF levels are high enough to cause cancer or "cook your brain", but being skeptical about a more than doubling of the background RF radiation, in conjunction with some initial studies that show some metabolic disruption with low-rise long term RF at some of the 5G frequencies maybe suggests that we should take a step back and do some additional longer term tests first rather than rush it to market.
Like, the Covid vaccine I understand there's a benefit to getting it fast. But 5G? Nobody needs that urgently or even at all. Putting people potentially at risk for slightly better video streaming does not really show a good cost/benefit risk ratio to speed it past testing
Yeah, that's one of my darker predictions. Workplace shootings will make a comeback as school shootings fall.
You’ll make a new friend and they’ll be cool and nice.
these are supposed to be predictions, not pie-in-the-sky fantasies :sadness:
You're already half way there self-depricating comrade. :heart-sickle:
Someone will find a link between COVID in kids and seriously low academic outcomes, malnourishment and mental health problems. The media will latch onto it for a bit and there'll be loads of celebs, politicians etc. Banging on about it.
Then they'll discover that they're actually just looking at the systemic effect of extreme poverty in the developed world on these kids and COVID is just incidental.
Everyone quietly forgets about it.
If you think this is too bleak, it's already happened more or less at least once with the 'crack babies' scare.
More prominent leftists will be accused of antisemitism after critiquing zionism.
Woke Zionist twitter has upgraded to literally just calling Brace Belden a Nazi. I expect this escalation to become a trend.
There is a higher chance the NY Jets win the Superbowl this year than there is of leftists not being called antisemitic for that reason.
Libs are going to continuously and increasingly demand from leftists to bench the terms "defund the police" and "socialist" in some brain dead PR-stunt to not offend right wingers, while justifying their own rightward shift, and theyre gonna get really fucking pissy when people refuse to do this ending up with some racist and classist shit spewing out of their fucking mouths.
I see this a shitload on AOC threads on reddit, on mainstream news, lib twitter and recently the shitty fucking monologue on Maher's show.
"MeSsAgInG mAtTeRs"
As if reactionaries with their thin blue line bumper stickers are the people activists are trying to win over. Liberals taking their fake high horse stance pretending they're not as reactionary as the right, who will jump sides and claim victory once it's safe (gotta check the polls!!!!) to do so. :agony-4horsemen:
Some of us are turning 26 but at this point they don’t give a shit about us
The TrumpTV and covid-19 narratives are the most interesting for me. It seems like the virus is much worse in flu season, which means this winter might get really bad everywhere before Biden even starts. At the start, we were optimistic that it would bring about the end of capitalism, and it's so slow we stopped talking about that. But it might yet still happen, or at least move everyone way to the left. If refrigeration trucks are lined up outside every hospital in the western world right when Biden takes office, the public opinion could finally take it seriously and support the changes we need.
The right will hopefully, and finally, split between the Trump base and the fox news ecosystem. They will be competing for the same stupid audience, disagreeing on who to blame and taking no responsibility or blame as usual.
That's all good for the long term prospect, but I agree there will be a lot more right wing terrorism. And that's potentially very bad.
I had that thought about being at the 1905 moment, a few months ago. I was hoping the democrats would win the senate and that it would be the February revolution moment. The parallel is that the authoritarians are completely taken out of power and replaced by the bourgeoisie. I do believe that condition is necessary for the left to take power. People here will argue about Obama having had all the chances to implement the progressive agenda but chose not to. The reality is that most "liberals", myself included, believe Obama tried his best and was blocked at every step of the way by mitch McConnell. Given that belief (again, it's OK to disagree, but recognize that it's a common belief amongst democratic voters), democrats aren't going to abandon the party until they see a more clear opportunity botched by the democrats. If they win those Georgia senate seats, and then fail to pass a progressive agenda, they will be primaries hard in 2022. It's sort of a spectrum though. What if Manchin is then the only needed vote they can't get? We need to clearly see Pelosi and Schumer reject M4A and GND and then the conditions will be ripen for a third party or beating them in primaries.
As for the anti electoralism, there was a lot of money spent on social media disruption to help Trump. I think a lot of the anti-biden voting stuff trickled down from that. We will never know, but it seemed suspicious.
Biden bombs Syria, the socdem left collapses after one half accuses the other half of being "assadist", the right is rejuvenated, covid kills half a million Americans, the Uberization of the economy continues at break neck speed
Basically nothing changes
I predict much of 2021 will be exactly like 2020 but worse because we've decided to let covid run its course
If Sanders instead somehow winds up as Labor secretary
why are we entertaining this as a possibility you sound like my boomer mom trying to calm me down after I sent her 20 paragraphs explaining why we need a people's revolution and to guillotine the ruling class
i can already hear the cutesy tv commercial where the background music has whistling in it
One of the largest American city transit systems becomes fully privatized and replaced by an Uber rideshare-style model.
Some big non-psyop OKC-style attack by right wing militia
More indications of a looming Dot Com bubble
Don Jr. announces run for senate somewhere
Coronavirus will mutate, possibly so hard that the current vaccine candidates turn out to be ineffective.
Dems will hem and haw about wanting to roll back trumps draconian politics but sadly McConnell is just blocking everything. The economy will continue to tank due to covid. GOP will capitalize on it and call for deficit reduction, social security cuts, all social programs to be privatized. The democrats will get slaughtered at the midterms and maybe Joe will be the lamest of ducks.
Global warming will accelerate, over a million Americans will die from Covid, and you know I don't really see anything positive other than this website getting a mobile app that kicks ass and maybe cyberpunk
Some of my predictions
COVID relief bill early on after Biden's inauguration which will just be tax credits and at the expense of that senile old ghoul getting to finally defund Social Security or at the bare minimum, medicaid instead. This will be the first of many grievances of Biden's presidency which will lead to people saying "at least with Trump I got a $1,200 check."
More unemployment, more evictions and jobs getting shut down due to the pandemic. Government won't do anything about it, which will lead to a lot of grievances with Biden's administration.
Biden/Harris bipartisanship bill with the GOP to extend the PATRIOT Act and NDAA in mass efforts to squash the protest movement. Hard to really make guesses at what the bill will say, but it will be extreme measures that ensures military police even more rights when it comes to showing brutal force to protesters. My guess is that they'll try to criminalize the phrase ACAB and the bill argues that the chanting of the phrase will be a threat of domestic terrorism and/or pushing for life imprisonment threats to protesters detained.
Sometime during the year, another murder of an unarmed black man by police which will instigate new protests and potential riots which will lead to Biden getting on television and calling them THUGS and LOOTERS. Liberals online will openly cheer for the protests to be arrested.
By the fall, a lot of grievances with Biden and his austerity being pushed out and how life has only gotten worse in the first year of his presidency. He will be unpopular by that point, I have no doubt. Around this time, I expect a lot of Trump whitewashing with talks about how "he wasn't that bad, it was the coronavirus that made everything go to hell". I expect something like this, cause Biden don't have the charisma of Obama and Dems are expected to actually do something, which we know they won't.
COVID relief bill early on after Biden’s inauguration which will just be tax credits and at the expense of that senile old ghoul getting to finally defund Social Security or at the bare minimum, medicaid instead. This will be the first of many grievances of Biden’s presidency which will lead to people saying “at least with Trump I got a $1,200 check.”
I have a feeling that a lot of people with normie politics or just not plugged in as us, are going to look back at April and May and the stimulus and $600 PUA payments as "the good old days" (not necessarily tying it to Trump and liking Trump, just that's how bad Biden is going to be)
The $1,200 stimulus, I think, is a perfect microcosm of the Biden/Trump dynamic. You had libs persuading lefties to vote for Trump because Trump is so horrible, but Trump did a small handful of things, like the stimulus, which was just fucking crumbs and sucked and should not be congratulated for it, but it's more than I think Biden is going to do. Or trying to pull out of Afghanistan and the Pentagon won't let him, while Biden will be fully on board.
There's nothing about Trump that's good, but he would occasionally get his dick caught in the fan of right-wing creep because he's so fucking stupid, and any attempt he'd make at "presidenting" would occasionally cause chaos. Biden, by contrast, is probably going to seal himself in his senility bunker on Day One and hand the keys to the country over some John Bolton/Jamie Dimo-esque neoliberal nightmare. Which will increase the efficiency of the death machine one hundred fold.
I think shit is gonna get way worse under Biden, not because Trump is good, but because Trump is fucking stupid and fucked things up just enough to prevent apocalypse. The same vile ghouls will be in place running things but they will have a president who's cooperative and not a monkey wrench now.
I can't believe no one's said it, but another wave of global protests. Chile's succeeded and the US is about to see corona protections wear off. The us won't do anything about it because it's not an election year. Its going to start separately in a couple places, maybe an anti coup movement in Venezuela or Nicaragua and BLM in the US, but will resonate in the rest of the world.
BLM will get more militant. Defund will become abolish, dems will say something about how defund polls better, etc etc
I believe they are throwing out the Pinochet constitution and writing a new one
Edit: and I think they didn’t raise public transportation fares, which is was it was originally about? Could be wrong about that