Also why do crackers love eating with their hands so much?
Edit: There are some whites in the comments that really like Chilis and Applebees.
ive noticed that every other nationality has accused every other one of liking finger food
This is funny considering how it was European colonialism that spread eating utensils all over the world.
even funnier is eating with dirty fingers was a euro stereotype
Except the Germans, who are mocked for eating Pizza with utensils (which they do)
I felt so weird eating like a normal person in Germany. I forget what it was...I think maybe we got hamburgers or something while over there. People really do eat that with a fork and knife like their hands are gonna fall off if they touch the food.
It depends on the context. Nobody is eating their burger with utensils at McDonalds or whatever, but when it's "classier", most Germans will use utensils even though it's horribly impractical and defeats the whole point of having a burger in the first place. It's even worse with pizza.
Döner and falaffel are somehow completely exempt from this, but Germans have a deep-seated fear that these will burst open on the underside and splatter zaziki all over their pants. Our sexual pathologies run deep.
At least you're not the Swiss, who have their best scientists trying to work out how to eat food entirely with utensils, never touching the mouth.
If anybody can do it, it's the country that constantly invents machines to grill and / or slice cheese.
Fun fact: I was looking up the history of forks awhile back and the church said it was sacrilege to use them initially because you had God given forks already (fingers). Great stuff
Keep eating more cayenne pepper every day until it is not spicy anymore.
I have noticed this too and used it to attack the white man.
Seeing white people say other white people are too white is so fucking cringe cmv
It's actually good because they're identifying their privilege and decolonizing their minds. The more white culture is mocked, the less prestige and social capital it will command.
It's pointless performative self flagellation that is basically just insecure whites looking at poc and saying "See! I'm one of the good ones!"
Theres no one "white culture" as "whiteness" itself is pretty fluid and novel. If we're to combat settler colonial mindsets its best to be a little more precise in our critiques and strategies
Yes, I will write a full essay on how to do this before every post about ranch sauce on chapo dot chat. 🙄
You're talking about decolonization on a ranch meme post haha I'm just responding with criticism. The absurdity isn't lost on me, but if its already being discussed why not add a critique?
by mocking a sauce that is only really a thing in america and saying they aren't bougie enough to use cutlery for things that you can eat with your hands?
Oh. If you didn't then there is no beef here.
This is why Hillary Clinton carrying hot sauce in her bag is praxis. Mental decolonization
Ranch should be banned but eating with your hands is normal, and if anything is less common with wypepo. Karen's think it's disgusting and barbaric when they see Latinos eating pollo a la brasa with their fingers. I've seen white people eat apples and chicken nuggets with forks.
Everyone knows the most Chad way to eat an apple is with a pocket knife
I prefer to unhinged my jaw, swallowing it whole, and then regurgitate the core later.
No. I'm saying things that will upset white people.
On that note, American football is stupid.
IDK, last show I went to before covid had a math rock band play and the singer was really good and added a lot, no idea what he was saying though, he was singing in korean.
Uhh, give me a sec to dig though my old text messages, I got the lead singers number and I hope he mentioned the band name.
ok, fuck you
mike kinsella is a genius and midwest emo will never die
I managed to upset @BASED_BALL. Mission accomplished.
Also, emo was better when it just hardcore and Bad Brains did it first.
the best emo bands are the ones that were around for like 6 months sometime in the 90s/early 2000s, and whose entire discography consists of like 4 songs, all released on comps or splits with unknown local bands, and who never played a show outside of their home state, and then 3 years later they release a discography consisting of their original 4 songs plus one newly recorded one bringing their entire recorded output to 5 songs, and then in the mid to late 2010s they are hailed as "legendary" and "groundbreaking" by white kids on reddit and /mu/ emoe threads who pray for a reunion even though all the members of the band have long forgotten their time in said band.
See I thought you meant the sport and was going to say you're just naming things that are common for both white and black Am*ricans but if you mean the band yeah they're very white lol.
"what type of ranch do you all have?
'We have buttermilk ranch, a bacon ranch and our house ranch.'
"Oh. Hmnn, I like Hidden Valley"
'our house ranch is similar'
"I guess, sure, okay."
Working in a restaurant is a test of zen like patience, I swear. It chips away at my humanity
It can be, but one of the cooks who would make it was convinced you had to put a ton of bacon grease in it and I'll never eat it cause of how insanely fatty and greasy it was most of the time. But if done right it was solid, but I'm not big of heavy dressings, I like various types of balsamic personally
Imagine thinking its white people that love eating with their hands. In fact that sounds like someone who isn't aware of anyone outside of white people.
Its fucking erasure to think that non-westerners don't rely heavily on their hands to eat food. Central America, large parts of Africa, South Asia, etc. all regions where people eat with their hands.
Sometimes I wonder about this site
Yeah. Like look fam, plenty of white people annoy me too but not for the intrinsic fact that they're white. What annoys me more is the overcompensation that comes with these things. Understand your history and keep at working with people.
Some of this white guilt stuff is just fucking embarrassing lib shit.
White people love to feel exotic when they go to a non-western restaurant and eat with their hands. But then will make fun and be disgusted of that "barbaric and unhygienic" way of eating if they see it outside. But sure, it's a "white thing" because burgers and pizza ig. Massive lol @Chapo
It's weird af. All these seemingly cosmopolitan ideals on this site and then you read something like this and it's big :bruh: energy. I know not everybody gets to interact with the various peoples of the world but just a bit of research would save you from embarrassment.
It really is Peak White. Or Peak Western if the person who made it isn't white.
"But no, browns, let me actually tell you why eating with your hand is so funney"
Edit: mfw the whites appropriated so hard that eating with your hands is a white yanki thing now :deeper-sadness:
i'm not white, and i get that it's a joke, but this shit ain't cool. like for real.
My mom literally told me to not eat everything with spoons because that’s what her servants did
There’s a proper way to eat soup and it involves sipping from the spoon
There’s a
properbougie way to eat soup and it involves sipping from the spoonLove to eat soup with a fork and drink the broth directly from the bowl like it's a giant cup.
I've seen the reactistan videos on YouTube. Those folks don't use bourgeois utensils, especially the older guy. Eating with your hands is the people's way.
am a hairy pale face, love eating with my hands. i went to a Moroccan joint one time where that was the thing and i was like, "yes." just scoop it up and stuff it in like a hungry toddler. utensils are performative b.s. anyway. who am i, the goddamn dowager countess? i am not here to make friends. i am here to do a job for the only boss i respect in this world: my tummy.
pre covid i used to go to a hospital cafeteria near to my work to eat and sometimes they'd have like some kinda nashville hot chicken, and when i get a back piece you better know i'm going manual. honestly, it was only the rich professionals that seemed to be put off by watching me get into a bird carcass, while they aristocratically poke their chicken "salad" loaded with bite sized cubes of premium poultry cuts and bacon bits slathered in buttermilk-based sauces.
I wonder if this is a regional thing because I've worked in restaurants for years and it's definitely not white people who are crazy about their ranch dressing where I grew up.
My mother accused me of being a "n-word (she use the actual n-word) lover" because I wanted ranch to go with my pizza once as a kid. She was crazy about ranch, as in crazy against it.