If you have any useful resource links please tag me in a comment with the link:
Examples of racism/euro-centrism during the Russia-Ukraine conflict
Add to this if you can, thank you.
Time/Map: https://time.is/Ukraine
Leftist discussion threads:
https://old.reddit.com/r/GenZedong/comments/t03foy/genzedong_russiaukraine_master_discussion_thread/ :kitty-cri-texas:
Twitter military updaters:
https://nitter.net/ASBMilitary :kitty-cri:
obvious disclaimers about taking all of them with tonnes of salt etc
Global South Perspective: https://nitter.net/kiranopal_/status/1498723206496145413
Better war/propaganda analysis:
News updates:
Live: https://www.cgtn.com/special/Live-update-Ukraine-Russia-border-crisis.html
YT/Video in Ukraine:
Previous megathreads
!news@hexbear.net RSS Feed https://hexbear.net/feeds/c/news.xml
Just posted on the other thread about how Twitter is responding to the fall of Mariupol:
In response to citizens now actually being able to leave, Ukrainian propaganda Twitter (and all the libs retweeting mindlessly) are falsely claiming that anywhere between 5k-25k Mariupol citizens have actually been forced onto buses at gunpoint and will be taken to “camps” before being forced to relocate to Russia. Usually with unrelated pictures of train cars to really hammer the sick insinuation home.
In response to there being lots of video and pictures of Russia bring in and handing out humanitarian aid to people in the city now they control it, the pro-Ukraine people are actively denying it and claiming that Russia is bombing all incoming humanitarian aid. I’m seeing the endlessly repeated line of “children drinking water out of radiators to not die of thirst” in a very unnatural way.
Just total denial / inversion of reality stuff.
Wait did mariupol finally fall? I'm not seeing recent headlines but this would be great news. Azov can stop butchering people who try and leave
They hoisted the Russian flag up on the admin building, just clean up the rest at this point
Not sure they claim every street, but yeah basically. Seems like Russia / DPR now control the vast majority, lots of footage of dead Azov nazis in the tower blocks they'd apparently retreated back to and been firing from for the last 24hrs or so. Chechen forces apparently mopping up odd Azov members trying to escape or cut off on the other side of the industrial area on the other edge of the city. Russian / DPR forces have also been raising flags over government buildings apparently.
Fuck Putin but critical support for Russian forces
In case of Mariupol they kinda are liberators
Flag on the Cityhall , and the Remains are Divided in 2 Pockets it seems / Hear .. So Oldschool Taken (Flag on Cityhall)
Convoys of cars finally able to leave Mariupol. So glad people are finally able to get out.
This sounds like a stock accusation, like I definitely heard "kidnapped into camps on the mainland" thing with the HK protests.
really grinds my gears to call it deportation, like russia wants them to settle in the urals or something
For those accusations, they mostly seem to have started from nationalist writers at the Kyiv Independent and spread from there.
In general I'm just trying to aggregate what seems likely from multiple sources, all the usual Western sources, pro-Ukrainian Twitter (which is most of it at this point), and varying degrees of pro-Russian accounts mostly on Telegram like InterSlava, MangoPress, Russians With Attitude podcast and some accounts that nuked by Twitter.
I try to take it all with a pinch of salt and I find the rah-rah nationalism on both sides a bit gross, but it's the best we're gonna get in knowing what's actually going amidst the fog of war.
obviously the west is pushing propaganda hard, but why would Russia give humanitarian aid? They're another country motivated by profit, I'm confused
For the reasons Riley said below and because despite it being the home of Azov, Mariupol has lots of Russian speaking and ethnic Russian people. Lots of people have family and friends in Russia or the other parts of the East that Russia is trying to unite/give independence. Regardless of any other objectives (toppling the Zelensky gov, demilitarisation of Ukraine etc) if they don't achieve that they know people in those regions and at home will see it as a failure.
why would Russia give humanitarian aid? They’re another country motivated by profit, I’m confused
Pre-populated cities are generally more exploitable than empty wastelands. It takes time and money to bring in people to do labor.
Mariupol has a Russian majority population and is part of the DPR. It makes sense that citizens who wants to leave the city for somewhere safer choose to go east instead of West where they're likely to be lynched by banderites for being too Russian.
Exactly. Even if I didn't have any Russian connection I wouldn't want to stay in a captured city that potentially might suffer a counter attack by Nazi zealots where a good chunk of it is rubble anyway. I'd head away from the front lines and at this point that means going deeper into Russian held territory rather than trying to outrun the front to the West.
Germany decided to turn off the gas rather than paying for it in rubles. Too bad, I liked living in a continent with a somewhat functioning economy.
only in the dumbest possible timeline would brexit have a single positive outcome
and yet here we are :jokerfied:
congrats I guess fucking tories, actually no I don't have to hand it to them :ira:Not really. It's not like the imbeciles in London are gonna grow a spine and pursue an actually realistic and productive foreign policy just cause they're not in the EU. If anything, I'm looking forward to seeing how the one up the Germans with an even dumber take.
I don't see any outlets reporting they've made the move yet? just worries from buyers they might, causing a spike in prices
Their Chancellor just said that he doesn’t want plunge EU to a recession, then did that. Lol
Hi my name is Johnny Knöcksvile and this is "hit my own economy in the dick with a hammer"
my dad was saying this, going "well if Putin wants to denazify places, how about he goes after America huh?". the correct response is to say "yes, I think they should die too"
“Oh, you don’t like nazis? Do you think Russia should kill all the nazis in Germany too?”
“well if Putin wants to denazify places, how about he goes after America huh?”
:yes-chad: :yes-sicko: :yes-comm: and :sicko-yes::yes-hahaha-yes-l:
At the very least they try to hide it in literally every other country's military, not literally having nazi symbols in your damn logo.
isnt that the goldman sachs guy?
wall street ghouls defending hitler :shocked-pikachu:
"If you do this thing that you have not stated any intention of doing or shown any evidence that you intend to do we will be so very cross with you".
Projection and cope. The US always trots out chemical weapons and WMDs when it's reaching for a causus belli.
"Germans gave chocolate to children"
Damn, they also took part in one of the largest,and most industrialised, genocides on the planet but the chocolate thing kinda nice I guess.
The top reply is pretty awesome:
sometimes famous people would write a letter, put it in the desk drawer, and give it a good night's sleep before deciding to send it
Very fucking scary how hard the west is driving the narrative that Russia is preparing to use chemical weapons and NATO will intervene if they do.
"If they were to use chemical weapons, that would definitely effect my cal- you know the thing. They'd be crossing a red line."
Listen, jack! I went up to Mr. Putin and I said, "If you use bio... biolog... you know the thing. If you use those weapons, then, I said, he'll be up shit creek with no paddle!" I'm sorry, I didn't mean to swear, ah, dang, I... well, the point I'm trying to make is that Putin might wanna use 'em! So watch out. I remember, back in the 60s, my dad - god could he drive, I mean, man, he was... the uh... the 60s, as I said, back then, we had the Vietnam War on, and well, we had a mighty amount of trouble with those fellas over there, and we don't want that to happen, uh, again, because that would be a bad thing to happen. Had biological agents used in that one, I think... well, that's not important. Ukraine is important, and we all know that, and, and we need to make sure they stay safe.
Some people on twitter are saying Azov is more or less destroyed.
:crab-party: if true
I can't celebrate knowing they most likely surrounded themselves with civilians to the end.
At the very least, my major worry was that Ukraine would turn into Afghanistan and that this insurgency would cripple the country until capitalism collapses
- it seems like every elected official is trying to get it to collapse
- The opinion on the military for the average Ukrainian citizen seems to be fucking dogshit at this point seeing as they've probably killed more people trying to flee than Russians.
Ukraine says it needs 500 Stingers and 500 Javelins a day
To quote the thread:
500 Stingers a day is around 20% of all time Stinger production (1978-present) a month.
That gladio you like is going to come back in style
I assume they need this for their military that's winning so hard that it's halfway across Sibera right now and needs a resupply after their celebration Stinger and Javelin biathlon?
OSINT account incredulous at the BBC for showing a Ukrainian solider with a totenkopf patch
why can’t you find a non-Nazi to show
Tell them that 32% of Ukrainians approve of Bandera and that fascists don't aim to operate though electoral politics directly.
How many elections did Hitler win again?
Have you seen this photo of the Wagner guy though?
We should get an emote of that guy titled :whataboutism:
This loser on copium overdose implying that western media is actually secretly pro-Russia and that's why they keep interviewing Nazis, and not, just you know, they know their audience is ignorant or ambivalent about totenkopfs.
I'm a little late, but I finally looked at telegram and I liked this one
Today, the Azov Regiment of the National Guard of Ukraine has suffered the biggest losses since its inception. We can say that it no longer exists as a single unit, - a source familiar with the situation
Yo it’s awesome that we’re totally redoing Afghanistan with the mujahideen again but in Europe. Even without the openly fash groups, even if the Ukrainian fighting force was completely ideologically neutral, we’re arming a group that fundamentally in a war because we used and abused them to our own ends with no intention of ever paying it back. Years of letting Hunter Biden sandblast hookers with cocaine just to have your house demolished by Russian missile attacks and now NATO and the west are nowhere to be seen. Good thing armed angry nationalists have never blown back onto the US
Yo it’s awesome that we’re totally redoing Afghanistan with the mujahideen again but in Europe
to be fair the whole mujahideen rigamarole was really just a repeat of operation gladio and various latam coups, but in Taraki's Afghanistan
:geordi-no: Closing the megathread is like 1984. :1984:
:geordi-yes: Starting new megathreads like it's 1999 :party-blob:
:reddit-logo: Ukrainians kill over 6 gajillion russian soldiers, the Russians are demoralized conscripts using old rusty guns from the early soviet-era [and other totally unfounded claims] :yes-chad: "Yes this is true, I do not need any further verification. I can accept this at face-value."
:reddit-logo: :alex-no-supplements: "Ukrainians are tying people to trees and beating them? I do not believe you, all of these videos appear to be doctored. I will require analysis from several independent sources to confirm the authenticity of the aforementioned post. I believe you may be a Putinshill operating from within the territory of the Russian Federation and I do not trust you. HOW MANY rubles is he paying you?"
I believe you may be a Putinshill operating from within the territory of the Russian Federation
Wrong. I'm a wumao on loan to Russia.
im still getting paid in sorosbux, anyone know how to convert them to rubles?
i recommend offering to give sorosbux and sex to people, in exchange you will get rubles
WTF?! I'm still waiting to get my first paycheck from the stingy fucker after like 5 long years of this trolling and outside agitator shit. I was starting to think maybe the problem is that I was supposed to be getting paid in rubles the whole time.
:soros: 💸 ❓
I gotta start getting paid, I can't believe I've been shilling for free.
Just ask the Ukrainians! They posted the videos to Telegram themselves because they're proud of their "vigilante justice".
I got a DM in :reddit-logo: from some user who wanted to know whether another specific mod in a sub I moderate hadn't commented in a couple weeks because "ThE SaNcTioNs aRe ShuTTinG DowN RuSSiaN TRoLL FaRmS" and the timing was just Too CoiNciDenTaL. It was couched in very concern-trolly fashion with shit like, "I don't want to believe it, BUT...." LMAO.
Ukrainians are tying people to trees and beating them? I do not believe you, all of these videos appear to be doctored. I will require analysis from several independent sources to confirm the authenticity of the aforementioned post. I believe you may be a Putinshill operating from within the territory of the Russian Federation and I do not trust you. HOW MANY rubles is he paying you?
What I saw was mostly "oh, that tape couldn't hold them, this is obviously fake" since a lot of people were just tied to poles with tape. Like, of course, it's just the tape holding them there, how silly. Definitely no threats of violence if they tried to escape (you could even see some fatigues wearing man at the edge of one of the pictures).
It could well be fake, but from what we definitively know about Ukraine and their treatment of ethnic minorities and LGBTQ over their history, and (presumably) their current treatment of anyone they deem to be a Russian sympathizer...I'm not really giving benefit of the doubt here.
Packing tape is pretty strong especially when your arms are secured it's not easy to just break free and there's clearly an abundance of evidence for it
westerners watching this war are so propagandised. like the TV was on at dinner yesterday and my dad and I discussed the war as the BBC report was on. and he kept saying Russia was unable to take cities, while I literally paused the TV on the BBCs map to show them encircling all the cities and the solid 3rd of Ukraine they already have.
but all they wanna hear is ' :so-true: wholesome 100 Zelensky is saving the world from Putin. They will win! Putin bit off more than he can chew!!!' without any critical look at the fucking map getting more and more red every day in front of them. like bro, did they say this same shit about Poland in 1939 lmao
MFW mods close the mega:dean-frown:
MFW a new mega is opened and theres reports of hundreds of dead Nazis:dean-smile:
The bizarre thing is that they haven't even said what the goal really is other than 'Fuck Russia'.
It's basically the 'Resist!' Dem meme again, a feeling devoid of substance.
They're not going to let Ukraine into NATO, not going to swoop in and defend them with force. They can't come out and say it's about creating new markets for their newly found LNG or that they're trying to destabilise the region to isolate and hold onto Europe as the world increasing looks East.
So it's just you must suffer so that our enemies also suffer with no real goal or end in sight.
And the only reason those in charge think they can do something so absurd is because they got cozy with the idea of the Forever War during the war on terror and have convinced themselves that a small number of Facebook ads means they've actually been fighting Russia all along.
No wonder the media is begging for blood and World War III as - aside from their ratings and self-important death drive - they're essentially being told to manufacture consent for a war that they're also being told won't happen, for reasons that aren't being shared but with no real alternative narrative in place.
I fucking hate this line.
Just because something is worth fighting for doesn't mean everything is worth fighting for.
- An imperialist alliance like NATO is not worth fighting for.
- Ruling over people who wants their independence is not worth fighting for.
- Discrimination of ethnic minorities is not worth fighting for.
- Nazis are never ever worth fighting for.
But our dear leaders doesn't see it this way. They feel all of these things are worth fighting for, unlike averting climate change or ending poverty.
starving myself in my freezing apartment to own Putin, who is gonna get pushed to the Urals any day now. the only thing I haven't burned to stay warm is my Ukranian flag I bought to show solidarity with my like minded western minded friends in Keeev