Talking to other socialists about Bernie: yeah he's a social imperialist he wasted his 2020 run and he endorsed Biden so fuck him
Talking to shitlibs about Bernie: say that again mother fucker I will fucking rip off your head and shit down your neck if you disrespect my grandpa
His head will be respectfully laid to rest after his turn at the guillotine.
see this revenge stuff seems to be missing the point. safeguarding the revolution is one thing but revenge seems unhelpful
Yeah I joke about :wall-talk: a lot but the actual list of people I would want to see executed after a revolution is very short.
if bernie's still alive post revolution he gets to spend the rest of his days chilling at his cabin if i have anything to say about it. but i could see bernie getting his face and maybe some quotes on some future exhibits called like: "pioneering socialist politicians in the United States" going from Debs, then a very confused part about Browder and ending with Bernie. maybe a few quotes from important gen Z revolutionaries about how despite having long ago left his politics in the dust they still credit him for starting their journey to radicalization
I'm with you on this one. As weak as the left in the US is now, we are streets ahead of where we were in 2015. There's a very good chance I wouldn't be a leftist without Bernie. Probably the same for a lot of comrades here. We wouldn't have this site, that's for sure. He may not be our champion but if I get to play Commie St. Peter, weighing the results of his deeds on a scale, I think he still gets in to Commie Heaven. Not saying we have to put him on a pedestal but can appreciate the downstream effects of actions he took.
I think commie heaven is off the table when you bomb Yugoslavia and call Chavez a dead communist dictator
ITT a whole lot of people that forget the horrors the US is exacting around the world this very second.
I wouldn't even put Kissinger on a list post revolution (as others are supposed to decide about that).
But some truth commission style recording in which the victims of his actions decide his face I wouldn't mind. Esp. having him to tell the truth might be good for the transformation.
im sure this 200 year old man would be a great threat to the revolution
The dick flatteners seem to prefer trotting the old men out for their consent manufacturing. Ask Chomsky.
By the time "revolution" happens these people would be long dead
And instead we will have 80 year old Vaush being wheeled out to give his takes
well that could be neutralised by not allowing them to broadcast
I don't think Bernie would be counterrevolutionary. If a revolution were to happen in America (lmao), like 90%+ of people would probably just go with the flow as long as football is still on.
like 90%+ of people would probably just go with the flow
I suspect that is true of any revolution.
Young Bernie, maybe. Old Bernie wouldn't be quiet about watching all his "friends" standing trial.
The post-mortem foreskin restoration was a strange choice, but always a crowd pleaser for some reason.
You know this conversation was a big deal because it was never brought up before or since
lol remember early 2020 when suddenly mass media wanted to talk about reparations for slavery, and then never brought it up again
She really hates him. I mean the ruling and political classes have obvious material reason to oppose him. But the hatred a lot of libs in politics/media hate him, i think, is because people love him. And they're such ghouls they have no idea why people love him and hate them.
the idea that she could have a turn is really emblematic of her whole problem as it's a profoundly undemocratic notion
They should ask the parliamentarian what they think about "her turn", since thats the most democratic way to decide
Hillary's campaign slogan: "I'm with her."
Bernie's campaign slogan: "Not me. Us."beyond it's undemocraticness it's also the most childish reasoning she could possibly have
the sheer gall to throw a tantrum about it being your turn then claim to be the adult in the room
Didn't Warrens staffers come out as saying that they knew Bernies sexist comments were not only taken wildly out of context but also that they knew they were taking them wildly out of context and used this angle anyways?
My impression was that she didn't really even choose the tactic, some clintonite Warren staffer was the one who leaked it and Warren just got boxed into playing along
It’s such a Clinton move too. Remember when her campaign photoshopped Obama to make him blacker? Wish Hillary and everyone still with her just crawl into a hole and die
It's crazy how everyone just collectively forgot how racist her campaign was in '08.
Was that around the time she was going on and on about 'superpredators?" Or is there some new Hill lore I'm not up on?
tbf that was before basically before 99.9999% of us were on reddit, that's pre-historic internet for most of us, that's pre-cell phones for most of us, I'm guessing a lot of us were in k12, I don't know how anyone reliably knew anything back then.
Haha, true. I was thinking more in terms of institutional memory but I guess there's plenty of incentive to forget there.
She's got the same dark capitalist necromancer keeping her alive as Kissinger does, she will inflict herself on the world for years to come
Fuck Harry Reid but he did something similar to Romney in the 2012 race, which is cool. He said to effect of "I've seen Romney's taxes and I know he's paid nothing for years". It was a big deal at the time. After Romney lost Reid subtly admitted (more with a wink and a nod) that he made that up.
only democrat to do something approaching clever in 10 years
Lying works incredibly well. Dems should do it more. That they don't is further proof they have no interest in winning.
I was wondering why I haven't heard anything about harry reid in a while, turns out he died last year lol
I will never understand libs' worship of Hillary. Obama has a Ted Bundyesque superficial charm to him and Trump is a Ringling Bros showman type so I kinda get why they have fanbases but Hildawg has all the charisma of a turkey sandwich on Wonderbread.
Do you remember all the TV shows that did the "it's her turn" episodes? Broad City was the big edgy comedy, and then they were hitting the other end of the spectrum with quirky New Girl. Her campaign spent a lot of money associating itself with a certain brand of #girlboss feminism.
Yeah Broad City used to be the show me and my best friend would watch super stoned on lazy weekend afternoons and we thought the Hilldawg episode was the funniest shit until the last ten minutes where we went "Oh, this is entirely sincere"
This. Me and my partner rather liked it although thought it had been getting worse. Half way through that episode we both thought there was going to be some sort of knowing twist. When there wasn't we were just like, oh, I suppose this is just basically Girls now and pretty much gave up on it.
:trans-sad: i had a tofurky on wonderbread last night. no charisma, none at all folks
It’s the Clinton political patronage network. She punishes enemies and rewards loyal allies. It’s not real enthusiasm, it’s enthusiasm of a well paid employee for their employer
She was the face of technocracy and policy wonkery. And for a certain group of liberal women, she really was a feminist icon at one point. Lindsay Ellis has a decent video recording how Hillary was portrayed in media over time. Her current persona is one of many
Yeah she's basically the patron saint of Second Wave Feminism. Boomer women who used to be business executives and whatnot took her loss extremely personally.
Boomer women who used to be business executives
this describes my mother in law to a T and she's absolutely a Hillary stan.
it's just straight up media brainwashing, people hear something often enough and it becomes the truth, and woops- the neoliberals, who were led into power by the Clintons, basically own all non right wing media
Maybe its nostalgia for Bill, before Biden it was the last time they had a lib white boomer couple at the top, despite the scandal they are exactly what boomer libs believe the US should look and behave like.
God I wish she would just fuck off forever.
These fucking ghouls have enough ill gotten wealth to live a life of luxury without ever lifting a finger again, but their ego demands that they keep whining about how people hate them.
Watching her eat shit to Trump* would be just so satisfying.
*Trump sucks but at this point I'm more worried about DeSantis being the Competent Fascist we've all worried about, and the GOP is definitely winning in 2024 IMO.
Does she believe anything at all if she's willing to abandon any of it to please the DNC ghouls holding her leash?
Or she might actually try again. It feels like this could be her trying to get 'easy' political points with the liberal tactic of blaming leftists for the shortcomings of liberals.
I think part of it is that she's still representing the right wing of the democrats, so she benefits by continuing to portray single-payer as impossible and only as popular as it is due to deception.
The fact that Bernie was so nice to this fucking ghoul shows how genuine he is
Fuuuuck I wanted punished bernie :(
She hates the thought of someone giving people even a slight standard of living increase. Bernie is not fucking radical, he just wanted people to be able to afford to get sick
If she runs, I'm really gonna enjoy her loss
edit: it was a dumb shitpost, sorry. please refer to my longer comment.
So stay home and rub one out, or leave that section blank if you're going to show up to vote for downballot stuff. Don't Pokemon go to the polls for Donald fucking Trump. lmao
Getting worked up over a joke about voting? really? You've gotta have some investment in this BS still to instantly be bothered by a shitpost
Its a joke. I wrote in La Riva last time and honestly cant be bothered to do anything this time. giving a fuck about voting or even how others are voting is tiring. I tried, I tried and it was fucking pointless. If I could literally send in a ballot with feces on it I would. which is why suggestions of voting down ballot but leaving president empty and shit tire me so much. I argued that shit a million times to libs and socdems in 2020. voting is not a meaningful act. While I am not going to vote for trump, jesus have some faith in me! i don't see voting as a political act at this point. Its a roll call, its out of our hands, it exists solely to make oneself feel better and to tell themselves someone else is worse. The american left cant decide between if the elections dont matter or if voting is a moral act with some level of sacredness.
You wanna get real? After 2020 im done caring about how people voted, even if people vote reactionary and are reactionary it hardly furthers their politics either way, its moving without that vote. There are differences between your Blinkens and your Boltons, and shit, but whatever horrible shit people think when voting, if it is transient, then they are reactionary either way.
If someone voting for trump for whatever reason is reactionary, then voting for Biden or Hillary for harm reduction just as much makes one a fucking mass murderer. I think BOTH are true for the record. If voting is just roll call for who wants others to know they are a "good person", then all the tactical Hillary voters might as well have implicated themselves as fine with raping Gaddafi to death with a bayonet.
I am sick of pretending the differences actually make a difference. It feels hopeless, I have no energy for thinking someone is reactionary because they shitposted about maybe voting for trump against Hillary. Its investing an importance to voting that we need to move beyond. I think people still hold a certain reverence or sanctity towards the act itself even if they couch it in hating elections. Its as important as we culturally decide it is; and when the end result is say millions of Afghan children starving either way, I hardly care about what individual voted for who.
I'd probably follow the latter half of Utah Philips advice on the 2004 election
sorry to dump all this on you, but I dont want people to get the wrong idea from a fucking shitpost, but also have a.....well a LOT of shit to say about this. Part of me feels like I should burn the Bernie shirt I bought during the election. It seems silly, but its been eating away at me
Every time this heinous woman says anything, I'm more glad she ate absolute shit in 2016.
She just mixes around the same shit as before and updates the pop culture references. Her fans eat it up.
I'd argue that most Clinton fans do not actually read the books -- they just buy them as coffee table/bookshelf pieces. The few that do read them are throwing pics of random pages on their instagram stories with captions like "powerful!" or "wow..." and moving onto the next white house insider nyt best seller book lol.
God she's such a messy bitch, we have no choice but to stan 😔
📞 :meow-tankie: oh, I see
I've recieved a phone call informing me that we do, in fact, have a choice regarding whether or not stan
I think she’s accidentally hilarious similar to how Trump is. Like she thinks she’s being sly but it’s really transparent and it’s just a funny character
In terms of political instincts Hillary's totally right here. Warren snaked Bernie but she didn't fully commit and that limited how effective it was. She should have had a 10/10 epic girlboss moment but instead it was just kind of an awkward moment that people forgot about two days later.
Seeing the extent to which the entire media sphere rallied against Bernie was what really radicalized me and made it clear just how beholden it was to the bourgeoisie.
:flattened-bernie:: I think we should stabilize capitalism somewhat
:very-intelligent:, :capitalist-laugh:: Time for commie grandpa to eat shit
It's a pretty rich take from her considering how Hillarycare turned out in the 90s
You mean the one she said "where was Bernie to help me on this" in 2016 and it turned out there's a picture of him literally standing right behind her and a handwritten thank you note from her to him?
It's like in 2008 when she brought up Obama working with a "Chicago slum lord" to smear him and then a picture was found of her with that same person. Hillary then claimed that she meets so many people she can't remember everyone she associates with.
I genuinely don’t even remember what this is talking about. What did Bernie Sanders say to or about women that has Hillary so heated? Lol
this was the moment when she stated during a debate that Bernie told her 'a woman can't win against Trump'
I think this maneuver could have totally sunk Bernie if a woman had beat Trump, but alas
Was it even that? I thought he had privately said to Warren that Trump would attack her on the grounds that she's a woman.
What makes the whole saga so blatantly cynical is that even Warren's side of the story sounds like she flat out asked "would sexism be an issue for a presidential campaign" and Bernie repeated the common wisdom that it would be.
That was what it was, but Warren was apparently telling aids it was something more vitriolic and then tried to turn it into a hot mic campaign killer. Felt super bad for Bernie watching that shit go down.
Yeah it is rare that I feel empathy for a politician on a personal level, but that betrayal had to hurt.
Moderator: [paraphrasing]Bernie did you say a woman can't be president?
Bernie: "As a matter of fact, I didn't say it. [...] Anybody that knows me knows it's incomprehensible that I would think a woman can not be president." etc etc he goes into his usual spiel about beating trump with platform and ignoring the media scandals.
Moderator: [So you're saying that you never told Senator Warren that a woman could not win the election?
Bernie: That is correct.
Moderator: Senator Warren, what did you think when Bernie Sanders told you that a woman could not win the election?
Warren: I disagreed.
I'm trying to find the article that laid out exactly what he said, it was in a book later. edit:I give up. I even checked Warren's book. It's out there somewhere.
I think this maneuver could have totally sunk Bernie if a woman had beat Trump, but alas
That's the part that always angered me to no end. I take Bernie at his word that he didn't say it, but even IF he had it should be fucking obvious to **anyone ** doing an honest good faith reading that the sentiment he was expressing was:
"Fucking shit...maybe America is just that Misogynistic that they'd pick Trump over any female candidate..."
If you genuinely think that feeling or expressing that sentiment in the sour mood of post 2016 election season makes you a misogynist you obviously haven't got a couple of drinks with a bunch of raging feminists trying to find solace in hellworld.
this is what i always thought as well, and tbh I actually do think he said it, maybe, but yeah I straight up dont see how the sentiment is bad at all.
Low key...I actually do as well. I also fully support his decision to deny it outright and not get caught in a cynical trap.
Yup, maybe if she'd quoted him he'd have been like "yes I said that, is there something wrong with it?" but since she, at best, put a huge spin on it... its not even wrong to say "wtf are you talking about" lol
It's just the kinds of things he says about women, that's all you need to know. He says those kinds of things...about women
If you listen to this thing he said with the knowledge that he's a sexist, you'd hear how sexist he is. For you to realize he's sexist, you'll need to listen to thing he said with the knowledge that he's a sexist. For you to realize he's sexist, you'll need to listen to this thing with the knowledge that he's sexist. For you to realize he's sexist...