Why is there such a fucking fixation on food and restaurants by the most terminally online morons I have ever seen in my life? Why the fuck are we spending time on the stupidest fucking ideas in the world while the planet burns and the billionaires still exist
Having a worker prepare a black bean burger for you on your way home from your job is the same as enjoying a $4000 gold leaf pizza with a party of CEOs, sweaty.
You have owned me so hard I have turned into a corncob, I am humiliated
lmao this is genuinely hilarious, chuds try to keep an account going longer than a day challenge (impossible)
this is basically just "politics" in general as it's played as a game (by all our generous "representatives" and all forms of talking heads).
politics is only real in terms of the nitty gritty day to day experiences of people, the grandstanding and debating and ideologizing is just a game to manipulate people and then some of the dumber manipulated people think that learning politics is a way to be smarter and then apply that to their own bad thinking to justify their shitty opinions.
this is a broader thing i've noticed in the past 5 or 6 years since trump and everything. everybody is becoming "political" now but all it really means if all the stupid people i've known my whole life who didn't give a fuck about politics suddenly have opinions about everything which makes them feel involved and invested but really they don't even know what the fuck they're on about like 75% of the time. they've been tricked and swept up into something different than what they thought they were getting involved in. it's just a show.
"politics" as discourse is a disease. the only politics that even matter at the end of the day is class war and until that is sorted then the rest is just details we get no real control over. there will be real social (not political) discourse when the masses have a say and when they aren't being constantly manipulated and lied to. education is important and maybe one day in a socialist world we can imagine that but until then politics is a cancer and literally is a distraction from solving social issues.
it is like a finger pointing at the moon, don't look at the finger or you'll miss all the heavenly glory.
When I see shit like this or patsocs I'm not even half-joking that shit is just fed nonsense straight up. I don't think it's specifically the CIA though, more likely domestic agencies. Seriously nobody could be this stupid, this is just mystifying and delegitimizing the left.
The Feds don't need to make us act like squabbling children. We do that ourselves.
not every shit opinion is a psyop
the vast majority aren't
twitter leftists are just ridiculousI call them NazBols. We should really normalize calling them something they don't like.
Because there is a kernel of truth in an otherwise very silly argument that has resulted in a lot of people drawing very incorrect conclusions that then upset other people, who ignore the kernel of truth because of the wheelbarrow full of horse-manure that has completely obscured it. Then everyone got mad that the discussion was happening, which has transformed the conversation into a meme which continues to reinfect leftist spaces because of the cheap pleasure derived from bashing one another on top of the head for having dumb ideas, while pointedly ignoring our own dumb ideas.
Except me. All of my ideas are brilliant.
It's far more efficient and easy to cook for many people than it is for everyone to cook for themselves. The amount of human labor involved is just one aspect where this is the case.
A living space without a full kitchen requires less space and labor to build and maintain and could be an option for people who don't want to cook, located near communal eating spaces.
If one of the positive aspects of communism is that people are able to express themselves and their passions in a world where not everything is commodified, that necessarily means those with a passion for cooking and baking would need an outlet.
Disabled people exist and not everyone is capable of cooking food easily on their own.
Eating a cold sandwich that's been in the fridge for 14 hours then a cooler for 5 every day at lunch is boring as fuck so there better still be little kitchens I can try out if you want me to continue working construction for the people.
Literally eating together is one of the oldest communal acts you little shit
That's just off the top of my head
Yeah I think «restaurants» in their current form are indeed a holdover from up and coming bourgeoisie wanting to feel like aristocrats with their waiters and menus and food to order, but the idea of people eating together with a chef predates capitalism by many millennia. My partner fucking loves cooking, and they'd love to cook for loads of people all the time post-revolution. Maybe you won't always get to choose your dish, and won't get a fucking waiter for you to make fun of, but communal dining is awesome and will never go away.
unironically though we're going to have bidets after the revolution.
Wrong! The water closet is a massive waste of water and we should seek less water intensive ways of cleaning our behinds. A communal sponge soaked in vinegar would be much better for the environment than a wasteful bidet.
A lot of internet communists out there really not plassing the "be normal" test
You have to be a little off-kilter to even get to the point of rejecting the hegemonic cultural norm, but some people take it too far.
skilled workers can make more food more efficiently to service more people with less wasted food than "cook at home stupid" ever could, community canteens and dining halls for everyone
After the revolution we'll all eat out of one of two large troughs
One is mashed potatoes, the other is creamed corn
Don't forget the requisite visits to the propaganda store for Leader™ merchandise
No, your mouth is thoroughly inspected everytime you approach the trough to avoid this sort of thing
It will also be mandatory to watch films only on smartphone screens.
Which is why we're all going to enjoy the ouvre of his unionized Canadian equivalent, Danny Lunch, instead
Restaurant discourse is stupid. After the revolution we can just make them worker owned and see how that works out, not keep pontificating on whether you've worked hard enough to earn a cooked meal or you're just a lazy parasite. Dumbest takes every time.
Wrong, cringe post. The only correct, pro-worker take on restaurants is mine, which is:
enjoying things is bad
Death to America
asceticism is genuinely a necessity if we wish to survive climate change. People's dopamine receptors have been fried from overconsumption of treats, the west is going to face a hard wakeup call when they inevitably have the treats pipeline shut off. That is something I'm going to relish, just licking the tears off the faces of pale faced chuds realizing they'll never again be able to eat meat, drive cars, live in the suburbs, watch TV, use the internet, even wipe their asses with toilet paper. The massive quality of life drop in the west will be an amazing and well deserved thing to witness.
Yeah idiot Just be like me and toss random shit into a bowl or a wok and then eat it
Outdoor Chef Life you can find an ep where he breaks down how to make sushi step by step. I prefer sashimi which is the belly meat without the rice. So good that I prefer raw fish over any cooked fish.
Literally just buy fresh fish, skin it, debone it, and eat the belly meat over rice.
Sushi is so easy to make they can yank a fish out of the tank and do it right in front of you.
Please make sure it's been frozen for at least 48 hours (plenty of fish will be flash-frozen when caught, but some might not), since you will get anisakis larvae if you don't.
Ok, yes. Fair enough.
Also, don't skimp on the wasabi, because that also helps with bacteria, etc.
The Japanese word for Horseradish is "Western Wasabi".
Not trying to make a point, just think it's interesting.
Make sure the wasabi is in date though, once wasabi goes bad it is one of the most disgusting things to eat.
any salt-water fish I'm pretty sure, there's even cases of people getting it from pickled herring, and some from cod livers.
Also make poke
You can't get it anywhere. Poke Bowls are just disorganized sushi. Look up limu poke for the classic, and you can order a packet of the dried limu online
It's marinated for 12-24 hours
So many varieties
Some use salt, many use soy sauce
I strongly suggest learning to make Cali Rolls with a canned tuna/mayo mix or a vegan hummus roll first.
Way cheaper to practice on and you can safely pack these kind of rolls for lunch with just a cheap-o ice pack.
Cubans don’t have restaurants, obviously. That would be counterrevolutionary.
fyi for people sensitive to this stuff the immediate opening of this has them ripping open a roasted pig filled with rice
Thanks for the reminder. CWs are usually an afterthought around here, so I forgot, myself.
In a land where the average monthly salary is about 750 Cuban pesos (£20) and many people still subsist on food rations, this populist oasis of plenty guarantees that Cubans can enjoy as much of this sugary treat as they want at little cost.
wtf as I finished the article and scrolled down to see the picture of the girl enjoying her ice cream, I got teary-eyed
Lourdes Mulen Duarte, a statuesque middle-aged lady with skin the colour of aubergine laughed then looked around
She smiled, flashing white teeth, then returned to devouring her ice cream in silence.mayos don't be :cringe: challenge: completely fucking impossible
The USSR was famous for its affordable high quality ice cream as well. Maybe I've cream simply happens to be the communist treat.
"cooking your own damn food" is the culture that pushed women in the kitchen, the revolutionary solution is community canteens
I disagree there is definitely a non sexist version of this idea where men should also cook their own dinner. Saying that cooking is a household chore isn't necessarily saying that women should do all of it if you don't already think women should do all the chores. The revolutionary solution is for men to also cook
Everyone should definitely learn to cook if only because not being able to makes you way less independent and capable of looking after yourself
The fact is cooking is a specialized skill and neither men or women should be expected to learn it to be able to be independent in society. The more we scale up cooking the less food waste there is, individuals cooking for themselves is bad. If someone wants to cook they should be allowed to participate in communal cafeterias.
you literally do need it to be independent as otherwise you are depending on other people to cook your meals. Definitionally you need to be able to cook to be independent. Also no it really isn't difficult some cooking is difficult but you can be a perfectly adequate cook if you can both read and follow instructions.
czechoslovakia had pretty big and fancy cafeterias. didnt have waiters or anything usually, youd go and grab the food from the trough or whatever and it was really well prepared, unlike shitty all you can eats in america. grandma waxed poetic on her favorite one getting shut down and eating at all you can eats here in america a couple times. cafeteria was in a big park walking distance from work and was designed to encourage communication, community, and organization between workers. very reasonably priced food and the alcohol was dirt cheap
Apartments could be so much cheaper if we got rid of kitchen equipment from them and made eating in cafeterias the norm.
some public housing stuff did that in czechia, but mostly for poor people that couldnt afford the pans and appliances. theyd have a communal cooking area in almost every place that had all the pans and stuff and a lot of people didnt even bother getting any pans or stoves. though most people would try to get their own stuff over time. and thank god for it im gonna pry those old socialist appliances from my parents cold dead hands those things are BUILT
I live in communal housing by choice and I believe that everyone should be forced to live a communal lifestyle like I do. Its just more efficient and would eradicate so many societal problems. Kids should be raised outside traditional family units, adults should be fine sleeping in a bunk, sex and nudity should be not taboo. Humanity takes too much space of earth, this planet can support an infinite amount of people but only if we adjust our lifestyles accordingly.
Yeah, fuck people with special dietary needs or who want cuisine different from the majority.
I know, but I've seen the same idea run by other people here in the past so I just wanted to address it.
Some people really need to limit their internet usage and maybe join a rec sports club
the internet should be abolished tbh. Like the social media part at least, stuff like wikipedia should stay but we need heavy censorship to prevent the spread of bad ideas. We should also get rid of personal computers and smart phones and embrace a communal kiosk type of computer use.
This died. Why has it been brought back? This is not what Juche necromancy was meant to be used for.